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Ethereal Strategy


€ 1,26M

Antall kopierere


Ethereal Strategy Strategiresultat

Ethereal Strategy Strategiresultat

Tidligere resultaterer ikke en indikasjon på fremtidige resultater. Svingninger i EUR (€) -valutaen kan føre til at avkastningen går opp eller ned. Avkastningen som vises er før gebyrer. Se avsløring om gebyrer og strategidata for mer informasjon.

Om denne Strategien

Om denne Strategien

Ethereal-strategien fokuserer på blokkjedeinfrastruktur, inkludert ledende L1-blokkjeder.


Annualisert Avkastning
+62,13 %
Maksimal Drawdown
−91,69 %
+8,09 %
+4,63 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Se struktur

Strukturelle endringer

Strukturelle endringer

Siste Strukturendring
22. mai 2024, 03:52:35
Antall Strukturendringer de siste 30 dagene


Ethereal Strategy
22 mai, 2024

I have decided to rebalance into Ethereum in expectation of approval of the Ethereum ETF's by the SEC.

5 folk liker dette

That's my question too. Are you still active?

Still active? Thoughts on the market right now? Why still in eth?

Ethereal Strategy
4 nov., 2023

I have decided to add Solana into the mix alongside Bitcoin.

18 folk liker dette

@BlackRabbit there's no minimum as far as I'm aware.

Hi. What’s the minimum amount to copy you strategy?

Ethereal Strategy
13 feb., 2023

I have decided to rebalance purely into Bitcoin as I view it as the safest place to be right now to ride out the storm.

19 folk liker dette

@FruitfuMoos when the time is right, I don't feel its right yet with everything that is still going on.

Any views on when you will diversify?

Super...top strategy! GOOD JOB

Ethereal Strategy
15 sep., 2022

Happy merge day everyone. Looks like the decision to purchase ETH a few months ago has been validated. Not selling anytime soon.

5 folk liker dette

NP. Just checking for an update. Thx

@JumpDistributio still very much alive, we are running a conservative strategy and it hasn't made sense to make any changes.

Is this strategy still ongoing or has it been abandoned?

Ethereal Strategy
16 jun., 2022

I have decided to re-enter the market with a 50/50 allocation of Bitcoin and Ethereum. We are around the 200 week moving average buy in prices that I flagged previously. If the situation goes south I'll revert back to cash again.

6 folk liker dette

This is a hard entry FOMO got you but ok is there any news or something because macro is still not looking good ? Is your decision based just on the 200 WMA