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Terug naar Cryptovaluta

Bekijk de live Fantom prijs in het VK. Koop Fantom in het VK of voeg het toe aan je Crypto Strategie.



FTM naar GBP Prijs

£ 0,3322

Fantom Marktkapitalisatie

£ 931,38M

Bekijk alle koop/verkoop opties

FTM GBP koersgrafiek / prestaties

FTM GBP koersgrafiek / prestaties

In het verleden behaalde resultatenbieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. GBP (£) Valutaschommelingen kunnen ervoor zorgen dat het rendement omhoog of omlaag gaat. De getoonde rendementen zijn exclusief kosten. Bekijk de informatie over de kostenende activagegevensvoor meer details.



Rendement (24u)
Rendement (7D)
Rendement (1M)
Rendement (1J)

Mijn Investering

Mijn Investering

Genomen winst
£ 0,00
Je hebt:
Niet-gerealiseerde W/V
£ 0,00

Fantom (FTM) Geschiedenis en overzicht

Fantom (FTM) Geschiedenis en overzicht

Het Fantom cryptoplatform is een robuuste omgeving voor het ontwikkelen van dApp-toepassingen. De snelle en flexibele constructie is gebouwd op het Lachesis-consensusmechanisme, waardoor bestaande dApps gemakkelijk in het ecosysteem kunnen worden geïntegreerd. Het biedt ook een verscheidenheid aan tools die het gemakkelijk maken om dApp-functies te beheren en te implementeren.

De Fantom-munt, FTM, is een centraal onderdeel van het platform. Het voedt de verschillende operaties van het netwerk, zoals betalingen, bestuur en staking. Er zijn meer dan 3,175 miljard FTM-munten in omloop, en de meerderheid daarvan wordt verdeeld als beloningen. Het kan worden gebruikt als een mainnet munt of een ERC-20 token. Om deel te nemen aan het inzetproces op het Fantom-netwerk moet men een minimale inzet van 1 FTM hebben. Om een node op het netwerk te exploiteren, moet men ten minste 3.125.000 FTM hebben. De prijs van Fantom kan worden beïnvloed door verschillende factoren in de DeFi-industrie.

Hoe Koop je Fantom of Voeg je het toe aan je Strategie

De snelste en handigste manier om Fantom te kopen is kopen op ICONOMI. Wij raadplegen Fantom prijzen live op meer dan tien cryptobeurzen en kopen deze tegen de beste marktprijs.

Je kunt Fantom kopen door het toe te voegen aan je privé Crypto Strategie (crypto portfolio). Je kunt ook gebruik maken van onze herhaalde aankoop functie die de effecten van de prijsvolatiliteit van cryptovaluta afvlakt. Je kunt meer te weten komen over hoe je kunt profiteren van kleinere investeringen met regelmatige tussenpozen in ons blogartikel.

We raden je aan om je eigen onderzoek en analyse van de cryptovaluta te doen. Ervaren cryptohandelaren gebruiken fundamentele en technische analyse om te bepalen of Fantom een goede koop/verkoop is. Fundamentele en technische analyses zijn de twee meest gebruikte analyses bij het handelen in traditionele activa (zoals aandelen en obligaties).

Als je niet bekend bent met het analyseren van cryptovaluta prijzen en Fantom wilt kopen, raden we je aan de volgende sectie te lezen, omdat kopiëren misschien een betere aanpak is.

Voeg Fantom toe aan je portfolio door een Strategie te kopiëren

Als je hier niet bedreven in bent, overweeg dan een andere benadering van beleggen in cryptovaluta. Op ICONOMI kun je leren en kopiëren van doorgewinterde cryptohandelaren die regelmatig hun inzichten delen en hun openbare Crypto Strategieën beheren. Ga naar de strategieën pagina en gebruik het "ticker" filter om uit te zoeken welke openbare Crypto Strategieën Fantom in hun samenstelling hebben.


Hier kun je alle berichten en reacties lezen die Strategen hebben geplaatst over Fantom (FTM). Bekijk alle Fantom koersvoorspellingen in real-time en maak optimaal gebruik van hun cryptokennis.

Triaconta DeFi
5 jun., 2024

It is called the new wave of DeFi value. Well thought-out projects like Fantom ($FTM) and Sui ($SUI) that have learned the lessons from the past and are best equipped to handle the DeFi challenges of the future. We welcome both of them into the Triaconta DeFi Strategy. Fantom is an EVM-compatible smart contract blockchain that attracted investor attention with the recent Sonic Upgrade shortly making it the best-performing non-meme cryptocurrency. The excitement (and price) has subsided a bit, but we have a feeling that this upgrade will lead to much more growth and prosperity of this blockchain. And what a great opportuniy to add Sui ($SUI) now. Sui is Meta's Diem team L1 project - top 10 DeFi after 1 year - ever growing $1B TVL - just added mobile wallets - home to 22+ DeFi protocols. This coin made a top in March and then dropped 50% and stabilized which is a good time to add it to the Strategy. We have to say goodbye to Lido DAO (+115% since addition) and Aave (-20% sa).

