Ikke invester med mindre du er forberedt på å tape alle pengene du investerer. Kryptovaluta er en høyrisikoinvestering som kan være svært volatil, og du kan ikke forvente å være beskyttet hvis noe går galt. Bruk 2 minutter på å lære mer.



€ 69 834

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DutchEd Strategiresultat

DutchEd Strategiresultat

Tidligere resultaterer ikke en indikasjon på fremtidige resultater. Svingninger i EUR (€) -valutaen kan føre til at avkastningen går opp eller ned. Avkastningen som vises er før gebyrer. Se avsløring om gebyrer og strategidata for mer informasjon.

Om denne Strategien

Om denne Strategien

Denne strategien overvåkes daglig, og ved å følge med på det aktuelle markedet, søke etter sjanser og spre dem, er veien å gå.


Annualisert Avkastning
+5,38 %
Maksimal Drawdown
−62,10 %
+5,50 %
+3,44 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur

Strukturelle endringer

Strukturelle endringer

Siste Strukturendring
19. feb. 2025, 02:32:04
Antall Strukturendringer de siste 30 dagene


7 des., 2024

DutchEd: Current Portfolio Performance

The portfolio remains stable and well-diversified. Recent performance highlights include:

- Fantom (FTM) has shown the strongest growth, standing out as a top performer.
- VeChain (VET) has also delivered impressive results, contributing positively to the portfolio.
- Chainlink (LINK) has maintained solid performance, reinforcing its position in the strategy.

No rebalancing is planned at this time, as the portfolio is well-positioned for future growth.

En person liker dette
3 des., 2024

📈 DutchEd: Strong Gains Over the Past 24 Hours

The portfolio achieved an impressive 7% gain in the last 24 hours, with several standout performers leading the way. Notable movers include $LINK(+32%), $VET (+28%), and $FTM (+16%).

At this time, no adjustments are needed as the current allocation continues to deliver strong results.

3 folk liker dette
2 des., 2024

**📊 DutchEd: A Stable Day in the Market**

The past day has been relatively calm, with no significant changes across the portfolio. Stability like this provides an opportunity to monitor the market closely and prepare for potential movements ahead.

We remain focused on maintaining a balanced and diversified strategy to navigate the ever-evolving crypto landscape.

4 folk liker dette
30 nov., 2024

**DutchEd Update: Rebalancing to Maximize Potential 🚀**

We’ve just completed another rebalance! Recent strong performances from $DOT (Polkadot), $BONK, $ALGO (Algorand), and $SAND (The Sandbox) allowed us to take some profits. These gains have been reinvested into $INJ (Injective Protocol), $PAXG (PAX Gold), and $UMA, which recently dipped in value.

This rebalancing ensures the portfolio remains diversified and well-positioned to take advantage of future market opportunities.

DutchEd continues to ride the waves of the market with a balanced and active approach—stay tuned for more updates! 🌟

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30 nov., 2024

DutchEd Update: Riding the Bullish Wave 🚀

Our strategy has delivered strong results recently: nearly +14% over the past week and approximately +100% over the past 3 months! 💪 This growth is primarily driven by the current bullish market, with our regular rebalancing playing a smaller but important role in optimizing the portfolio.

Key assets like $BTC, $FTM, $INJ and $FIL, combined with a mix of other promising altcoins, ensure we remain well-positioned to continue benefiting from this market momentum.

Join us and check out the strategy here

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