Don't invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 min to learn more.

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Dogwifhat (WIF) History and Overview

Dogwifhat (WIF) History and Overview

Dogwifhat (WIF) is a meme coin that has rapidly ascended in the cryptocurrency market, specifically built on the Solana blockchain. It was launched on 20 November 2023. The token features the emblematic image of a Shiba Inu puppy adorned with a pink hat, embodying the lighthearted spirit of meme coins.

Tokenomics and Market Performance: WIF operates under a simple tokenomic structure with a fixed supply of 998.9 million tokens, and there are no provisions for token creation beyond this cap. This setup aligns with traditional scarcity-driven value appreciation models, similar to that of Bitcoin. As of 19 March 2024, dogwifhat achieved a remarkable market capitalization of over US$2.9 billion, showcasing a significant price surge of 153,196%.

Community and Cultural Impact: The essence of dogwifhat's value lies in its vibrant community support and the cultural phenomena it inspires, rather than conventional utility or technological innovation. It's a token celebrated by its community for its meme appeal and simplicity. The community's enthusiasm has even led to notable events such as the projection of the dogwifhat logo on the Las Vegas Sphere and the launch of related initiatives like catwifhat and a high-value NFT sale.

Utility and Functionality: Dogwifhat is designed as a pure meme coin with no underlying utility or complex functionalities. It does not support staking, token burning, or DeFi applications, which are common in other cryptocurrencies. Its appeal is primarily driven by community engagement and speculative trading, rooted in the lighthearted and whimsical nature of its theme.

Market Dynamics and Speculation: While dogwifhat has shown exponential growth in its market value, potential investors should note the speculative nature of meme coins. They are highly volatile and subject to rapid changes in market sentiment. The success of such tokens often hinges on timing and the sustained interest of their respective communities.

Community Initiatives and Expansion: The dogwifhat community is not just about trading and price speculation; it also fosters a broader cultural engagement. Initiatives such as the release of related NFTs and the expansion into derivative projects like catwifhat demonstrate the coin's influence beyond mere financial speculation. These activities help maintain the coin's visibility and relevance in the crowded meme coin market. As dogwifhat continues to evolve, the direction it takes could set precedents for how meme coins leverage community involvement and cultural phenomena to sustain interest and value in the long term.

Dogwifhat exemplifies the trend of meme coins that capitalize on community spirit and internet culture. Its market performance and the enthusiasm of its followers highlight the potential for significant engagement and speculative interest. However, as with all investments in high-volatility assets like meme coins, potential investors should approach with caution and consider the inherently unpredictable nature of such assets.

How To Buy Dogwifhat or Add it to your Strategy

The fastest, most convenient way to purchase Dogwifhat is to purchase it on ICONOMI. We check Dogwifhat live prices on 10+ crypto exchanges and buy it at the best market price.

You can buy Dogwifhat by adding it to your private Crypto Strategy (crypto portfolio). You can also use our recurring buy feature that tends to level out cryptocurrency price volatility effects. You can find out more about how to benefit from smaller investments at regular intervals on our blog article.

We recommend you do your own research and cryptocurrency analysis. Experienced crypto traders use fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate if Dogwifhat is a good buy/sell. Fundamental and technical analyses are the two most common types of analysis used in trading traditional assets (e.g. stocks and bonds).

If you are unfamiliar with analyzing cryptocurrency prices and want to buy Dogwifhat, we recommend you read the next section, as copying might be a better approach.

Add Dogwifhat to your portfolio by copying a Strategy

If you are not skilled at these, consider a different approach to investing in cryptocurrencies. You can learn from and copy seasoned crypto traders on ICONOMI who regularly share their insights and manage their public Crypto Strategies. Go to the strategies page and use the “ticker” filter to find out which public Crypto Strategies have Dogwifhat in their structure.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about Dogwifhat WIF. See all Dogwifhat EUR price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

17 Jan, 2025

🚀 Memecoins Set to Explode in 2025!💥

Meme coins skyrocketed 500% in 2024, growing from $20B to $120B, and they're not slowing down! 🔥

Here are the main reasons, why they will dominate again in 2025:

1️⃣ Pro-crypto policies are bringing in new investors.

