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Bekijk de live MultiversX prijs inEUR. Koop het MultiversX of voeg het toe aan je Crypto Strategie.



EGLD naar EUR Prijs

โ‚ฌย 29,82

MultiversX Marktkapitalisatie

โ‚ฌย 809,44M

Bekijk alle koop/verkoop opties

EGLD EUR koersgrafiek / prestaties

EGLD EUR koersgrafiek / prestaties

In het verleden behaalde resultatenbieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. EUR (โ‚ฌ) Valutaschommelingen kunnen ervoor zorgen dat het rendement omhoog of omlaag gaat. De getoonde rendementen zijn exclusief kosten. Bekijk de informatie over de kostenende activagegevensvoor meer details.



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Rendement (7D)
Rendement (1M)
Rendement (1J)

Mijn Investering

Mijn Investering

Genomen winst
โ‚ฌย 0,00
Je hebt:
โ‚ฌย 0,00
Niet-gerealiseerde W/V
โ‚ฌย 0,00

MultiversX (EGLD) Geschiedenis en overzicht

MultiversX (EGLD) Geschiedenis en overzicht

Het Elrond-platform is een blockchain waarmee gebruikers transacties met hoge volumes kunnen uitvoeren. De Elrond cryptocurrency eGold, wordt ook gebruikt om gedecentraliseerde toepassingen te ondersteunen. De muntnaam Elrond is afgeleid van een personage uit de Lord of the Rings. Het platform werd opgericht in 2018. Het maakt gebruik van een veilig proof-of-stake (SPoS) besturingssysteem om transacties te verwerken. Het vertrouwt op de bijdragen van meerdere personen om ervoor te zorgen dat transacties goed worden uitgevoerd. Elrond is ontworpen om transacties snel en gemakkelijk te verwerken. Dankzij zijn slimme contracten kan de blockchain duizenden transacties in slechts enkele seconden verwerken. De vergoeding voor elke transactie is $0,001.

Hoe Koop je MultiversX of Voeg je het toe aan je Strategie

De snelste en handigste manier om MultiversX te kopen is kopen op ICONOMI. Wij raadplegen MultiversX prijzen live op meer dan tien cryptobeurzen en kopen deze tegen de beste marktprijs.

Je kunt MultiversX kopen door het toe te voegen aan je privรฉ Crypto Strategie (crypto portfolio). Je kunt ook gebruik maken van onze herhaalde aankoop functie die de effecten van de prijsvolatiliteit van cryptovaluta afvlakt. Je kunt meer te weten komen over hoe je kunt profiteren van kleinere investeringen met regelmatige tussenpozen in ons blogartikel.

We raden je aan om je eigen onderzoek en analyse van de cryptovaluta te doen. Ervaren cryptohandelaren gebruiken fundamentele en technische analyse om te bepalen of MultiversX een goede koop/verkoop is. Fundamentele en technische analyses zijn de twee meest gebruikte analyses bij het handelen in traditionele activa (zoals aandelen en obligaties).

Als je niet bekend bent met het analyseren van cryptovaluta prijzen en MultiversX wilt kopen, raden we je aan de volgende sectie te lezen, omdat kopiรซren misschien een betere aanpak is.

Voeg MultiversX toe aan je portfolio door een Strategie te kopiรซren

Als je hier niet bedreven in bent, overweeg dan een andere benadering van beleggen in cryptovaluta. Op ICONOMI kun je leren en kopiรซren van doorgewinterde cryptohandelaren die regelmatig hun inzichten delen en hun openbare Crypto Strategieรซn beheren. Ga naar de strategieรซn pagina en gebruik het "ticker" filter om uit te zoeken welke openbare Crypto Strategieรซn MultiversX in hun samenstelling hebben.


Hier kun je alle berichten en reacties lezen die Strategen hebben geplaatst over MultiversX (EGLD). Bekijk alle MultiversX koersvoorspellingen in real-time en maak optimaal gebruik van hun cryptokennis.

20 jun., 2024


The past 30 days have been very rough in crypto as most altcoins made new lows or made heavy corrections.Meme coins experianced heavy corrections so in my opinion following weeks will be fueled by fundamentaly strong projects.

This is not the time to quit. This is the time to dig deep, analyse and prepare for the real altcoin bull run. Mega sales like these are what we dream. When sales come everybody is afraid to buy.



In truth altcoin season never picked up in last 2 years. It was mainly $BTC , $ETH and just few AI and Meme projects.

Who knows me knows I used to say sooner than later this industry wont offer free money and tide wont lift all boats anymore. Fundamentals will start to matter. And that's the truth for 2023 & 2024 so far.

If you've been following our strategies you've noticed we haven't made new lows. Our thesis switch shows we're on right track and $ROSE has been one of best performers in past 30 days.

If you observe Meme coin dominance it's fading away. And soon capital shift will start to occur. In my opinion strong fundamentals will matter the most and narrative fit.

I'll continue to monitor the markets and prepare us for the real altcoin bull run โœ…

Stack strong and stay strong ๐Ÿ’ช


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2 mensen vinden dit leuk
20 jun., 2024


The past 30 days have been very rough in crypto as most altcoins made new lows or made heavy corrections.

