Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Tree of Fortune

Assets Copying Strategy

20.947 €

Število posnemovalcev


Tree of Fortune Uspešnost Strategije

Tree of Fortune Uspešnost Strategije

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. EUR (€) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandStrategy data disclosurefor more details.

O tej Strategiji

O tej Strategiji

Drevo sreče: Tree of Fortune se osredotoča na mešanico uveljavljenih in inovativnih kriptovalut. Strategija vključuje glavna sredstva, kot sta Bitcoin (BTC) in Ripple (XRP), poleg hitro rastočih projektov, kot so Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX) in Bonk (BONK). Z velikim poudarkom na razpršitvi in aktivnem upravljanju je cilj te strategije zagotoviti stalno rast in se hkrati prilagajati tržnim trendom.


Povprečni letni donos
Največji padec
−54,69 %
−24,98 %
+11,42 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Oglej si strukturo

Spremembe strukture

Spremembe strukture

Zadnja sprememba strukture
19. feb. 2025, 02:30:31
Število sprememb strukture v zadnjih 30 dneh


Tree of Fortune
7 dec., 2024

Tree of Fortune: Current Portfolio Allocation

The current portfolio distribution is as follows:

- AVAX: 27.2%
- XRP: 26.12%
- SOL: 23.6%
- BONK: 22.1%
- BTC: 0.98%

The portfolio remains well-diversified, with a strong focus on AVAX and XRP. No rebalancing is planned at this time, as the strategy is positioned for long-term growth.

Ena oseba je všečkala
Tree of Fortune
3 dec., 2024

🌳 Tree of Fortune: Solid Gains with Mixed Performances

The portfolio saw an overall gain of +4% in the past 24 hours, driven by strong performances from $XRP (+16%), $AVAX (+13%). On the other hand, $SOL(−4%) and $BONK (-8%) lagged behind.

At this time, there are no plans for further changes as the portfolio remains well-balanced.

3 ljudem je to všeč
Tree of Fortune
2 dec., 2024

**🌳 Tree of Fortune: Portfolio Rebalanced After XRP’s Surge!**

Yesterday, $XRP delivered an impressive **18% gain in just one day**, showcasing its strong potential in the current market. To lock in profits and maintain a balanced portfolio, we’ve just completed a strategic rebalance.

3 ljudem je to všeč
Tree of Fortune
30 nov., 2024

**Tree of Fortune Update: Rebalancing for Growth 🌳✨**

We’ve just completed a rebalance! 🚀 Thanks to the recent strong performance of $XRP, we’ve taken some profits and reinvested primarily into $BONK. This move aligns with our strategy to capitalize on gains and position ourselves for even greater growth in the future.

The Tree of Fortune continues to grow—stay tuned for more updates! 🌟

Ena oseba je všečkala
Tree of Fortune
30 nov., 2024

Tree of Fortune: Over 110% Growth in the Last Month! 🌳🚀

The Tree of Fortune strategy is off to an incredible start, delivering over +110% growth in the past month! 💪 Powered by a carefully selected mix of assets like $SOL, $XRP, $AVAX, $BONK, and $BTC, this strategy is designed to thrive in both bullish and volatile markets.

Our focus is on combining innovative altcoins with established leaders like $BTC to maximize growth potential while maintaining a balanced approach.

Join the journey and grow your fortune with us.

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