Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Nazaj na kriptovalute

Stellar cena v USD danes. Kupi Stellar ali ga dodaj v svojo Kripto Strategijo.




0,2416 $

Stellar Tržna kapitalizacija

7,24B $

Oglej si vse možnosti nakupa/prodaje

XLM graf v USD

XLM graf v USD

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. USD ($) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandasset data disclosurefor more details.



Donos (24H)
+19,00 %
Donos (7D)
+122,03 %
Donos (1M)
+150,03 %
Donos (1L)
+105,97 %

Moja naložba

Moja naložba

Prevzeti dobiček
0,00 $
0,00 %
0,00 $
Nerealizirani P/L
0,00 $
0,00 %

Stellar cena (XLM) in opis

Stellar cena (XLM) in opis

Omrežje Stellar je decentralizirano peer-to-peer omrežje, ki uporabnikom omogoča prenos različnih sredstev, kot so dolarji, evri, zlato, delnice, Bitcoin itd., in trgovanje z njimi z drugimi uporabniki z uporabo lumnov. Lumeni, XLM, so kovanec Stellar. Kriptožeton XLM ne vsebuje nobenih stackov ali rudarjenja, zaloga lumnov pa je fiksna.

Algoritem, ki preverja transakcije, se imenuje Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) in omogoča, da se omrežje hitro širi in deluje veliko bolj učinkovito kot večina verig blokov, ki temeljijo na dokazovanju dela, na primer Bitcoin.

Sidra so ena od glavnih značilnosti omrežja Stellar, saj je decentralizirano. Predstavljajo zaupanja vredne subjekte, ki lahko nadzirajo vloge ljudi, delujejo pa tudi kot most med verigo blokov Stellar in drugimi digitalnimi sredstvi.

Kako slediti Stellar ceni, sredstvo kupiti, ali dodati v svojo Strategijo

Najhitrejši in najugodnejši način kako kupiti Stellar je nakup na ICONOMI. Preverjamo Stellar cene v živo na več kot 10+ kripto menjalnicah in jih kupimo po najbollši tržni ceni.

Lahko kupiš Stellar z dodajanjem v svojo zasebno Kripto Strategijo (crypto Portfelj). Lahko uporabiš tudi našo ponovno posnemanje funkcijo, ki izravnava učinke volatilnosticen kriptovalut. Več o tem, kako izkoristiti manjše naložbe v rednih časovnih intervalih, si lahko prebereš v našem članku na blogu.

Priporočamo, da opraviš lastno raziskavo in analizo kriptovalut. Izkušeni trgovci s kripto valutami uporabljajo temeljno in tehnično analizo, da ocenijo, ali je Stellar dober nakup/prodaja. Temeljna in tehnična analiza sta dve najpogostejši vrsti analiz, ki se uporabljata pri trgovanju s tradicionalnimi finančnimi instrumenti (npr. delnicami in obveznicami).

Če nisi seznanjen z analizo cen kriptovalut ne veš kje kupiti Stellar, priporočamo, da prebereš naslednji razdelek, saj je posnemanje morda boljši pristop.

Dodaj Stellar v svoj portfelj s posnemanjem Strategije

Če pri tem nisi vešč, razmisli o drugačnem pristopu k naložbam v kriptovalute. Na ICONOMI se lahko učiš od izkušenih trgovcev s kriptovalutami, ki redno delijo svoja spoznanja in upravljajo svoje javne Kripto Strategije, ter jih posnemaj. Pojdi na stran Strategije in uporabi filter "ticker", da ugotoviš, katere javne Kripto Strategije imajo v svoji strukturi kupljen Stellar.


Na našem Stellar forumu lahko prebereš in komentiraš objave Strategov o Stellar XLM. Poglej vse napovedi cen v realnem času in kar najbolje izkoristi njihovo znanje o kriptovalutah.

Blockchain Index
22 okt., 2024

Stellar's Big Breakout Potential: Is XLM Ready to Rally?

Stellar $XLM is on the verge of a massive breakout from its long-standing descending channel, which has kept the price under pressure for months. Crypto analyst Universe of Crypto suggests that a breakout could trigger a bullish rally, finally ending the downward trend. The key to watch is whether XLM can break above the upper trendline in October. If it does, this could signal a 50% price surge, with targets near $0.150. Traders should keep an eye on this crucial resistance level, as the breakout could attract strong buying momentum. XLM might be set for its biggest move in months! Breaking this level would likely invite institutional investors who have been watching for signs of a reversal.

