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Oasis Network


ROSE til USD Pris

USD 0,080865

Oasis Network Markedsverdi

USD 542,9M

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ROSE USD kursdiagram/resultat

ROSE USD kursdiagram/resultat

Tidligere resultaterer ikke en indikasjon på fremtidige resultater. Svingninger i USD ($) -valutaen kan føre til at avkastningen går opp eller ned. Avkastningen som vises er før gebyrer.Se avsløring om gebyrer og aktivadatafor mer informasjon.



Retur (24t)
−5,20 %
Avkastning (7D)
−15,69 %
Avkastning (1M)
−29,12 %
Avkastning (1 år)
+69,03 %

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USD 0,00
0,00 %
Du har:
USD 0,00
Urealisert P/L
USD 0,00
0,00 %

Oasis Network (ROSE) Oversikt

Oasis Network (ROSE) Oversikt

Oasis crypto blockchain-nettverket gir et neste generasjons fundament for Web 3, og vil drive GameFi, NFT, DeFi, Metaverse, Data DAOs og Data tokenisation. Det er det ledende skalerbare, personvernaktiverte lag-1-blokkjedenettverket. Det har inngått samarbeid med BMW Group Genetica, Meta og lignende for å bygge produkter og plattformer som fremmer datastyring, personvern og ansvarlig databruk. Som sådan driver de web3 fremover, skalerer det og utvikler det fra et tidlig stadium.

Oasis-nettverket er svært fleksibelt, fremtidssikkert og skalerbart fordi det består av flere lag. Takket være den modulære arkitekturen og støtten for smartkontrakter kan utviklere distribuere personvernfokuserte og rimelige desentraliserte applikasjoner (dApps).

Oasis Network-mynten er ROSE, og den brukes til innsats, transaksjonsgebyrer og delegering på konsensuslaget. Brukere kan satse ROSE for opptil 20% APY-avkastning.

Slik kjøper du Oasis Network eller legger det til i Strategien din

Den raskeste og mest praktiske måten å kjøpe Oasis Network er å kjøpe den på ICONOMI. Vi sjekker Oasis Network sanntidspriser på 10+ kryptobørser og kjøper dem til den beste markedsprisen.

Du kan kjøpe Oasis Network ved å legge den til i din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruke vår funksjon for tilbakevendende kjøp som har en tendens til å utjevne effekten av prisvolatilitet i kryptovaluta. Du kan lese mer om hvordan du kan dra nytte av mindre investeringer med jevne mellomrom i vår bloggartikkel.

Vi anbefaler at du gjør din egen research og analyse av kryptovalutaer. Erfarne kryptohandlere bruker fundamental og teknisk analyse for å vurdere om Oasis Network er et godt kjøp/salg. Fundamental og teknisk analyse er de to vanligste analysetypene som brukes ved handel med tradisjonelle eiendeler (f.eks. aksjer og obligasjoner).

Hvis du ikke er kjent med å analysere kryptovalutapriser og ønsker å kjøpe Oasis Network, anbefaler vi at du leser neste avsnitt, da kopiering kan være en bedre tilnærming.

Legg til Oasis Network i porteføljen din ved å kopiere en Strategi.

Hvis du ikke er dyktig på disse, bør du vurdere en annen tilnærming til investering i kryptovaluta. Du kan lære av og kopiere erfarne kryptotradere på ICONOMI som regelmessig deler sin innsikt og administrerer sine offentlige Kryptostrategier. Gå til Strategisiden og bruk "ticker"-filteret for å finne ut hvilke offentlige Kryptostrategier som har Oasis Network i sin struktur.


Her kan du lese og kommentere alle innlegg fra Strateger om Oasis Network ROSE. Se alle Oasis Network prisforutsigelser i sanntid og dra best mulig nytte av kryptokunnskapen deres.

30 jun., 2024

$ROSE team has announced in previous week that big partnership and new big update might be comming soon.

$ROSE is again #1 in terms of development activity 🔥

$ROSE is one of the best performing projects in crypto in past few weeks, making no new lows. Onchain data shows massive institutions have accumulated over 50M$ of $ROSE.

This project will stay big part of our portfolio as I think it will run to atleast 1$ until end of the year. Based on fundamentals and partnerships with Google & META I think 2$ range might also be an option.

At 1$ price per $ROSE token this would be roughly 7B$ market cap. At 2$ this will be just 14B$ project 😮

AI & WEB 3 need optional privacy and they've been building solution for big data & AI for past 3 years. Finaly big tech corps are starting to embrace their tech.

