Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Nazaj na kriptovalute

Oglej si ceno Fantomv živo. Kupi Fantom in ga dodaj v svojo Kripto Strategijo.




0,5688 GBP

Fantom Tržna kapitalizacija

1,59B GBP

Oglej si vse možnosti nakupa/prodaje

FTM graf v GBP

FTM graf v GBP

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. GBP (£) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandasset data disclosurefor more details.



Donos (24H)
+0,95 %
Donos (7D)
−8,49 %
Donos (1M)
+2,38 %
Donos (1L)
+114,83 %

Moja naložba

Moja naložba

Prevzeti dobiček
0,00 GBP
0,00 %
Nerealizirani P/L
0,00 GBP
0,00 %

Fantom cena (FTM) in opis

Fantom cena (FTM) in opis

Kripto platforma Fantom je robustno okolje za razvoj aplikacij dApp. Njena hitra in prilagodljiva zgradba temelji na mehanizmu konsenza Lachesis, ki omogoča enostavno integracijo obstoječih dAppov v ekosistem. Ponuja tudi različna orodja, ki olajšajo upravljanje in izvajanje funkcij dApp.

Kovanec Fantom, FTM, je osrednja sestavina platforme. Poganja različne operacije omrežja, kot so plačila, upravljanje in stave. V obtoku je več kot 3,175 milijarde kovancev FTM, večina pa jih bo razdeljena kot nagrade. Uporablja se lahko kot kovanec glavne mreže ali žeton ERC-20. Če želite sodelovati v postopku stakinga v omrežju Fantom, morate imeti najmanjši vložek v višini 1 FTM. Za upravljanje vozlišča v omrežju je treba imeti vsaj 3 125 000 FTM. Na ceno omrežja Fantom lahko vplivajo različni dejavniki v industriji DeFi.

Kako slediti Fantom ceni, sredstvo kupiti, ali dodati v svojo Strategijo

Najhitrejši in najugodnejši način kako kupiti Fantom je nakup na ICONOMI. Preverjamo Fantom cene v živo na več kot 10+ kripto menjalnicah in jih kupimo po najbollši tržni ceni.

Lahko kupiš Fantom z dodajanjem v svojo zasebno Kripto Strategijo (crypto Portfelj). Lahko uporabiš tudi našo ponovno posnemanje funkcijo, ki izravnava učinke volatilnosticen kriptovalut. Več o tem, kako izkoristiti manjše naložbe v rednih časovnih intervalih, si lahko prebereš v našem članku na blogu.

Priporočamo, da opraviš lastno raziskavo in analizo kriptovalut. Izkušeni trgovci s kripto valutami uporabljajo temeljno in tehnično analizo, da ocenijo, ali je Fantom dober nakup/prodaja. Temeljna in tehnična analiza sta dve najpogostejši vrsti analiz, ki se uporabljata pri trgovanju s tradicionalnimi finančnimi instrumenti (npr. delnicami in obveznicami).

Če nisi seznanjen z analizo cen kriptovalut ne veš kje kupiti Fantom, priporočamo, da prebereš naslednji razdelek, saj je posnemanje morda boljši pristop.

Dodaj Fantom v svoj portfelj s posnemanjem Strategije

Če pri tem nisi vešč, razmisli o drugačnem pristopu k naložbam v kriptovalute. Na ICONOMI se lahko učiš od izkušenih trgovcev s kriptovalutami, ki redno delijo svoja spoznanja in upravljajo svoje javne Kripto Strategije, ter jih posnemaj. Pojdi na stran Strategije in uporabi filter "ticker", da ugotoviš, katere javne Kripto Strategije imajo v svoji strukturi kupljen Fantom.


Na našem Fantom forumu lahko prebereš in komentiraš objave Strategov o Fantom FTM. Poglej vse napovedi cen v realnem času in kar najbolje izkoristi njihovo znanje o kriptovalutah.


Analysis of Future Trends in The Cryptocurrency Market.

🔵Enterprise Solutions

🔹 Future Trends

Enterprises will adopt private and hybrid blockchains for internal workflows and customer-facing operations.Industry-specific solutions, such as blockchain for supply chain, finance, and legal processes, will emerge.

Growth in the use of blockchain for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) compliance.

🔥Institutional Adoption

Large corporations like IBM (Hyperledger) and Oracle are building blockchain-as-a-service platforms.

Enterprises in finance, healthcare, and supply chain are implementing blockchain technology to bring transparency and efficiency to payments infrastructure to build the internal system.

🎯 We look at $HBAR, $FTM, $GRT, $THETA, $NEO, $EGLD and $ANKR which are listed on @ICONOMI , as competitors.

