Ne vlagaj, če nisi pripravljen izgubiti vsega vloženega denarja. Kriptovalute so zelo tvegana naložba, ki je lahko zelo nestanovitna, zato ne smeš pričakovati, da boš zaščiten, če gre kaj narobe. Vzemi si 2 minuti časa in se seznani z več informacijami.

Nazaj na kriptovalute

Oglej si ceno Flowv živo. Kupi Flow in ga dodaj v svojo Kripto Strategijo.




0,6057 GBP

Flow Tržna kapitalizacija

942,74M GBP

Oglej si vse možnosti nakupa/prodaje

FLOW graf v GBP

FLOW graf v GBP

Past performanceis not indicative of future results. GBP (£) currency fluctuations can cause returns to go up or down. Returns shown are before fees.See feesandasset data disclosurefor more details.



Donos (24H)
+1,57 %
Donos (7D)
−5,62 %
Donos (1M)
−13,59 %
Donos (1L)
−7,71 %

Moja naložba

Moja naložba

Prevzeti dobiček
0,00 GBP
0,00 %
Nerealizirani P/L
0,00 GBP
0,00 %

Flow cena (FLOW) in opis

Flow cena (FLOW) in opis

Flow je veriga blokov, ki temelji na dokazovanju stave in je zasnovana za zbirateljske predmete NFT in kriptoigre. Posebej je bil zgrajen za obsežno skaliranje, da bi podprl razvijajočo se domeno iger na srečo z veriženjem blokov. Flow uporablja mehanizem konsenza z dokazovanjem deleža, pri katerem morajo potrjevalci za sodelovanje v omrežju zastaviti določeno število žetonov FLOW. Validatorji lahko svoje žetone FLOW prenesejo in prodajo na nekaterih borzah, kot so Kraken, Binance in Huobi. Imetniki žetonov FLOW lahko sodelujejo z verigo blokov Flow prek igre NBA Top Shot ali z nakupom umetniških del na tržnici VIV3 NFT. Obstajajo tudi druge delujoče aplikacije, zgrajene na decentralizirani, razvijalcem prijazni verigi blokov Lay-1.

Kako slediti Flow ceni, sredstvo kupiti, ali dodati v svojo Strategijo

Najhitrejši in najugodnejši način kako kupiti Flow je nakup na ICONOMI. Preverjamo Flow cene v živo na več kot 10+ kripto menjalnicah in jih kupimo po najbollši tržni ceni.

Lahko kupiš Flow z dodajanjem v svojo zasebno Kripto Strategijo (crypto Portfelj). Lahko uporabiš tudi našo ponovno posnemanje funkcijo, ki izravnava učinke volatilnosticen kriptovalut. Več o tem, kako izkoristiti manjše naložbe v rednih časovnih intervalih, si lahko prebereš v našem članku na blogu.

Priporočamo, da opraviš lastno raziskavo in analizo kriptovalut. Izkušeni trgovci s kripto valutami uporabljajo temeljno in tehnično analizo, da ocenijo, ali je Flow dober nakup/prodaja. Temeljna in tehnična analiza sta dve najpogostejši vrsti analiz, ki se uporabljata pri trgovanju s tradicionalnimi finančnimi instrumenti (npr. delnicami in obveznicami).

Če nisi seznanjen z analizo cen kriptovalut ne veš kje kupiti Flow, priporočamo, da prebereš naslednji razdelek, saj je posnemanje morda boljši pristop.

Dodaj Flow v svoj portfelj s posnemanjem Strategije

Če pri tem nisi vešč, razmisli o drugačnem pristopu k naložbam v kriptovalute. Na ICONOMI se lahko učiš od izkušenih trgovcev s kriptovalutami, ki redno delijo svoja spoznanja in upravljajo svoje javne Kripto Strategije, ter jih posnemaj. Pojdi na stran Strategije in uporabi filter "ticker", da ugotoviš, katere javne Kripto Strategije imajo v svoji strukturi kupljen Flow.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about Flow FLOW. See all Flow GBP price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

14 apr., 2024


These are the buy and hold returns from April 1 to the present. 

I provide this information to help you see the extent of the decline resulting from the black swan event last night and the night before and compare its impact from the opening of the month. 

You can evaluate this discounts in relation to your investment as this is an appropriate opportunity to buy discounts as in Mid of last March.

