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Mountains and Valleys


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Mountains and Valleys Strategie Prestaties

Mountains and Valleys Strategie Prestaties

jun. 25, 2024
jul. 2, 2024
Mountains and Valleys
In het verleden behaalde resultatenbieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. EUR (€) Valutaschommelingen kunnen ervoor zorgen dat het rendement omhoog of omlaag gaat. De getoonde rendementen zijn exclusief kosten. Bekijk de informatie over de kostenende Strategiegegevensvoor meer details.

Over deze Strategie

Over deze Strategie

Mountains and Valleys pakt de cyclische aard van de cryptocurrency-markten aan door investeringen opnieuw in balans te brengen tussen fiat, btc en alts.


Rendement op jaarbasis
Max. Drawdown
-77,44 %
-1,09 %
+2,41 %



Zie structuur



Laatste structuurwijziging
2 jul. 2024 20:13:27
Aantal structuurwijzigingen in de afgelopen 30 dagen


There‘s lots of talk right now about capitulation, the top being in, this cycle being different from the others etc.

We continue to believe that we are roughly mid cycle. Every indicator we watch points to this. Can we be wrong? Of course! We still believe that bullish continuation is our best bet here and that ETH, together with select alts will outperform in the second half of the bull market. MAV is positioned accordingly.

If this makes you nervous, or even angry, this could be a sign that you are overexposed to the crypto market or have overblown expectations of how fast crypto should contribute to your financial wellbeing. In that case, there’s no harm in adjusting your positioning, by taking some money off the table, consolidating your portfolio into slow moving majors etc. Sometimes a little de risking brings back peace of mind.

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Altcoins have been obliterated while BTC hovers near all time high and ETH sits close to its March high. Market sentiment is dark, dark enough to make us think that things should turn around soon. We remain convinced that the bull market isn't over yet.

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We are moving some weight from SOL to ETH as it seems unlikely that the Ethereum ETF approval has already been fully priced in. We continue to keep an emphasis on the big caps. While it has looked like alt season is just around the corner for months now, the alts arena remains hostile territory. Focus on the ETFs has left little room for sustainable narratives beyond BTC and now ETH. Let's hope that this changes once ETH starts to run.

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@Petr the reduction of SOL was on May 26th, since then SOL/ETH went down from 0.044 to 0.038, so that particular move was correct (for now). Alts are performing worse this time around than in the past, so in hindsight, just holding BTC (and maybe a little ETH) would have been the correct way. These things are hard to predict, and sometimes we'll simply be wrong trying to outperform Bitcoin by holding alts.

Rebalancing has the purpose of stabilizing the overall performance of the portfolio, as some coins will always pump more or dump more than others, only to eventually return to the mean again. So sometimes a rebalance will "buy the dip", sometimes it will "take profit". Taking profit is a happier event, admittedly. We hope that we can return to that soon.

According to latest rebalancing, I though rebalancing is good when most of coins are in profit and and you put profits into weak coins. But now everything is going down so I am not sure why are you rebalancing. Technically we are above the btc ath and my portfolio is down -50%. So I am afraid you will be rebalancing until we got zero?

Rumors started circulating yesterday that the first Ethereum ETF applications in the US could get approved this week. This is an unexpected twist of fate, as analysts and prediction market participants previously only indicated a roughly 10% chance for an approval before August. ETH immediately rallied by almost 20% and all the long-term bagholders (like us) suddenly looked a little less stupid.

More and more signs are now popping up that the approvals will indeed happen. This would very likely be positive for the altcoin market in general, ETH catching a consistent bid and smaller alts following soon. Likely, we'll also start hearing rumors about potential new ETFs for several major altcoins soon. Those would however take a long time to actually manifest.

Looks like the bulls are back 🐂 - let's hope that there won't be any last minute surprises.

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A common alts selection theme in this bull market is the proliferation of tokens with very low circulating supply and very high fully diluted valuation.

The situation is a reflection of the fact that recent projects went through many rounds of private funding before they hit the public market. Via aggressive token unlock schedules, those projects are turning retail investors into exit liquidity for those who were lucky enough to get into their previous rounds. Sadly, the chance to be early in crypto has been bottled up and made available exclusively to "big money" circles by now.

A positive sign seems to be that the market started punishing some projects with particularly greedy token minting strategies. Unfortunately, almost all projects that currently get market attention (aside from meme coins) are in this low float/high valuation category, they're just on a spectrum from worse to worst.

We deal with this situation by trying to stay away from the greediest projects, by picking projects that seem to have a chance to grow into their high valuation and by trying to spot last cycle projects that have a true chance at a renaissance (like $AR).

And yes, the above situation is one of the fundamental reasons why meme coins are doing so well this cycle. The "big money" investors brought this onto themselves by only leaving scraps to the little guys.

5 mensen vinden dit leuk