Meme coins experianced heavy corrections so in my opinion following weeks will be fueled by fundamentaly strong projects.

This is not the time to quit. This is the time to dig deep, analyse and prepare for the real altcoin bull run. Mega sales like these are what we dream. When sales come everybody is afraid to buy.



In truth altcoin season never picked up in last 2 years. It was mainly $BTC , $ETH and just few AI and Meme projects.

Who knows me knows I used to say sooner than later this industry wont offer free money and tide wont lift all boats anymore. Fundamentals will start to matter. And that's the truth for 2023 & 2024 so far.

If you've been following our strategies you've noticed we haven't made new lows. Our thesis switch shows we're on right track and $ROSE has been one of best performers in past 30 days.

If you observe Meme coin dominance it's fading away. And soon capital shift will start to occur. In my opinion strong fundamentals will matter the most and narrative fit.

I'll continue to monitor the markets and prepare us for the real altcoin bull run โœ…

Stack strong and stay strong ๐Ÿ’ช


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3 mensen vinden dit leuk
30 mei, 2024


In my opinion this is a perfect combo for ETH/BTC to break out to the upside. ETF for Ethereum will go live in few weeks & this will be a catalyst for altcoins.

The biggest gains will be made in altcoins that solve blockchain trilema, fit world wide tech narrative shifts & onchain indicators are strong.

In my opinion $ROSE has potencial to be one of the fastest horses of this summer and it will stay our highest holding for the foreseeable future.

I'm expecting strong upward movement from our other alts aswell:

Most people I know of have all either sold Altcoins or have forgot about crypto. I think most people will be surprised. I think this will be a crypto summer ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh and $ROSE is about to do massive MACD bullish cross on 3D ๐Ÿ‘€

Last time this happened it went from 0,04$ - 0,18$ ๐Ÿ‘€

Post image
3 mensen vinden dit leuk
30 mei, 2024


In my opinion this is a perfect combo for ETH/BTC to break out to the upside. ETF for Ethereum will go live in few weeks & this will be a catalyst for altcoins.

The biggest gains will be made in altcoins that solve blockchain trilema, fit world wide tech narrative shifts & onchain indicators are strong.

In my opinion $ROSE has potencial to be one of the fastest horses of this summer and it will stay our highest holding for the foreseeable future.

I'm expecting strong upward movement from our other alts aswell:

Most people I know of have all either sold Altcoins or have forgot about crypto. I think most people will be surprised. I think this will be a crypto summer ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh and $ROSE is about to do massive MACD bullish cross on 3D ๐Ÿ‘€

Last time this happened it went from 0,04$ - 0,18$ ๐Ÿ‘€

Post image
3 mensen vinden dit leuk
23 mei, 2024


With current shifts in AI new trends have started shifting crypto. Most altcoins are still -80% or lower since ATH in 2021. There are very few exceptions that made new ATH, like $BTC & some meme coins.

Like 99% of coins are still heavily diluted in terms of $BTC. Almoust no project made new highs in terms of Bitcoin in past 2 years. Since BTC is cooling down & $ETH ETF is aproaching approval this will sparkle wild altcoin season in my opinion. Wall Street is now inside crypto so in my view what will see biggest expansions will be:

  • revenue driven protocols
  • projects that fit global narrative shift and developments

In the past I've sticked with big runners like $NEAR, $RUNE $AR, etc... but I've sold them to soon. In my view this shows we can spot fundamentaly strong projects, I just need to work on exit plan.

New structure additions:

  • $ROSE --> Optional privacy for WEB 3.0 & AI, AI needs optional privacy and this project offers a solution, already partnered with META, Founder is professor in California University
  • $OSMO --> Interchain DEX of Cosmos $ATOM , new revenue streams, has potencial to become deflationary & massive upgrade for UX comming within 2 weeks
  • $GMX -->Decentralised DEX, One of the biggest revenue generating protocols in entire crypto
  • $EGLD --> Fits blockchain trilema solution thesis with it's unique sharding solution

If Ethereum ETF get's approved and ETH/BTC ratio starts apreciating this will be like a sparkle on gasoline for Altcoins and fundamentaly strong projects will shine.

$ROSE is now our biggest holding as it fits narrative and they've been building solution for optional privacy for AI & WEB 3 for few years now, it's not like they just want to stick with current AI trend.

Current valuation is around 550M$, in roaring bull I think 4B$ Market cap is conservative. This would mean 0,6$ per $ROSE token. I think higher valuations can be reached...

Now let's see what future holds for us ๐Ÿ™‚

3 mensen vinden dit leuk

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Wat is de Hoogste Prijs vanMultiversX (EGLD ) inEUR ?

MultiversX (EGLD) prijshistorie toont de hoogste waarde van 437,29 EUR. We hebben deze prijs geregistreerd op 23 november 2021, maar we kunnen niet uitsluiten dat een hogere prijs werd geregistreerd vรณรณr 4 september 2020.

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