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Band Protocol


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Band Protocol (BAND) History and Overview

Band Protocol (BAND) History and Overview

Band protocol (BAND) is a cross-chain data predictor platform that aggregates and combines real-world data and APIs to smart contracts. The band allows blockchains to access available data via API. BAND is the native token of the Band Protocol ecosystem. The protocol’s token runs on Ethereum (ERC-20). It is used as collateral by validators and as the primary medium of exchange on BandChain — to pay for private data. It transitioned to the Cosmos network in June 2020 with Band Protocol 2.0. It uses a trusted proof-of-stake consensus tool to confirm the decentralized oracle network. Band Protocol creates a range of new use cases for developers of Dapps. 

How To Buy Band Protocol or Add it to your Strategy

The fastest, most convenient way to purchase Band Protocol is to purchase it on ICONOMI. We check Band Protocol live prices on 10+ crypto exchanges and buy it at the best market price.

You can buy Band Protocol by adding it to your private Crypto Strategy (crypto portfolio). You can also use our recurring buy feature that tends to level out cryptocurrency price volatility effects. You can find out more about how to benefit from smaller investments at regular intervals on our blog article.

We recommend you do your own research and cryptocurrency analysis. Experienced crypto traders use fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate if Band Protocol is a good buy/sell. Fundamental and technical analyses are the two most common types of analysis used in trading traditional assets (e.g. stocks and bonds).

If you are unfamiliar with analyzing cryptocurrency prices and want to buy Band Protocol, we recommend you read the next section, as copying might be a better approach.

Add Band Protocol to your portfolio by copying a Strategy

If you are not skilled at these, consider a different approach to investing in cryptocurrencies. You can learn from and copy seasoned crypto traders on ICONOMI who regularly share their insights and manage their public Crypto Strategies. Go to the strategies page and use the “ticker” filter to find out which public Crypto Strategies have Band Protocol in their structure.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about Band Protocol BAND. See all Band Protocol GBP price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

21 May, 2024

Assets listed on @ICONOMI and classified within the Infrastructure Applications sector

[Generative AI, AI & Big Data, IoT, DePIN, Distributed Computing, Sharing Economy, Filesharing, Oracle, Storage, Identity]


























▪️ Generative AI and AI & Big Data focus on advanced artificial intelligence and data analytics capabilities.

▪️ IoT (Internet of Things) and DePIN represent interconnected devices and decentralized infrastructure networks.

▪️ Distributed Computing involves computational processes distributed across multiple locations.

▪️ Sharing Economy and Filesharing highlight the collaborative consumption models and data exchange mechanisms.

▪️ Oracles bridge real-world data with blockchain systems.

▪️ Storage and Identity pertain to data storage solutions and digital identity management.

You may disagree with me regarding the classification of some assets, such as THETA, POWR, QNT, ADX.

But you must match me with the rest of the assets because they are only one group based on set theory.

🔵The Strategist


6 people like this
11 Apr, 2024

Rebalans naše strategije ⚖️

Pravkar smo zaključili rebalans portfelja Iconomi Titanium Skyhigh. Ta strateška prilagoditev je vključevala zmanjšanje alokacij nekaterih tokenov in povečanje alokacij drugih.

Po strateškem pregledu so bili iz portfelja odstranjeni naslednji tokeni: Siacoin ($SC), Filecoin ($FIL), Alpha Finance ($ALPHA), Reef ($REEF), NEM ($XEM), Sushi Swap ($SUSHI), Band ($BAND) in Balancer ($BAL). Ta sprememba daje prednost inovativnim projektom z močnimi razvojnimi načrti in se osredotoča na nastajajoča področja na področju kriptovalut.

Pri Jasmy ($JASMY) smo ohranili trdno prepričanje o potencialu tokena Jasmy (JASMY), zato alokacija ostaja 12,04-odstotna. Strateško smo dodali token Thorchain ($RUNE) zaradi inovativnih rešitev DeFi in družbo Ocean Protocol ($OCEAN) zaradi vloge v podatkovnem gospodarstvu in posledic umetne inteligence. S tem smo povečali razpršenost in se pripravili na prihodnjo rast. $OCEAN in $RUNE ter ostalih 10 preostalih tokenov imajo zdaj vsak po 7,33-odstotno alokacijo v portfelju.

Z enakomernejšo porazdelitvijo teže portfelja želimo zmanjšati koncentracijo tveganja, s čimer želimo ublažiti vpliv uspešnosti posameznega žetona na celoten portfelj.

2 people like this
3 Dec, 2021

I'm waiting for $BAND to retest the 7-7.2$ area.

$BAND has only 288 mil $ Mcap and this coin can really explode in the altseason!!

One person likes this

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Band Protocol GBP Price FAQ

What Is the Highest Price of Band Protocol in GBP?

Band Protocol price UK history shows the highest value of 15.29 GBP . We recorded this price on April 17, 2021, but we cannot exclude that a higher price was registered before August 11, 2020.

What Is the Lowest Price of Band Protocol in GBP?
How to buy Band Protocol in the UK?
What Is the Current Band Protocol Price UK in GBP?
Is Band Protocol a good investment?