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Terug naar Cryptovaluta

Bekijk de live NEAR Protocol prijs inEUR. Koop het NEAR Protocol of voeg het toe aan je Crypto Strategie.

NEAR Protocol


NEAR naar EUR Prijs

€ 5,14

NEAR Protocol Marktkapitalisatie

€ 5,62B

Bekijk alle koop/verkoop opties

NEAR EUR koersgrafiek / prestaties

NEAR EUR koersgrafiek / prestaties

jun. 25, 2024
jul. 2, 2024
In het verleden behaalde resultatenbieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. EUR (€) Valutaschommelingen kunnen ervoor zorgen dat het rendement omhoog of omlaag gaat. De getoonde rendementen zijn exclusief kosten. Bekijk de informatie over de kostenende activagegevensvoor meer details.



Rendement (24u)
Rendement (7D)
Rendement (1M)
Rendement (1J)

Mijn Investering

Mijn Investering

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€ 0,00
Je hebt:
€ 0,00
Niet-gerealiseerde W/V
€ 0,00

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Geschiedenis en overzicht

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Geschiedenis en overzicht

NEAR Protocol is een open-source Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchain die goed gepositioneerd is voor de dApp-economie. De software stimuleert een netwerk van computers om een platform te exploiteren voor ontwikkelaars om gedecentraliseerde toepassingen te creëren en te lanceren. Het NEAR-protocol omvat een toepassing genaamd Rainbow Bridge waarmee iedereen gemakkelijk Ethereum-tokens heen en weer kan overbrengen tussen Ethereum en NEAR. Aurora is een Layer 2 schalingsoplossing gebouwd op het NEAR Protocol waarmee ontwikkelaars gedecentraliseerde Ethereum-toepassingen kunnen lanceren op het netwerk van NEAR. Zij kunnen het NEAR token gebruiken om in te zetten, te betalen voor transacties en gegevensopslag en te stemmen voor bestuursvoorstellen. Het NEAR token wordt ingezet op het Ethereum netwerk.

Hoe Koop je NEAR Protocol of Voeg je het toe aan je Strategie

De snelste en handigste manier om NEAR Protocol te kopen is kopen op ICONOMI. Wij raadplegen NEAR Protocol prijzen live op meer dan tien cryptobeurzen en kopen deze tegen de beste marktprijs.

Je kunt NEAR Protocol kopen door het toe te voegen aan je privé Crypto Strategie (crypto portfolio). Je kunt ook gebruik maken van onze herhaalde aankoop functie die de effecten van de prijsvolatiliteit van cryptovaluta afvlakt. Je kunt meer te weten komen over hoe je kunt profiteren van kleinere investeringen met regelmatige tussenpozen in ons blogartikel.

We raden je aan om je eigen onderzoek en analyse van de cryptovaluta te doen. Ervaren cryptohandelaren gebruiken fundamentele en technische analyse om te bepalen of NEAR Protocol een goede koop/verkoop is. Fundamentele en technische analyses zijn de twee meest gebruikte analyses bij het handelen in traditionele activa (zoals aandelen en obligaties).

Als je niet bekend bent met het analyseren van cryptovaluta prijzen en NEAR Protocol wilt kopen, raden we je aan de volgende sectie te lezen, omdat kopiëren misschien een betere aanpak is.

Voeg NEAR Protocol toe aan je portfolio door een Strategie te kopiëren

Als je hier niet bedreven in bent, overweeg dan een andere benadering van beleggen in cryptovaluta. Op ICONOMI kun je leren en kopiëren van doorgewinterde cryptohandelaren die regelmatig hun inzichten delen en hun openbare Crypto Strategieën beheren. Ga naar de strategieën pagina en gebruik het "ticker" filter om uit te zoeken welke openbare Crypto Strategieën NEAR Protocol in hun samenstelling hebben.


Hier kun je alle berichten en reacties lezen die Strategen hebben geplaatst over NEAR Protocol NEAR. Bekijk alle NEAR Protocol prijsvoorspellingen in real-time en maak optimaal gebruik van hun cryptokennis.

30 jun., 2024

$ROSE team has announced in previous week that big partnership and new big update might be comming soon.

$ROSE is again #1 in terms of development activity 🔥

$ROSE is one of the best performing projects in crypto in past few weeks, making no new lows. Onchain data shows massive institutions have accumulated over 50M$ of $ROSE.

This project will stay big part of our portfolio as I think it will run to atleast 1$ until end of the year. Based on fundamentals and partnerships with Google & META I think 2$ range might also be an option.

At 1$ price per $ROSE token this would be roughly 7B$ market cap. At 2$ this will be just 14B$ project 😮

AI & WEB 3 need optional privacy and they've been building solution for big data & AI for past 3 years. Finaly big tech corps are starting to embrace their tech.

Dawn Song is also one of the most respected computer scientist professors in USA & has many connection with tech giants.

I do believe this project might be the best runner of 2024 in 2nd half of this year 😉

Stacking $ROSE bellow 0,10$ is a gift most are not realising 🎁

I predicted in the past $RUNE , $NEAR, $AR, while I did sell too early I think what's comming for $ROSE will be the biggest pump I've ever predicted 🚀

I might be wrong but onchain data, fundamentals, team track record all make sense. Even big tech titans are embracing it. Chart is looking incredibly bullish.

