Don't invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 min to learn more.

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Bitcoin (BTC) History and Overview

Bitcoin (BTC) History and Overview

Bitcoin is the first and most popular digital currency - a cryptocurrency. It powers a peer-to-peer network for the exchange of value through the use of a decentralized protocol. The idea behind Bitcoin is to have a system where there is no middleman or central authority. The live Bitcoin to USD conversion is $ 86,047.86.

Bitcoin refers to both the software protocol as well as to the digital asset, which goes by the ticker symbol BTC. At its most basic level, Bitcoin is useful for transacting value outside the traditional financial system. You can buy and sell BTC for other cryptos alongside more traditional currencies at crypto exchanges like Binance, Kraken and Bitstamp.

Satoshi Nakamoto, a mysterious person (or group of people), launched Bitcoin in 2009. What sets it apart is that it's completely decentralized, meaning no single entity controls it. Instead, a network of computers, known as miners, maintains and validates transactions.

Bitcoin mining creates new bitcoins in the form of block rewards. The process verifies transactions on the blockchain. Miners earn Bitcoin as a reward for completing "blocks" of verified transactions and adding them to the blockchain.

It has a maximum total supply of 21 million, which means that there can only be 21 million in circulation. However, the number of issued Bitcoins will likely never reach 21 million. That is because of the use of rounding operators in the codebase.

You can break a single Bitcoin down into 100 million tiny pieces called "satoshis." You can store them in a digital wallet. The current price of 1 BTC in USD is $ 86,047.86. But you do not need to buy a whole Bitcoin; you can buy a very small fraction of it.

You can send parts of a Bitcoin to pay for things. You can also trade it for other crypto assets. But when you dig into the technicalities, it's like peeling an onion—layer after layer of complexity.

All Bitcoin transactions happen on a blockchain. Think of it as a public digital ledger that everyone can see but no one can tamper with. Miners are the ones who validate and secure these transactions. They validate transactions by solving complex math problems and receive new bitcoins as a reward for their efforts.

Key Points to Remember

  • Bitcoin was the first big player in the crypto game, and it's still the largest by market value.
  • Unlike traditional money, it exists on a decentralized network called a blockchain.
  • Its value has had a roller-coaster ride, experiencing dramatic ups and downs over the years.
  • Because of the digital asset's success, countless other cryptos have sprung up, increasing the use of blockchain technology.
  • You can buy Bitcoin on several cryptocurrency exchanges.

How To Buy Bitcoin or Add it to your Strategy

The fastest, most convenient way to purchase Bitcoin is to purchase it on ICONOMI. We check Bitcoin live prices on 10+ crypto exchanges and buy it at the best market price.

You can buy Bitcoin by adding it to your private Crypto Strategy (crypto portfolio). You can also use our recurring buy feature that tends to level out cryptocurrency price volatility effects. You can find out more about how to benefit from smaller investments at regular intervals on our blog article.

We recommend you do your own research and cryptocurrency analysis. Experienced crypto traders use fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate if Bitcoin is a good buy/sell. Fundamental and technical analyses are the two most common types of analysis used in trading traditional assets (e.g. stocks and bonds).

If you are unfamiliar with analyzing cryptocurrency prices and want to buy Bitcoin, we recommend you read the next section, as copying might be a better approach.

Add Bitcoin to your portfolio by copying a Strategy

If you are not skilled at these, consider a different approach to investing in cryptocurrencies. You can learn from and copy seasoned crypto traders on ICONOMI who regularly share their insights and manage their public Crypto Strategies. Go to the strategies page and use the “ticker” filter to find out which public Crypto Strategies have Bitcoin in their structure.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about Bitcoin BTC. See all Bitcoin USD price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

21 Mar, 2025

🚀 Daily Crypto Signals 🚀

Here are SYGNAL's latest, short-term trend-following signals for the top 5 cryptos:

Date: March 21, 2025

📉 $BTC: Max Bearish (-1.0)

📉 $ETH: Max Bearish (-1.0)

📈 $XRP: Max Bullish (1.0)

📉 $SOL: Max Bearish (-1.0)

📉 $BNB: Neutral (-0.23)

Our signals are generated daily to help you make informed trading decisions.

This material by SYGNAL is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy cryptocurrencies; past performance does not guarantee future results.

One person likes this
21 Mar, 2025

Crypto Market Pulse👀

  • Sideways price action continues🤦‍♂️
  • Fourth consecutive day of $BTC ETF inflows💰
  • Swiss central bank cuts key interest rate by 25 bps👌
  • Metaplanet appoints Eric Trump as a strategic advisor😆
  • The first-ever Solana futures ETFs are launching today🤔
  • Trump's Crypto Czar David Sacks met with the UAE to discuss Bitcoin and crypto🔥

We also got some positive $ETH news from the ETF issuers👇

  • Retail negativity is way overdone😱
  • Adjustment to include staking will be big👀
  • They expect staking change to happen in Q2
  • Staking/yield will be a significant for tradfi💪
  • They expect staking to drive $ETH ETF adoption🚀
14 people like this
20 Mar, 2025

