Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

THORChain cena v EUR danes. Kupi THORChain ali ga dodaj v svojo Kripto Strategijo.




1,04 €

THORChain Tržna kapitalizacija

364,05M €

Oglej si vse možnosti nakupa/prodaje

RUNE graf v EUR

RUNE graf v EUR

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. EUR (€) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandasset data disclosurefor more details.



Donos (24H)
−4,74 %
Donos (7D)
−10,53 %
Donos (1M)
−18,71 %
Donos (1L)
−87,29 %

Moja naložba

Moja naložba

Prevzeti dobiček
0,00 €
0,00 %
0,00 €
Nerealizirani P/L
0,00 €
0,00 %

THORChain cena (RUNE) in opis

THORChain cena (RUNE) in opis

Kripto protokol THORChain uporabnikom omogoča izmenjavo sredstev v omrežjih veriženja blokov z uporabo decentralizirane likvidnosti. Podpira ekosistem storitev in izdelkov, ki uporabljajo kriptografsko omrežje THOR'infrastrukturo med verigami. Menjave med verigami omogočajo platforme, kot je THORSwap, prvi večverižni DEX, ki uporablja omrežje THORChain'kot sprednji vmesnik. Uporabniki lahko s THORSwapom izberejo dve sredstvi, ki ju želijo zamenjati, protokol pa samodejno določi stroške glede na aktivnost omrežja.

Mrežo THORChain poganja kovanec THORChain RUNE. Vsako sredstvo v likvidnostnih bazenih platforme ima ustrezen žeton, imenovan RUNE, ki ga spremlja. Tako RUNE prispeva k uporabnosti in vrednosti omrežja, saj deluje kot drugi žeton, ki ga uporabniki položijo v likvidnostni bazen in s katerim izvajajo transakcije. Poleg tega se žeton RUNE uporablja za zaščito omrežja THORChain, pobiranje pristojbin in kot temelj za upravljanje.

Kako slediti THORChain ceni, sredstvo kupiti, ali dodati v svojo Strategijo

Najhitrejši in najugodnejši način kako kupiti THORChain je nakup na ICONOMI. Preverjamo THORChain cene v živo na več kot 10+ kripto menjalnicah in jih kupimo po najbollši tržni ceni.

Lahko kupiš THORChain z dodajanjem v svojo zasebno Kripto Strategijo (crypto Portfelj). Lahko uporabiš tudi našo ponovno posnemanje funkcijo, ki izravnava učinke volatilnosticen kriptovalut. Več o tem, kako izkoristiti manjše naložbe v rednih časovnih intervalih, si lahko prebereš v našem članku na blogu.

Priporočamo, da opraviš lastno raziskavo in analizo kriptovalut. Izkušeni trgovci s kripto valutami uporabljajo temeljno in tehnično analizo, da ocenijo, ali je THORChain dober nakup/prodaja. Temeljna in tehnična analiza sta dve najpogostejši vrsti analiz, ki se uporabljata pri trgovanju s tradicionalnimi finančnimi instrumenti (npr. delnicami in obveznicami).

Če nisi seznanjen z analizo cen kriptovalut ne veš kje kupiti THORChain, priporočamo, da prebereš naslednji razdelek, saj je posnemanje morda boljši pristop.

Dodaj THORChain v svoj portfelj s posnemanjem Strategije

Če pri tem nisi vešč, razmisli o drugačnem pristopu k naložbam v kriptovalute. Na ICONOMI se lahko učiš od izkušenih trgovcev s kriptovalutami, ki redno delijo svoja spoznanja in upravljajo svoje javne Kripto Strategije, ter jih posnemaj. Pojdi na stran Strategije in uporabi filter "ticker", da ugotoviš, katere javne Kripto Strategije imajo v svoji strukturi kupljen THORChain.


Na našem forumu lahko prebereš in komentiraš objave Strategov o THORChain RUNE. Poglej vse THORChain EUR napovedi cen v realnem času in kar najbolje izkoristi njihovo znanje o kriptovalutah.

7 feb., 2025

🚨 Rebalance Alert 🚨

Yesterday, $ONDO announced Ondo Chain—a new Layer 1 blockchain built specifically for institutional-grade RWAs 🤔

Its design advisors now include fresh members of the Ondo Ecosystem, such as Franklin Templeton, Wellington Management, WisdomTree, Google Cloud, ABN Amro, Aon, and McKinsey. The ecosystem already features industry heavyweights like BlackRock, PayPal, and Morgan Stanley👀

Given the strength of this news and the impressive roster backing Ondo Chain, we’ve decided to add $ONDO to our strategy as part of our RWA narrative bet, a sector we believe will be a leading driver in the future🚀

To accommodate this change, we’re removing $RUNE from our structure and slightly reducing our exposure to $NEAR so we can allocate 5% to $ONDO 👌

17 ljudem je to všeč
24 jan., 2025

🚨 Rebalance Alert 🚨

Yesterday, we slightly reduced our $RUNE exposure amid concerns over its leverage position. Now that the price has dropped by 30%, we’re taking the opportunity to slightly increase our allocation.