Dawn Song is also one of the most respected computer scientist professors in USA & has many connection with tech giants.

I do believe this project might be the best runner of 2024 in 2nd half of this year 😉

Stacking $ROSE bellow 0,10$ is a gift most are not realising 🎁

I predicted in the past $RUNE , $NEAR, $AR, while I did sell too early I think what's comming for $ROSE will be the biggest pump I've ever predicted 🚀

I might be wrong but onchain data, fundamentals, team track record all make sense. Even big tech titans are embracing it. Chart is looking incredibly bullish.

New highs are on horizon so stack while you can 😉

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2 folk liker dette
30 jun., 2024

$ROSE team has announced in previous week that big partnership and new big update might be comming soon.

$ROSE is again #1 in terms of development activity 🔥

This week they're also attending an event in Belgium where big updates might be revealed 🤔

$ROSE is one of the best performing projects in crypto in past few weeks, making no new lows. Onchain data shows massive institutions have accumulated over 50M$ of $ROSE.

This project will stay big part of our portfolio as I think it will run to atleast 1$ until end of the year. Based on fundamentals and partnerships with Google & META I think 2$ range might also be an option.

At 1$ price per $ROSE token this would be roughly 7B$ market cap. At 2$ this will be just 14B$ project 😮

AI & WEB 3 need optional privacy and they've been building solution for big data & AI for past 3 years. Finaly big tech corps are starting to embrace their tech.

Dawn Song is also one of the most respected computer scientist professors in USA & has many connection with tech giants.

I do believe this project might be the best runner of 2024 in 2nd half of this year 😉

Stacking $ROSE bellow 0,10$ is a gift most are not realising 🎁

I predicted in the past $RUNE , $NEAR, $AR, while I did sell too early I think what's comming for $ROSE will be the biggest pump I've ever predicted 🚀

I might be wrong but onchain data, fundamentals, team track record all make sense. Even big tech titans are embracing it. Chart is looking incredibly bullish.

New highs are on horizon so stack while you can 😉

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2 folk liker dette
22 jun., 2024

Looks like some positive activations on the Full Moon so we are moving back in 100%. Higher $BTC balance seems to be indicated. See the attached $BTC n diagram - new moons are blue full moons yellow.

Lowered allocation to $ROSE shorter term - still love the asset but indicators suggest waiting before re-entry.

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2 folk liker dette
20 jun., 2024


The past 30 days have been very rough in crypto as most altcoins made new lows or made heavy corrections.Meme coins experianced heavy corrections so in my opinion following weeks will be fueled by fundamentaly strong projects.

This is not the time to quit. This is the time to dig deep, analyse and prepare for the real altcoin bull run. Mega sales like these are what we dream. When sales come everybody is afraid to buy.



In truth altcoin season never picked up in last 2 years. It was mainly $BTC , $ETH and just few AI and Meme projects.

Who knows me knows I used to say sooner than later this industry wont offer free money and tide wont lift all boats anymore. Fundamentals will start to matter. And that's the truth for 2023 & 2024 so far.

If you've been following our strategies you've noticed we haven't made new lows. Our thesis switch shows we're on right track and $ROSE has been one of best performers in past 30 days.

If you observe Meme coin dominance it's fading away. And soon capital shift will start to occur. In my opinion strong fundamentals will matter the most and narrative fit.

I'll continue to monitor the markets and prepare us for the real altcoin bull run ✅

Stack strong and stay strong 💪


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2 folk liker dette
20 jun., 2024


The past 30 days have been very rough in crypto as most altcoins made new lows or made heavy corrections.

Meme coins experianced heavy corrections so in my opinion following weeks will be fueled by fundamentaly strong projects.

This is not the time to quit. This is the time to dig deep, analyse and prepare for the real altcoin bull run. Mega sales like these are what we dream. When sales come everybody is afraid to buy.



In truth altcoin season never picked up in last 2 years. It was mainly $BTC , $ETH and just few AI and Meme projects.

Who knows me knows I used to say sooner than later this industry wont offer free money and tide wont lift all boats anymore. Fundamentals will start to matter. And that's the truth for 2023 & 2024 so far.

If you've been following our strategies you've noticed we haven't made new lows. Our thesis switch shows we're on right track and $ROSE has been one of best performers in past 30 days.

If you observe Meme coin dominance it's fading away. And soon capital shift will start to occur. In my opinion strong fundamentals will matter the most and narrative fit.

I'll continue to monitor the markets and prepare us for the real altcoin bull run

Stack strong and stay strong 💪


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3 folk liker dette

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