Mastercard and Stellar: A Game-Changing Partnership

Stellar’s partnership with Mastercard is more than just another collaboration—it's a major leap for the adoption of blockchain technology. By integrating Mastercard’s Crypto Credential solution, Stellar is enhancing transaction security and authenticity on its network. This move ensures that users can conduct verified and authenticated transactions, addressing one of the biggest challenges in the crypto space: trust. Expect this partnership to boost Stellar’s credibility and bring more institutions into its ecosystem. The focus on secure, verified transactions could make Stellar the go-to platform for cross-border payments. This collaboration highlights the growing acceptance of blockchain by traditional financial institutions, which could propel Stellar into the mainstream. The security features provided by Mastercard will strengthen Stellar’s reputation, attracting new users and use cases. 

XLM’s Long-Awaited Comeback Could Be Here!

XLM is showing signs of resurgence, finally breaking out of its slump. Recent partnerships with big names like Mastercard and Franklin Templeton are restoring confidence in XLM’s long-term growth potential. While XLM has faced stiff competition from XRP, this comeback could help Stellar carve out its own space in the market. 

The potential for XLM to regain previous price levels is real, and investors are taking notice. With a current price of $0.0955, Stellar’s price is poised for upward movement as the market shows renewed interest. Is this the start of a bullish trend? The current momentum suggests that we could see a continued push higher, with the potential for XLM to re-enter the top 20 cryptos by market cap.

4 ljudem je to všeč
Perennial Surge
20 sep., 2024

Perennial Surge from SYGNAL is a sophisticated trading strategy that combines steady long-term holdings with tactical opportunistic trades. The strategy is designed to be continuously active in the market, holding significant positions in major cryptocurrencies such as $BTC, $ETH, $BNB, $SOL, and $AVAX . It capitalizes on market trends and corrections through a dynamic blend of position trading and mean reversion tactics.

In fluctuating or bear markets, Perennial Surge adjusts its strategy dynamically, increasing its holdings in stable cryptocurrencies to protect the portfolio and capture potential upswings efficiently.

Perennial Surge employs a dual-strategy approach:

  • Position Trading: Maintains long positions in high-liquidity cryptocurrencies, aligning with broader market trends to secure ongoing exposure and growth.
  • Opportunistic Trading: Actively seeks out and invests in undervalued assets post-downturns, anticipating quick rebounds for rapid gains.

This strategy benefits from hourly rebalancing, which fine-tunes the allocation between long-term positions and short-term opportunistic trades based on real-time market analysis. This frequent adjustment ensures the strategy is consistently positioned for optimal performance.

Assets Traded: $ADA, $ATOM, $AVAX, $BCH, $BNB, $BTC, $DOT, $ETC, $ETH, $FIL, $ICP, $INJ, $LINK, $LTC, $POL, $NEAR ,$SOL, $TRX, $UNI, $XLM, $XRP

Learn more at or join us on Telegram!

Ena oseba je všečkala

It is time again for the bi-montly revision of the PennyStock Strategy. In the past two months Tron ($TRX) did exceptionally well altough it did not escape the recent crypto market correction. TRX holders show amazing resilience during down-turns and most holders like the PennyStock Strategy maintain a strong confidence in the assets's future prospects. 

Stellar ($XLM) makes a strong comeback and we can buy it back with a 10% discount compared to the last revision when we sold the asset. We remove Hedera which shows dissappointing volume and price development.

3 ljudem je to všeč
Crypto Index 25
1 jul., 2024

🤟 Rebalancing Info 01.07.2024 🤟 

Strategy Performance June: -18% 📉

Winner June: $TRX +14% 🚀

Loser June: $WIF -33% 📉

Every month I rebalance the strategy back to 4% each of the Top25 crypto coins without Stablecoins or wrapped Token. 

There has been 1 change in the Top25:

1x Out: $WIF

24x Rebalanced

1x New: $XLM

Everything is rebalanced back to 4% each.

🤟 🤟

2 ljudem je to všeč

Monthly Structure Change 2024-7

✅ Add $XLM $ATOM

❎ Removed $WIF $IMX

🔄 Rebalance Turnover 4.20%

Ena oseba je všečkala

Si pripravljen začeti pot z nami?

Zaupa nam več kot 100.000 uporabnikov z vsega sveta.

Ustvari brezplačen račun

Druge najboljše kriptovalute

Stellar Pogosta vprašanja o ceni

Kaj je najvišja Stellar XLM cena v USD?

Stellar (XLM) zgodovina cen kaže najvišjo vrednost 0,73 USD . To ceno smo zabeležili pri 12. maj 2021, vendar ne moremo izključiti, da je bila prej registrirana višja cena 22. marec 2018.

Kakšna je najnižja Stellar XLM cena v USD?
Kje kupiti Stellar XLM v Sloveniji?
Kakšna je trenutna cena Stellar (XLM) v USD?
Ali je Stellar (XLM) dobra naložba?