It is always better to invest in a passive index with objective rules and no survival bias.

You can review the components that my indexes possess periodically and compare your performance with my indexes that objectively organize the cryptocurrency market according to the method of your investment, or use them to form your own strategies or customize your investment and increase your understanding of developments in the crypto market.

I'm a momentum investor, I buy winners and sell losers here.

The winner remains a winner and the loser remains a loser.

But you can benefit from this information according to your strategy if you are buying dips.

Blockchain Infrastructure sector ex-$ETH





















2 ljudem je to všeč

Although $BTC and $ETH are relatively stable at the moment, the real bear market rages on in the weakest alts.

Last week (7 day performance):

$SOL : -23.46% (new lows)

$AXS: -11.94%

$ZIL : -10.46%

$BAT: -11.08%

$FLOW: -11.72%

This might be only the first signs of a new upcoming downleg, that could send coins like $SOL below 5usd. In alts in a bearmarket, it's almost never too late to sell because there will be no new bullmarket before $ETH and $BTC break to the upside through strong resistancelevels and confirm that move by retesting the previous resistance as support.

That gives us plenty of time to buy back in.

The alt stars of the next bullmarket in crypto will probably be projects we don't know about yet (or that don't exist yet). Nevertheless we have a shoppinglist with $ALGO , $ATOM , $AAVE , $ADA , $MATIC and many others.

That's why we are very happy to be mainly out of the market. We will be able to buy so much more alts with our stableposition once the dust settles.

4 ljudem je to všeč
16 nov., 2022

Re⚖️Balance & Pivot Update

This is a sizeable one. Removed many assets that could come under heavy regulatory scrutiny or become entangled in the FTX contagion.

Moonity saw $XMR showing immense strength amidst the chaos and it seems like the best non freezable digital asset hedge (since DAI is not available for almost a year now on iconomi).

/rm $AVAX | $FLOW | $REN | $RVN | -1.93% $MKR | -1.42$ $MANA | -1.4% $LINK | -0.96% $AAVE | -.99% $SAND

/add +4.57% $XMR | +3.89% $ADA | +1.36% $GRT | +1.43% $KMD

Why Moonity increased $ADA

"Hydra Payments" (a L2 for micro payments, utilizing the Hydra protocol stack) was announced for Cardano to be rolled out end of this year. This is ushering in the DeFi era on the blockchain; together with the first stable coin to be released end of this or beginning of next year.

Stay happy & mindful🙏

2 ljudem je to všeč

@KeotionaErro everything is possible. Even XMR being banned from CentralizedExchanges (CEX) or all crypto assets going to 0. However we believe in a future that is now emerging, where DecentralizedExchanges (DEX) are equally in demand as centralized ones. Banning a privacy oriented crypto asset from a DEX is almost impossible.

Won't XMR be banned from every echange?

Crypto Index 25
1 nov., 2022

🤟 Rebalancing Info 01.11.2022 🤟

Strategy Performance October: +5% 📈

Winner October: $DOGE +126% 😮

Loser October: $NEAR -13% 📉

Every month I rebalance the strategy back to 4% each of the Top25 crypto coins without Stablecoins or wrapped Token.

There has been 1 change in the Top25:

1x Out:$FLOW

24x Rebalanced

1x New: $QNT

So everything is rebalanced back to 4% each.

🤟 🤟

3 ljudem je to všeč

Monthly Structure Change 2022-11

✅ Added $QNT

❎ Removed $FLOW

🔄 Rebalance Turnover 3.64%

3 ljudem je to všeč

Si pripravljen začeti pot z nami?

Zaupa nam več kot 100.000 uporabnikov z vsega sveta.

Ustvari brezplačen račun

Druge najboljše kriptovalute

Flow GBP Price FAQ

Kaj je najvišja cena Flow v GBP?

Flow zgodovina cen v Združenem kraljestvu prikazuje najvišjo vrednost 28,39 GBP . To ceno smo zabeležili 14. april 2021, vendar ne moremo izključiti, da je bila prej registrirana višja cena 4. marec 2021.

Kakšna je najnižja cena Flow v GBP?
Kako lahko kupim Flow v Združenem kraljestvu?
Kakšna je trenutna Flow cena v Združenem kraljestvu GBP?
Ali je Flow dobra naložba?