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Starknet (STRK) History and Overview

Starknet (STRK) History and Overview

The STRK token is the native cryptocurrency of Starknet, a layer-2 scaling solution on Ethereum developed by StarkWare Industries. This innovative network utilizes a zero-knowledge rollup technology known as zk-STARK (Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge) to enhance transaction speeds and reduce operational costs on Ethereum. This article provides a detailed look at the functionalities of the STRK token and its critical role within the Starknet ecosystem.

Starknet enhances Ethereum's performance by processing transactions off-chain and subsequently batching them for recording on the Ethereum blockchain. This efficient process is powered by zk-STARK technology, which, unlike its predecessor zk-SNARKS, does not require trust in a centralized setup party. Starknet is also distinctive for its use of Cairo, a programming language designed to simplify development on its platform, making it more accessible for programmers.

The STRK token serves several key functions within Starknet. Primarily, it is used to pay for transaction fees, providing the economic incentives necessary for the network's operation. Additionally, STRK facilitates community governance of the protocol. Holders can convert their STRK into voting STRK (vSTRK) at a 1:1 ratio, allowing them to vote on network decisions or appoint delegates to vote on their behalf.

Though Starknet currently operates under a sequencer and prover model, there are ambitions to employ STRK in a staking mechanism as part of a potential shift to a Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol. This transition would align Starknet with broader trends in blockchain towards more energy-efficient consensus mechanisms.

At its inception, StarkWare issued ten billion STRK tokens. The distribution strategy allocated 20.04% to the development team and early contributors, 18.17% to investors, and 10.76% to StarkWare itself. Additionally, 12.93% was earmarked for protocol development grants, 10% reserved for the Starknet Foundation's strategic initiatives, 9% each for provisions and rebates, 8.1% to the foundation's treasury for miscellaneous purposes, and 2% for charitable donations.

To manage market stability and protect token value, a lock-up period was implemented for these tokens, particularly for the team and investors. This period was later adjusted following community feedback to ensure more gradual and stable market introductions.

The STRK token is integral to the operation and strategic development of the Starknet platform. By enabling transaction fee payments, governance participation, and potentially offering staking functionalities, STRK supports the overarching goal of Starknet to enhance scalability and reduce transaction costs on Ethereum. As Starknet continues to evolve, the role of STRK is expected to expand, further entrenching its importance within the network's growing ecosystem.

How To Buy Starknet or Add it to your Strategy

The fastest, most convenient way to purchase Starknet is to purchase it on ICONOMI. We check Starknet live prices on 10+ crypto exchanges and buy it at the best market price.

You can buy Starknet by adding it to your private Crypto Strategy (crypto portfolio). You can also use our recurring buy feature that tends to level out cryptocurrency price volatility effects. You can find out more about how to benefit from smaller investments at regular intervals on our blog article.

We recommend you do your own research and cryptocurrency analysis. Experienced crypto traders use fundamental and technical analysis to evaluate if Starknet is a good buy/sell. Fundamental and technical analyses are the two most common types of analysis used in trading traditional assets (e.g. stocks and bonds).

If you are unfamiliar with analyzing cryptocurrency prices and want to buy Starknet, we recommend you read the next section, as copying might be a better approach.

Add Starknet to your portfolio by copying a Strategy

If you are not skilled at these, consider a different approach to investing in cryptocurrencies. You can learn from and copy seasoned crypto traders on ICONOMI who regularly share their insights and manage their public Crypto Strategies. Go to the strategies page and use the “ticker” filter to find out which public Crypto Strategies have Starknet in their structure.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about Starknet STRK. See all Starknet price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

23 Jul, 2024

Obetavne napovedi 🚀

V pričakovanju volitev v ZDA in veliki verjetnosti za zmago podpornika bitcoina, se za risk-on naložbe (kriptovalute) pričakuje zelena jesen. ✅


Pojavila so se ugibanja, da bo Trump na konferenci ta teden naznanil uvedbo strateških rezerv države v Bitcoinu ob njegovem predsedovanju. 