Veliki investitorji izkoriščajo padce za nakupe  💶

$BTC se akumulira na nivoju $84 000. Vsak padec pod $80 000 investitorji pokupijo in dvigujejo ceno💪. Bitcoin se tehnično nahaja v bikovskem trgu, dokler na tedenskem svečniku ne prebije (in potrdi) 50MA pod $74 000, ki ga drži že 2 leti. Analitiki zaznavajo okrepitev institucionalnega sentimenta in potencialen ponovni vzpon👇

  • BlackRock-ov institucionalni digitalni sklad BUIDL kot prvi presegel $1 milijardo vrednih sredstev v upravljanju. Tako je postal največji tokeniziran sklad, ki sledi digitalnim kratkoročnim ameriškim državnim obveznicam. Integracija tradicionalnih naložb (RWA) na blockchain raste --> The Block
  • Bitcoin v svoje portfelje v zadnjem tednu dodajajo Japonski Metaplanet in Microstrategy (150 BTC), dolgoročni investitorji (167 000 BTC), pozitivni prilivi v BTC ETF sklade.✅


  • Vzhod nadaljuje z zmanjševanjem odvisnosti od dolarja. Rusija, Indija in Kitajska uporabljajo kriptovalute (USDT in BTC) za trgovanje z nafto --> The Block
  • MARA CEO na FOX TV razložil sposobnost prilagajanja rudarjev bitcoina na ponudbo elektrike. Poudaril je fleksibilnost začasne zaustavitev rudarjenja ob pomanjkanju elektrike in možnost prenosa “rudnikov” bitcoina neposredno ob vire električne energije z namenom izognitvi večji izgubi energije pri tranziciji --> X


  • EU napoveduje Bilijon evrov veliko finančno injekcijo za obrambo.
  • Ameriška centralna banka je po infalciji 2,8% (pričakovana 2,9%) ključne obrestne mere ohranila v rangu 4,25%-4,5%. Powell napoveduje bližanje konca restriktivne politike, a opozarja na rigidno inflacijo in temu primerno (počasno) zniževanje obrestnih mer. Predsednik Trump spodbuja ohlapno monetarno politiko. Ob nadaljnjem zniževanju o.m. se pričakuje dvig cen delniških in kripto trgov. --> The Block 🚀

5 people like this
20 Mar, 2025

Veliki investitorji izkoriščajo padce za nakupe  💶

$BTC se akumulira na nivoju $84 000. Vsak padec pod $80 000 investitorji pokupijo in dvigujejo ceno. Bitcoin se tehnično nahaja v bikovskem trgu, dokler na tedenskem svečniku ne prebije (in potrdi) 50MA nad $74 000💪. Analitiki zaznavajo okrepitev institucionalnega sentimenta in potencialen ponovni vzpon👇

  • BlackRock-ov institucionalni digitalni sklad BUIDL kot prvi presegel $1 milijardo vrednih sredstev v upravljanju. Tako je postal največji tokeniziran sklad, ki sledi digitalnim kratkoročnim ameriškim državnim obveznicam. Integracija tradicionalnih naložb na blockchain raste --> The Block
  • Bitcoin ($BTC) v svoje portfelje v zadnjem tednu dodajajo Japonski Metaplanet in Microstrategy (150 BTC), dolgoročni investitorji (167 000 BTC), pozitivni prilivi v BTC ETF sklade.


  • Vzhod nadaljuje z zmanjševanjem odvisnosti od dolarja. Rusija, Indija in Kitajska uporabljajo kriptovalute (USDT in BTC) za trgovanje z nafto --> The Block
  • MARA CEO na FOX TV razložil sposobnost prilagajanja rudarjev bitcoina na ponudbo elektrike. Poudaril je fleksibilnost začasne zaustavitev rudarjenja ob pomanjkanju elektrike in možnost prenosa “rudnikov” bitcoina neposredno ob vire električne energije z namenom izognitvi večji izgubi energije pri tranziciji --> X


Ameriška centralna banka je po infalciji 2,8% (pričakovana 2,9%) ključne obrestne mere ohranila v rangu 4,25%-4,5%. Powell napoveduje bližanje konca restriktivne politike, a opozarja na rigidno inflacijo in temu primerno (počasno) zniževanje obrestnih mer. Predsednik Trump spodbuja ohlapno monetarno politiko.  Ob nadaljnjem zniževanju o.m. se pričakuje dvig cen delniških in kripto trgov. --> The Block  

4 people like this
20 Mar, 2025

🚀 Daily Crypto Signals 🚀

Here are SYGNAL's latest, short-term trend-following signals for the top 5 cryptos:

Date: March 20, 2025

📉 $BTC : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📉 $ETH : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📈 $XRP : Max Bullish (1.0)

📉 $SOL : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📉 $BNB : Neutral (-0.23)

Our signals are generated daily to help you make informed trading decisions.

This material by SYGNAL is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy cryptocurrencies; past performance does not guarantee future results.

2 people like this

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Bitcoin USD Price FAQ

What Is the Highest Price of Bitcoin (BTC) in USD?

Bitcoin (BTC) price history shows the highest value of 106,133.10 USD . We recorded this price on January 22, 2025, but we cannot exclude that a higher price was registered before February 17, 2017.

What Is the Lowest Price of Bitcoin (BTC) in USD?
How to buy Bitcoin (BTC)?
What Is the Current Price of Bitcoin (BTC) in USD?
Is Bitcoin (BTC) a good investment?