2 ljudem je to všeč


Our suggested list of the best projects available in the Blockchain Infrastructure Sector based on our Digital Assets Classification Standard here.

All of these projects are undervalued, based on our valuation method.


6 ljudem je to všeč
18 sep., 2024

Fantom (FTM) Surges: What’s Driving the Recent Momentum?

Fantom $FTM has surged by 45% over the past month, becoming a standout in the crypto space. The rally is driven by increasing DeFi demand, strategic partnerships, and positive market sentiment.

As Fantom continues to innovate, with the upcoming Sonic upgrade set to boost performance, what does the future hold for FTM?

With key resistance levels and support zones identified, this is a crucial moment for traders and investors. Discover all the factors driving Fantom’s recent success and future potential in our latest analysis.

Read the full analysis HERE

3 ljudem je to všeč
Triaconta DeFi
5 jun., 2024

It is called the new wave of DeFi value. Well thought-out projects like Fantom ($FTM) and Sui ($SUI) that have learned the lessons from the past and are best equipped to handle the DeFi challenges of the future. We welcome both of them into the Triaconta DeFi Strategy. Fantom is an EVM-compatible smart contract blockchain that attracted investor attention with the recent Sonic Upgrade shortly making it the best-performing non-meme cryptocurrency. The excitement (and price) has subsided a bit, but we have a feeling that this upgrade will lead to much more growth and prosperity of this blockchain. And what a great opportuniy to add Sui ($SUI) now. Sui is Meta's Diem team L1 project - top 10 DeFi after 1 year - ever growing $1B TVL - just added mobile wallets - home to 22+ DeFi protocols. This coin made a top in March and then dropped 50% and stabilized which is a good time to add it to the Strategy. We have to say goodbye to Lido DAO (+115% since addition) and Aave (-20% sa).

3 ljudem je to všeč


Detailed Analysis of the Second Correlation Table:


The second table shows the correlation between different sectors and market indices. The sectors are:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Includes $SOL , $AVAX , $NEAR , $ICP , $FTM , $IMX , $STX , $INJ

Infrastructure Applications sector: Includes $AR , $FET , $JASMY , $AGIX , $RNDR .


Key Observations:

Correlation with Market Indices:

TOTAL and Blockchain Infrastructure sector: 77.14% correlation.

TOTAL and Infrastructure Applications sector: 92.54% correlation.

Intra-Sector Correlation:

High correlation within the Blockchain Infrastructure sector (above 84%).

Lower correlation within the Infrastructure Applications sector (below 80%).

Sector Analysis:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Moderate correlation with market indices suggests some diversification benefit.

Infrastructure Applications sector: High correlation with market indices indicates significant market trend dependency.

Risk Diversification:

Blockchain Infrastructure sector: Moderate correlation with market indices makes it useful for diversification.

However, high intra-sector correlation suggests these assets tend to move together.

Infrastructure Applications sector: High correlation with market indices implies these assets are more susceptible to market trends. However, lower intra-sector correlation provides some intra-sector diversification.

The combination of assets from the Blockchain Infrastructure and Infrastructure Applications sectors can provide a balanced portfolio with a good mix of diversification and market exposure. For example, combining assets like SOL (Blockchain Infrastructure) and AR (Infrastructure Applications) may reduce overall portfolio risk.

This is a small part of what I do behind the scenes.

Good luck!

🔵 Mr Jaradat Portfolio

A systematic strategy based on my mathematical model to determine the optimal position for taking additional risks, which is mainly based on the analysis of the trend, momentum and correlation of the assets in this crypto strategy with market indices.

Exposure in [Risk-on] mode

▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 50%

▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 50%

Exposure in [Risk-off] mode

▪️ Blockchain Infrastructure sector 25%

▪️ Infrastructure applications sector 25%

🔵The Strategist


4 ljudem je to všeč

Si pripravljen začeti pot z nami?

Zaupa nam več kot 100.000 uporabnikov z vsega sveta.

Ustvari brezplačen račun

Druge najboljše kriptovalute

Fantom Pogosta vprašanja o ceni

Kaj je najvišja cena Fantom v GBP?

Fantom zgodovina cen v Združenem kraljestvu prikazuje najvišjo vrednost 2,44 GBP . To ceno smo zabeležili 17. januar 2022, vendar ne moremo izključiti, da je bila prej registrirana višja cena 3. februar 2021.

Kakšna je najnižja cena Fantom v GBP?
Kako lahko kupim Fantom v Združenem kraljestvu?
Kakšna je trenutna Fantom cena v Združenem kraljestvu GBP?
Ali je Fantom dobra naložba?