Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Project DMB

Assets Copying Strategy

11.368 €

Število posnemovalcev


Project DMB Uspešnost Strategije

Project DMB Uspešnost Strategije

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. EUR (€) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandStrategy data disclosurefor more details.

O tej Strategiji

O tej Strategiji

Strategija se osredotoča na aktivno prepoznavanje in vlaganje v nastajajoče projekte kriptovalut, ki imajo potencial, da presežejo BTC. Z izvajanjem temeljite tržne analize si strategija prizadeva dodeliti sredstva inovativnim in obetavnim projektom ter trenutnim zgodbam.


Povprečni letni donos
+2,99 %
Največji padec
−90,62 %
+8,50 %
+7,05 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Oglej si strukturo

Spremembe strukture

Spremembe strukture

Zadnja sprememba strukture
19. jan. 2025, 18:52:47
Število sprememb strukture v zadnjih 30 dneh


Project DMB
3 dec., 2024

The rotation to ISO 20022 compliant cryptocurrencies has been impressive:


From coincodex:

The ISO 20022 standard has gained significant importance in the financial industry as a unified messaging standard for electronic data exchange between financial institutions. While initially developed for traditional financial transactions, the standard has now expanded to include the world of cryptocurrencies.ISO 20022 brings standardization and interoperability to the crypto space, ensuring smoother communication between various platforms and participants.

Ena oseba je všečkala
Project DMB
23 nov., 2024

$BTC dominance dropping, is it finally time for alts to fly?


3 ljudem je to všeč
Project DMB
22 maj, 2024

ETH developments have created a lot of opportunities, including AI which took a breather for a while. Still bullish on $SOL ecosystem and meme's cannot be ignored.


2 ljudem je to všeč
Project DMB
23 nov., 2021

Took some profits on positions and allocated 5% to USDC, ready for more opportunities

2 ljudem je to všeč