3 mensen vinden dit leuk


Detailed Analysis of the Second Correlation Table:


The second table shows the correlation between different sectors and market indices. The sectors are:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Includes $SOL , $AVAX , $NEAR , $ICP , $FTM , $IMX , $STX , $INJ

Infrastructure Applications sector: Includes $AR , $FET , $JASMY , $AGIX , $RNDR .


Key Observations:

Correlation with Market Indices:

TOTAL and Blockchain Infrastructure sector: 77.14% correlation.

TOTAL and Infrastructure Applications sector: 92.54% correlation.

Intra-Sector Correlation:

High correlation within the Blockchain Infrastructure sector (above 84%).

Lower correlation within the Infrastructure Applications sector (below 80%).

Sector Analysis:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Moderate correlation with market indices suggests some diversification benefit.

Infrastructure Applications sector: High correlation with market indices indicates significant market trend dependency.

Risk Diversification:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Moderate correlation with market indices makes it useful for diversification.

However, high intra-sector correlation suggests these assets tend to move together.

Infrastructure Applications sector: High correlation with market indices implies these assets are more susceptible to market trends. However, lower intra-sector correlation provides some intra-sector diversification.

The combination of assets from the Blockchain Infrastructure and Infrastructure Applications sectors can provide a balanced portfolio with a good mix of diversification and market exposure. For example, combining assets like SOL (Blockchain Infrastructure) and AR (Infrastructure Applications) may reduce overall portfolio risk.

This is a small part of what I do behind the scenes.

Good luck!

🔵 Mr Jaradat Portfolio

A systematic strategy based on my mathematical model to determine the optimal position for taking additional risks, which is mainly based on the analysis of the trend, momentum and correlation of the assets in this crypto strategy with market indices.

Exposure in [Risk-on] mode

▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 50%

▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 50%

Exposure in [Risk-off] mode

▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 25%

▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 25%

🔵The Strategist


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4 mensen vinden dit leuk
Bitaitus 30
13 mei, 2024

Current structure:

$BTC 13.13%

$SOL 11.02%

$FET 9.13%

$RUNE 8.1%

$INJ 6.26%

$DOGE 5.87%

$USDT 4.79%

$TVK 4.17%

$ICP 3.85%

$ATOM 3.76%

$ETH 3.4%

$FTM 2.96%

$RNDR 2.73%

$SHIB 2.67%

$NEAR 1.99%

$JASMY 1.7%

$GRT 1.59%

$AGIX 1.55%

$AR 1.53%

$OCEAN 1.5%

$OSMO 1.38%

$WIF 1.1%

$BONK 1.1%

$FIL 1.04%

$LINK 1.02%

$FRONT 0.93%

$MATIC 0.88%

$RLC 0.85%

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Geplaatst met behulp van GIPHY
3 mensen vinden dit leuk
Divine Investing
9 mei, 2024

We are rebalancing everything back to original weights with one major change - we are swapping our $FET holding for $RNDR. The decision for this is that FET is merging their token with $OCEAN and $AGIX to form Superintelligence Alliance and a new token called Artificial Superintelligence ($ASI).

We could not find any info on when exactly this will happen, however that means that the FDV of the new token will be over two times bigger than FET's current FDV. Because of this uncertainty we have decided to rotate into Render, which also covers the AI narrative in the market and has had one of the stronger bounces recently.

Below we are attaching $FTM's chart from 2021. We want to use it as an example of what could happen in the coming months. You can clearly see large drawdowns which are very painful to hold through and our belief is that this is happening again to some extent.

The large majority of coins have already seen huge drawdowns, but due to the fact we have entered the positions early in the bull market we remain in the green. A great example of this is $INJ which is about -55% down from the all time high, but our expectation is that it is just one of these large drawdowns as we can see on Fantom's graph. These are quite difficult to trade or to time. Many people trading with leverage get liquidated on such moves, that is why just holding spot positions is much better for the large majority of investors.

We will see what happens, but we remain optimistic and think that the largest and volatile moves still lie ahead of us. As always - not financial advice and do not risk what you are not willing to lose fully.

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8 mensen vinden dit leuk

Correction, they are scheduled to merge on May 24.

14 apr., 2024


These are the buy and hold returns from April 1 to the present. 

I provide this information to help you see the extent of the decline resulting from the black swan event last night and the night before and compare its impact from the opening of the month. 

You can evaluate this discounts in relation to your investment as this is an appropriate opportunity to buy discounts as in Mid of last March.

It is always better to invest in a passive index with objective rules and no survival bias.

You can review the components that my indexes possess periodically and compare your performance with my indexes that objectively organize the cryptocurrency market according to the method of your investment, or use them to form your own strategies or customize your investment and increase your understanding of developments in the crypto market.

I'm a momentum investor, I buy winners and sell losers here.

The winner remains a winner and the loser remains a loser.

But you can benefit from this information according to your strategy if you are buying dips.

Blockchain Infrastructure sector ex-$ETH





















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