Optimizem v kripto svetu spodbujajo zapleti v demokratskem taboru. Biden je v nedeljo izstopil iz tekme za naslednji predsedniški stolček🤯. Pričakuje se da ga bo v kandidaturi zamenjala Kamala Harris, ki prav tako ni naklonjena Bitcoinu


  • Fear& greed index se vse bolj nagiba na ponovni pohlep vlagateljev  64/100 točk 📈📈
  • Prihajajoča Altcoin sezona (alti outperformajo Bitcoin🚀)

Prejšnji teden so spot BTC ETFs doživeli pritok v vrednosti $1,2 milijard💰💰 kar je dobra popotnica tudi za jutrišnje lansiranje ETH ETF skladov. 

Blackrock in druščina so objavili podrobnosti o prihajajočih ETH ETF skladih. Večina bo v začetni fazi imela ničelno provizijo, med njimi pa ne bo ravno Blackrocka, ki bo že v začetku uvedel provizijo. 💸💸

Skrbi vzbujajo visoke provizije prihajajočega Grayscale sklada, kar se lahko ob prenizkem povpraševanju odrazi v obliki odlivov, kot pri Bitcoin ETF skladu v začetku leta 📉

Na grafu, ki prikazuje ali se trg nahaja v Bitcoin ali altcoin sezoni, opazimo, da Bitcoin presega rezultate altov💪. V preteklosti smo po Bitcoin sezoni vselej doživeli altcoin sezono, katero pričakujemo tudi v prihajajočem obdobju bika🤩

Ob prihajajoči altcoin sezoni in potencialnem uspešnem začetku trgovanja z spot ETH skladi se nadejamo visokih rasti. Strategijo smo zrebalansirali, povečali utež Starknet-a ($STRK) in PEPE-ta ($PEPE), oba na Ethereum chain-u z odlično bazo privržencev in močnimi fundamenti. V prihodnje pričakujemo "eksplozijo" altov povezanih z $ETH.

#ToTheMoonGents 🌔

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10 Jun, 2024

I conducted another study using a different method to reduce potential dilution risks and extract information directly from the market.

I took a larger sample of 200 assets based on market size, excluding stablecoins, from CoinMarketCap.

I calculated the ratio of Fully Diluted Market Cap / Market Cap.

Then, I calculated the average of this ratio.

I found that more than 75% of the assets had a ratio lower than the average, which was 1.92.

This means any asset with a Fully Diluted Market Cap to Market Cap ratio higher than 1.92 could be considered as having potential dilution risks.

You should review it better.

There are a lot of outliers


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$PENDLE $STRK added. removing $AAVE $CRV $SNX . rebalancing rest.

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6 May, 2024

Ta teden smo začeli z rebalansom tokenov! ⚖️

Iconomi je na našo prošnjo uvrstil nove tokene ki jih bomo dodali z rebalansom v našem portfelju: Jupiter ($JUP), PEPE ($PEPE), PYTH ($PYTH) in Starknet ($STRK).

Medtem ko je $PEPE dobro poznan meme kovanec, drugi predstavljajo kovance znotraj decentraliziranega finančnega ekosistema.

Pričakujemo, da bo $PEPE beležil visoko rast v naslednjem obdobju, medtem ko so žetoni, kot sta $STRK in $JUP, ponujata decentralizirane finančne storitve. Na podlagi pregleda ekipe in učinkovitosti njihovih storitev pričakujemo visoke donose teh naložb. 🚀

Naš najnovejši token $PYTH, predstavlja eno največjih in najhitreje rastočih oracle mrež. Podpirajo jih tudi ugledne centralizirane borze, kot sta Binance in OKX. 🙌

Menimo, da bodo novi kovanci v portfejlu dosegli nadpovprečno rast!✅

Želimo vam lep začetek tedna!

3 people like this
29 Apr, 2024

Forget the old saying that all good things come in threes—we’re bringing you ten! We’ve expanded our offerings with a diverse lineup of new cryptocurrencies, now available for trading strategies on our platform: 

Who’s going to be adding some meme power to their strategies? Let us know in the comments below!!

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Starknet Price FAQ

What Is the Highest Price of Starknet (STRK) in USD?

Starknet (STRK) price history shows the highest value of 1.36 USD . We recorded this price on May 6, 2024, but we cannot exclude that a higher price was registered before April 29, 2024.

What Is the Lowest Price of Starknet (STRK) in USD?
How to buy Starknet (STRK)?
What Is the Current Price of Starknet (STRK) in USD?
Is Starknet (STRK) a good investment?