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Terug naar Cryptovaluta

Bekijk de live Avalanche prijs inEUR. Koop het Avalanche of voeg het toe aan je Crypto Strategie.



AVAX naar EUR Prijs

€ 26,68

Avalanche Marktkapitalisatie

€ 10,52B

Bekijk alle koop/verkoop opties

AVAX EUR koersgrafiek / prestaties

AVAX EUR koersgrafiek / prestaties

jun. 25, 2024
jul. 2, 2024
In het verleden behaalde resultatenbieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. EUR (€) Valutaschommelingen kunnen ervoor zorgen dat het rendement omhoog of omlaag gaat. De getoonde rendementen zijn exclusief kosten. Bekijk de informatie over de kostenende activagegevensvoor meer details.



Rendement (24u)
Rendement (7D)
Rendement (1M)
Rendement (1J)

Mijn Investering

Mijn Investering

Genomen winst
€ 0,00
Je hebt:
€ 0,00
Niet-gerealiseerde W/V
€ 0,00

Avalanche (AVAX) Geschiedenis en overzicht

Avalanche (AVAX) Geschiedenis en overzicht

Avalanche (AVAX) is een blockchainplatform ontworpen voor slimme contracten, dApps en subnetten (aangepaste blockchains) in het kader van DeFi. Het netwerk richt zich op snelle transacties, lage kosten en energie-efficiëntie. Het native token van de Avalanche blockchain heet AVAX. Avalanche (AVAX) gebruikt een variant van het proof-of-stake consensusmechanisme en staat gebruikers toe AVAX-tokens in te zetten. De drie-blockchain architectuur en het unieke proof-of-stake consensus protocol geven Avalanche de capaciteit om hoge doorvoer en bijna finaliteit van transacties te leveren. Avalanche is een layer-1 blockchain die presteert op een schaal die geschikt is voor Web3 en DeFi. Avalanche biedt ontwikkelaars en gebruikers interoperabiliteit. U kunt AVAX kopen op de meeste grote cryptobeurzen en investeringsapps en er ook in handelen.

Hoe Koop je Avalanche of Voeg je het toe aan je Strategie

De snelste en handigste manier om Avalanche te kopen is kopen op ICONOMI. Wij raadplegen Avalanche prijzen live op meer dan tien cryptobeurzen en kopen deze tegen de beste marktprijs.

Je kunt Avalanche kopen door het toe te voegen aan je privé Crypto Strategie (crypto portfolio). Je kunt ook gebruik maken van onze herhaalde aankoop functie die de effecten van de prijsvolatiliteit van cryptovaluta afvlakt. Je kunt meer te weten komen over hoe je kunt profiteren van kleinere investeringen met regelmatige tussenpozen in ons blogartikel.

We raden je aan om je eigen onderzoek en analyse van de cryptovaluta te doen. Ervaren cryptohandelaren gebruiken fundamentele en technische analyse om te bepalen of Avalanche een goede koop/verkoop is. Fundamentele en technische analyses zijn de twee meest gebruikte analyses bij het handelen in traditionele activa (zoals aandelen en obligaties).

Als je niet bekend bent met het analyseren van cryptovaluta prijzen en Avalanche wilt kopen, raden we je aan de volgende sectie te lezen, omdat kopiëren misschien een betere aanpak is.

Voeg Avalanche toe aan je portfolio door een Strategie te kopiëren

Als je hier niet bedreven in bent, overweeg dan een andere benadering van beleggen in cryptovaluta. Op ICONOMI kun je leren en kopiëren van doorgewinterde cryptohandelaren die regelmatig hun inzichten delen en hun openbare Crypto Strategieën beheren. Ga naar de strategieën pagina en gebruik het "ticker" filter om uit te zoeken welke openbare Crypto Strategieën Avalanche in hun samenstelling hebben.


Hier kun je alle berichten en reacties lezen die Strategen hebben geplaatst over Avalanche AVAX. Bekijk alle Avalanche prijsvoorspellingen in real-time en maak optimaal gebruik van hun cryptokennis.

Blockchain Index
13 jun., 2024

Exploring the Avalanche Ecosystem: Top Crypto Projects for 2024

Avalanche, renowned for its high throughput, scalability, and low transaction fees, has become a prominent layer-1 blockchain, pushing the boundaries of decentralised finance (DeFi), decentralised exchanges (DEXs), GameFi, NFTs, and SocialFi. With its unique consensus mechanism and architecture, $AVAX facilitates thousands of transactions per second, offering unparalleled flexibility for various decentralised applications (dApps). Let's delve into the notable projects within the Avalanche ecosystem for 2024.

Avalanche’s 2023 Performance

In 2023, Avalanche made significant strides, enhancing network security and efficiency. Key highlights include:

Validator Incentives: Allocating over $275M in AVAX to validators, boosting market value.

On-chain Activity Growth: Doubling on-chain activity, driven by popular projects like Trader Joe, Stargate, and WooFi.

Market Cap and Partnerships: Market cap rose by 275%, reaching over $1 billion in DeFi TVL. Partnerships with AWS and Tencent Cloud, alongside innovations like HyperSDK, Glacier API, and The Graph integration, have underscored mainstream interest.

AVAX Price Growth: The $AVAX token surged nearly 300%, propelled by optimism around Bitcoin halving and potential ETF approvals.