The $RUNE protocol is currently among the top five fee-generating protocols in crypto, boasting proven product-market fit and notable integrations (Trust Wallet, Coinbase, etc.). With the leverage issue resolved, we anticipate a likely bounce. Additionally, they’re purchasing $RUNE with collected fees, which could further boost the recovery.

13 ljudem je to všeč

🙏much appreciated, thank you!

@Marquito One of the main issues is that there is a lot off confusion on social media suggesting the protocol itself has failed or become insolvent. That’s not the case. The core decentralized cross-chain protocol is fully functional, generates significant fees, and can’t go insolvent.

The issues stem from an add-on feature—savings and lending—which isn’t part of the protocol’s fundamental design. This feature contained a flaw in its structure, and unfortunately, it was exploited, leaving savers and lenders unable to recover funds. The amount involved is under $75 million.

As a result, the team will likely remove or overhaul this feature to make affected users whole, allowing the main protocol to continue doing what it does best: facilitating native, cross-chain swaps.

Could you explain a bit the problems they’re (were?) having? And their consequences/risks? Too me it sounded pretty serious, but i am not an expert at all. Thank you very much!

24 jan., 2025

Hi Gents, do you have any info about $RUNE? The price action is more than strange...

Ena oseba je všečkala

They were going to face an existential crisis due to their lending service, this was going to create a similar situation to the Terra Luna crash of 2021. The team has however halted all those services which posed this risk and they'll likely sunset all of them. The price action is likely due to the drop in confidence and confusion going around. It's worth noting that the protocol is still functioning properly and making loads of money and as such we believe that it'll recover at some point in future when confidence returns and debts are settled. For now, we liquidated our position in it over 24 hrs ago in accordance with our client funds protection mandate on the MZANSI CRYPTO strategy. We still believe in this powerful and highly profitable protocol $RUNE

10 jan., 2025

Crypto Market Pulse 👀

  • Capital started flowing into the market
  • Someone is aggressively buying the dip 🤔
  • $BTC is flowing into accumulation addresses👀
  • $BTC printed 12 green hourly candles in a row📈
  • The Bitcoin fear and greed index dropped to 50👌

Yesterday there was also a lot of $RUNE drama as they shut down one of the products for security reasons. They got it back up hours later so people could close their loans and communicated plans to move them to Rujira Network. We remain long-term bullish and will continue to hold our position.

21 ljudem je to všeč

@CryptoEnthuzias We are outperforming it by a huge margin.  If you're referring to this cycle, we remain confident it will follow a similar trend as previous ones. This is also reflected in our current structure.

Do you think that we will eventually beat btc? So far we lose value against it

20 nov., 2024

Crypto Market Pulse 👀

  • Trump Said to Consider Crypto Lawyer Teresa Goody Guillén to Lead SEC🤯
  • Michael Saylor to help Rumble CEO add $BTC to its balance sheet💪
  • On the first day of trading, 82% of $BTC options were call options
  • This week ETFs so far bought more than $1 billion worth of $BTC 🚀
  • $RUNE successfully implemented a burning mechanism🔥
  • $NEAR got a 30% allocation in Grayscale's AI Trust🤔

Things are playing out as expected. publicly listed companies continue to add $BTC to their balance sheet, countries are starting to discuss $BTC strategic reserves, ETFs continue to buy and altcoins are getting ready for the rally!

We are seeing early signs of an altseason as altcoin trading volume has surged past $300 billion for the first time since 2021👇

17 ljudem je to všeč

Si pripravljen začeti pot z nami?

Zaupa nam več kot 100.000 uporabnikov z vsega sveta.

Ustvari brezplačen račun

Druge najboljše kriptovalute

THORChainEUR Pogosta vprašanja o ceni

Kaj je najvišja THORChain RUNE cena v EUR?

THORChain (RUNE) zgodovina cen kaže najvišjo vrednost 16,59 EUR . To ceno smo zabeležili pri 19. maj 2021, vendar ne moremo izključiti, da je bila prej registrirana višja cena 19. avgust 2020.

Kakšna je najnižja THORChain RUNE cena v EUR?
Kje kupiti THORChain RUNE v Sloveniji?
Kakšna je trenutna cena THORChain (RUNE) v EUR?
Ali je THORChain (RUNE) dobra naložba?