New highs are on horizon so stack while you can 😉

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2 mensen vinden dit leuk
30 jun., 2024

$ROSE team has announced in previous week that big partnership and new big update might be comming soon.

$ROSE is again #1 in terms of development activity 🔥

This week they're also attending an event in Belgium where big updates might be revealed 🤔

$ROSE is one of the best performing projects in crypto in past few weeks, making no new lows. Onchain data shows massive institutions have accumulated over 50M$ of $ROSE.

This project will stay big part of our portfolio as I think it will run to atleast 1$ until end of the year. Based on fundamentals and partnerships with Google & META I think 2$ range might also be an option.

At 1$ price per $ROSE token this would be roughly 7B$ market cap. At 2$ this will be just 14B$ project 😮

AI & WEB 3 need optional privacy and they've been building solution for big data & AI for past 3 years. Finaly big tech corps are starting to embrace their tech.

Dawn Song is also one of the most respected computer scientist professors in USA & has many connection with tech giants.

I do believe this project might be the best runner of 2024 in 2nd half of this year 😉

Stacking $ROSE bellow 0,10$ is a gift most are not realising 🎁

I predicted in the past $RUNE , $NEAR, $AR, while I did sell too early I think what's comming for $ROSE will be the biggest pump I've ever predicted 🚀

I might be wrong but onchain data, fundamentals, team track record all make sense. Even big tech titans are embracing it. Chart is looking incredibly bullish.

New highs are on horizon so stack while you can 😉

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2 mensen vinden dit leuk
Blockchain Index
21 jun., 2024

Understanding the Latest Market Dynamics 

The recent movements in the cryptocurrency market have spotlighted several key players, including $NEAR Protocol, $ETH, and $SOL. These developments highlight the intricate dynamics that drive the value and perception of digital assets. Let's delve into the specifics to understand what's shaping their trajectories.

NEAR Protocol: Riding the AI Wave

NEAR Protocol $NEAR has seen a notable price surge, trading at $5.40 and eyeing a potential rise to $7. This rally is significantly influenced by the booming AI industry. Nvidia's recent achievement, becoming the world's most valuable company with a market cap of $3.33 trillion, has propelled AI-related tokens like NEAR. Additionally, Panthera Capital's announcement of a $1 billion investment in AI-related blockchains, with 15% to 20% allocated to NEAR, further boosts its prospects. The increasing development activity on NEAR, as indicated by rising contributions to its GitHub repositories, and the volume uptick to $308.09 million, underscore a bullish sentiment. However, investors should watch for potential sell-offs and development activity declines that could trigger a price drop to $5.06.

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Another edition of CHAINLETTER hits the planet's inboxes. Entitled "Bitcoin Is Poised To Break Out Again" we tackle the most critical technical, on-chain, macro and crypto specific issues of the fortnight.


Enjoy it and sign up on our website to receive it directly.

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Detailed Analysis of the First Correlation Table:

Here is the annual correlation analysis I conducted for the June 2024.

I usually don't publish this, but some people are interested in learning and those copying this strategy likely want to see how their funds are managed properly.

Anyway, I will rebalance the portfolio in a few hours once I finish my complete work as I prepare monthly reports for myself to review periodically.

in risk mode: Assets that have a higher return than the general market are selected. Then the risks are reduced.


The first table presents the correlation between various assets, indicating how closely their price movements are related. High correlation (values close to 1) means the assets tend to move in the same direction, while low correlation (values close to 0) indicates more independent movements.

Key Observations:

Highly Correlated Assets

$SOL and $AVAX : High correlation of 82.58%.

$NEAR and $AVAX : High correlation of 81.20%.

$AR and $FET : High correlation of 87.21%.


Low Correlation Assets:

$SOL and $JASMY : Low correlation of 21.68%.

$ICP and $AR : Low correlation of 26.20%.

$FET and $IMX : Low correlation of 50.50%.


For diversification, it's beneficial to include assets with low correlations in your portfolio. This helps reduce overall risk.

Diversification Strategy:

Combining SOL and JASMY, ICP and AR, or FET and IMX could provide better risk management due to their low correlation.

Overall Assessment:

The selected assets to offer a good mix, but individual asset fundamentals and market trends should also be considered. 

Diversifying with low-correlation assets is key to minimizing risk.

Therefore, the correlation will also be evaluated at the sector level.

Continue reading the next post :)

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Andere Top Cryptovaluta

NEAR ProtocolVeelgestelde Vragen over Prijzen

Wat is de Hoogste Prijs vanNEAR Protocol (NEAR ) inEUR ?

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) prijshistorie toont de hoogste waarde van 17,67 EUR. We hebben deze prijs geregistreerd op 15 januari 2022, maar we kunnen niet uitsluiten dat een hogere prijs werd geregistreerd vóór 14 oktober 2020.

Wat is de Laagste Prijs van NEAR Protocol (NEAR ) in EUR?
Hoe koop ik NEAR Protocol (NEAR)?
Wat is de Huidige Prijs vanNEAR Protocol (NEAR ) inEUR ?
Is NEAR Protocol (NEAR) een goede investering?