Ikke invester med mindre du er forberedt på å tape alle pengene du investerer. Kryptovaluta er en høyrisikoinvestering som kan være svært volatil, og du kan ikke forvente å være beskyttet hvis noe går galt. Bruk 2 minutter på å lære mer.

Religy Capital


€ 6 141

Antall kopierere


Religy Capital Strategiresultat

Religy Capital Strategiresultat

Tidligere resultaterer ikke en indikasjon på fremtidige resultater. Svingninger i EUR (€) -valutaen kan føre til at avkastningen går opp eller ned. Avkastningen som vises er før gebyrer. Se avsløring om gebyrer og strategidata for mer informasjon.

Om denne Strategien

Om denne Strategien

Mest lovende tokens på et gitt tidspunkt


Annualisert Avkastning
−3,65 %
Maksimal Drawdown
−90,02 %
−11,81 %
+4,54 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur

Strukturelle endringer

Strukturelle endringer

Siste Strukturendring
10. mar. 2025, 10:20:27
Antall Strukturendringer de siste 30 dagene


Religy Capital
6 des., 2024

As predicted we had a beautiful cascade of over leveraged longs and we’re back in our old range.

Used the remainder of stables to pick up some more alts.

We might fill in the wick again at some point in time but first we’ll have to test the range high again.

Dont use leverage folks.

3 folk liker dette
Religy Capital
5 des., 2024

Today the market wrote history with BTC hitting 100K! This used to fiction but a million will eventually be a magnet.

Next plans:

  • BTC needs to find a range where it can behave so BTC.D can drop making room for alts to grow.
  • You can now see that some alts are retracing at resistance because BTC is sucking liquidity.
  • Rotation to majors again where I expect ETH to shine and everything on-chain will blast off.
  • I'm expecting a very green X-mas.

I'm leaving some room for a potential retracement to scoop up the dip.

2 folk liker dette
Religy Capital
28 nov., 2024

Taking some profits today. We had a nice run up the last few days. Still believe this is an ABC corrrection where we’ll sweep the previous low sub 90k. No one ever went broke by taking a profit.

Overall trend is still Bull!

4 folk liker dette
Religy Capital
10 nov., 2024

We made some nice gains with BTC hitting 80k. Projecting a daily top today or the 11th. With a possible bottoming structure on the 18th. I will convert 50% into cash where we’ll scoop up the bottom to ride it higher forseeing a new high late November.

Enjoy your weekend.

3 folk liker dette
Religy Capital
8 nov., 2024

Welcome to the new copiers. Market was consolidating just like anticipated and this resulted in a strong pump. I’m seeing a daily top on the 10-11th with a few days of chop the following days. End of Nov a new top for BTC in the 80’s.

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