2️⃣ Real-world utility (AI tools, community rewards) makes them long-term gems.

3️⃣ Social media turns them into instant cult icons.

4️⃣ Institutional interest is putting meme coins on the map. Get ready for another meme-fueled bull run! 🚀

🚨TitanuimStrategy Structure has been therefore a bit REBALANCED. Now the biggest plays, both with 35% allocation are $PEPE and $WIF. Our signals show extreme oversold zone of those 2 gems. Let's ride this bull as appropriate... 🔥


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17 Jan, 2025

Kateri sektorji bodo v letu 2025 še zanimivi?


Ena izmed vidnejših niš trenutno v kripto svetu sliši na ime MEME sektor, ki se je v zadnjem letu glede na donosnost uvrstil med TOP 3 najdonosnejše.

Revolucija Meme kovancev ne kaže znakov upočasnjevanja v letu 2025!💥

Tržna kapitalizacija Meme kovancev se je leta 2024 povečala za kar 500 % iz 20 milijard dolarjev januarja na 120 milijard dolarjev decembra 2024 in trenutno ne kaže znakov upočasnjevanja! 🚀

  • Zakaj pričakujemo kategorijo meme kovancev najdonosnejšo kategorijo tudi v letu 2025? 🔥

Nekaj razlogov zakaj bi #memecoini lahko doživeli eksplozivno rast v kripto tudi v letu 2025;

1) Vse več ljudi se spušča v kriptovalute in z menjavo predsednika v Ameriki, ki je pro-kripto naravnan bodo tudi skeptiki začeli vlagati del svojih sredstev v kriptovalute.

2) Številni meme kovanci dodajajo uporabnost iz resničnega sveta, kot so orodja AI ali nagrade skupnosti zaradi česar so bolj privlačni za dolgoročne naložbe 🅰️ℹ️

3) Družbeni mediji še naprej potiskajo meme kovance v središče pozornosti, in to je tisto, kar jih skoraj čez noč spremeni v kult💪

.4) Institucionalni akterji kažejo vse več zanimanja za blockchain tehnologijo, kar pomeni še večjo prepoznavnost in sprejetost meme-ov.

Strategija TITANIUM SKYHIGH vsebuje nekaj najbolj sprejetih in najdonosnejših meme kovancev, $PEPE, $BONK, $WIF, $FLOKI in $DOGE ki skupaj predstavljajo 30% uteži. Verjamemo, da bodo še naprej ostali najdonosnejša niša🚀💸

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9 Dec, 2024


As they say "there is no gains without brains", we strive to educate OUR COMMUNITY about the latest and hottest topics.

Today's Topic to Cover: MEMECOIN SUPERCYCLE🔥

We have been talking about that phenomenon for some time and to fully understand, below is detailed explanation with interesting facts👇 Enjoy it🔥

What is a Memecoin Supercycle?🚨

A memecoin supercycle is an extended period in which meme coin prices rocket higher amid a wave of frenzied speculation and hype. A defining feature of the memecoin supercycle is that prices almost universally go up across the meme coin sector. Gains are not limited to major tokens like Dogecoin or Shiba Inu but rather extend to lesser-known meme coins and newly launched coins.During a supercycle, prices for popular meme coins can rise 10x-100x, while newer tokens with smaller market caps can explode 1,000x or more.A memecoin supercycle can happen at the same time as a crypto bull market, but a bull market is not a prerequisite for a supercycle.

History of Previous Memecoin Supercycles🚨


The first memecoin supercycle coincided with Bitcoin's early popularity. Dogecoin’s price skyrocketed from $0.0002 to $0.122—a staggering 61,000% rise—marking its first billion-dollar market cap. The cycle ended in 2019, with $DOGE holding a 10x higher baseline value.


During the pandemic, $DOGE surged 29,500%, hitting $0.7376, while Shiba Inu exploded 173,000x. New tokens like $FLOKI joined the boom before the market cooled in late 2021.