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Blockchain Index
13 jun., 2024

Future Trends

Avalanche's 2024 roadmap focuses on broad adoption across industries, enhancing community engagement, and improving network efficiency. Innovations in consensus protocols, dynamic fee structures, and advanced validator mechanisms are set to bolster Avalanche's position as a leading blockchain platform. The surge in DeFi TVL, increased real-world asset tokenization, and burgeoning gaming projects reflect $AVAX's thriving ecosystem, poised for sustained growth and innovation.

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Detailed Analysis of the First Correlation Table:

Here is the annual correlation analysis I conducted for the June 2024.

I usually don't publish this, but some people are interested in learning and those copying this strategy likely want to see how their funds are managed properly.

Anyway, I will rebalance the portfolio in a few hours once I finish my complete work as I prepare monthly reports for myself to review periodically.

in risk mode: Assets that have a higher return than the general market are selected. Then the risks are reduced.


The first table presents the correlation between various assets, indicating how closely their price movements are related. High correlation (values close to 1) means the assets tend to move in the same direction, while low correlation (values close to 0) indicates more independent movements.

Key Observations:

Highly Correlated Assets

$SOL and $AVAX : High correlation of 82.58%.

$NEAR and $AVAX : High correlation of 81.20%.

$AR and $FET : High correlation of 87.21%.


Low Correlation Assets:

$SOL and $JASMY : Low correlation of 21.68%.

$ICP and $AR : Low correlation of 26.20%.

$FET and $IMX : Low correlation of 50.50%.


For diversification, it's beneficial to include assets with low correlations in your portfolio. This helps reduce overall risk.

Diversification Strategy:

Combining SOL and JASMY, ICP and AR, or FET and IMX could provide better risk management due to their low correlation.

Overall Assessment:

The selected assets to offer a good mix, but individual asset fundamentals and market trends should also be considered. 

Diversifying with low-correlation assets is key to minimizing risk.

Therefore, the correlation will also be evaluated at the sector level.

Continue reading the next post :)

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Detailed Analysis of the Second Correlation Table:


The second table shows the correlation between different sectors and market indices. The sectors are:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Includes $SOL , $AVAX , $NEAR , $ICP , $FTM , $IMX , $STX , $INJ

Infrastructure Applications sector: Includes $AR , $FET , $JASMY , $AGIX , $RNDR .


Key Observations:

Correlation with Market Indices:

TOTAL and Blockchain Infrastructure sector: 77.14% correlation.

TOTAL and Infrastructure Applications sector: 92.54% correlation.

Intra-Sector Correlation:

High correlation within the Blockchain Infrastructure sector (above 84%).

Lower correlation within the Infrastructure Applications sector (below 80%).

Sector Analysis:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Moderate correlation with market indices suggests some diversification benefit.

Infrastructure Applications sector: High correlation with market indices indicates significant market trend dependency.

Risk Diversification:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Moderate correlation with market indices makes it useful for diversification.

However, high intra-sector correlation suggests these assets tend to move together.

Infrastructure Applications sector: High correlation with market indices implies these assets are more susceptible to market trends. However, lower intra-sector correlation provides some intra-sector diversification.

The combination of assets from the Blockchain Infrastructure and Infrastructure Applications sectors can provide a balanced portfolio with a good mix of diversification and market exposure. For example, combining assets like SOL (Blockchain Infrastructure) and AR (Infrastructure Applications) may reduce overall portfolio risk.

This is a small part of what I do behind the scenes.

Good luck!

🔵 Mr Jaradat Portfolio

A systematic strategy based on my mathematical model to determine the optimal position for taking additional risks, which is mainly based on the analysis of the trend, momentum and correlation of the assets in this crypto strategy with market indices.

Exposure in [Risk-on] mode

▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 50%

▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 50%

Exposure in [Risk-off] mode

▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 25%

▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 25%

🔵The Strategist


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20 mei, 2024

Novice tega tedna

Količina Bitcoin Spot ETF dosegla 7-tedensko višino 🚀

Obseg Bitcoin spot ETF-ov je narasel, prilivi pa so po zaslugi družb Fidelity in GBTC presegli 303 milijone dolarjev.

Odločitev SEC o ETF za ethereum ⏳

Ta teden se pričakuje odločitev SEC o spot ETF Ethereum, kar bi lahko sprožilo volatilnost. Tržne cene predvidevajo zavrnitev, vendar bi lahko nepričakovana odobritev potisnila $ETH nad $4.000.

Zanimanje za altcoine narašča 🔥

Zasebne stranke kažejo ponovno zanimanje za altcoine, kar je posledica šibkejšega dolarja po objavi inflacije.

$AVAX beleži znaten padec

Avalanche (AVAX)👇

Doživel močan padec za 21,37 %, kar kaže na nestabilnost na trgu kriptovalut.

$MATIC se sooča s podobnim padcem ⚖️

Tudi kriptovaluta Polygon ($MATIC) je doživela precejšen padec, saj je izgubila 21,22 % vrednosti. Ti padci odražajo širše tržne trende, ki vplivajo na številne altcoine.

$SOL prevladuje konec tedna ✅

Nasprotno pa se je močno izkazala valuta Solana ($SOL), ki je konec tedna prevladovala z impresivnimi dobički.

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