The latest cycle began in late 2023 with Solana-based tokens like $WIF gaining dominance, alongside significant gains from established meme coins like $DOGE and $PEPE.

Key Signs That a Memecoin Supercycle Has Begun🚨

  • Parabolic Meme Coin Price Movements
  • Meme Coins Outperforming The Crypto Market
  • Rapid Increase in Number of New Meme Coins
  • Extremely High Trading Volumes

Is It a Memecoin Supercycle Now?🚨

The memecoin market may already be in a supercycle. Over the past 30 days, meme coin market value has surged by 20%, reaching $60 billion, with $DOGE up 51%, far outpacing Bitcoin's 12% growth. Trading volumes have similarly exploded, with $DOGE alone exceeding $4 billion by late October. New meme coins like Pepe Unchained are also gaining traction, raising $23 million. Analysts highlight similarities to the 2020-2021 memecoin rally, suggesting $DOGE could spark another explosive cycle. Signs point to a strong upward momentum in the mem

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18 Nov, 2024


It's not common for TitaniumStrategy to go under rebalance, but this one has been cooking for a while now. Lately, a potential 10x memecoin with utiliity has been analysed and aded to our strategy. We are thrilled to announce a new holding of this strategy.... $FLOKI 🔥🎉

Floki Inu has massive background- It's not only a memecoin.👇

The team is working on “four flagship utility projects:”

  • An NFT gaming metaverse called Valhalla🎮
  • A suite of DeFi products launched under the "FlokiFi" umbrella🏦
  • An NFT and merchandise marketplace called FlokiPlaces🖼️
  • A content and education platform called University of Floki📚

The new structure:

  • 25% $JASMY --> Japanese Bitcoin remains the top position and major play
  • 20% $BONK --> +5% since last rebalance
  • 20% $PEPE --> +5% since last rebalance
  • 20% $WIF --> +5% since last rebalance
  • 15% $FLOKI --> NEW POSITION🤩

The plan is simple now. Buy and seat on hands untill the peak of a bull🚀🔥

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11 Nov, 2024

SKYHIGH strategija +50% v zadnjem tednu🔥

Eksplozijo manjših kovancev, kjer vodijo Memes še naprej napihuje rast Bitcoina🔥.

Znano je, da v bikovskem trgu Bitcoin "pripravi teren" za manjše kovance (sedanje dogajanje). Ko Bitcoin doseže svoj vrh, se sredstva iz največje kriptovalute začnejo prelivati v Altcoine (ostale kovance), najprej večje kot sta $ETH in $SOL in postopoma v vse manjše kovance.

Hkrati se znotraj vsake niše (AI, RWA, Memes, Gaming...) tudi pojavijo cikli (glej sliko). Znotraj Bikovskega trga zasledimo kratkočasne ogromne donose v eni izmed niš, medtem ko druge spijo in obratno. Ko se ena izmed niš umirja, druga razcveti. Denar se preliva med nišami, dokler se bikovski trg Bitcoina ne zaključi. Takrat Bitcoin beleži večje padce, kovanci strmoglavijo, kjer jih večina celo propade.

Potrebno je pripraviti strategijo pobiranja dobičkov. Zato smo tu mi, da za vas ustvarimo čim višje donose in se zavarujemo pred padci💪



Tudi slednja strategija je doživela rahle popravke v ponderjih. Povečan je bil delež Meme Kovancev $PEPE in $WIF ter kovanec revolucionarnega modularnega blockchaina Celestia $TIA.

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Zanimiva struktura, zidovski fee pobiranja nasih skupnih dobickov

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Dogwifhat EUR Price FAQ

What Is the Highest Price of Dogwifhat (WIF) in EUR?

Dogwifhat (WIF) price history shows the highest value of 3.92 EUR . We recorded this price on November 14, 2024, but we cannot exclude that a higher price was registered before April 29, 2024.

What Is the Lowest Price of Dogwifhat (WIF) in EUR?
How to buy Dogwifhat (WIF)?
What Is the Current Price of Dogwifhat (WIF) in EUR?
Is Dogwifhat (WIF) a good investment?