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Diversitas EW

Strategi Penyalinan Aset


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Kinerja Strategi Diversitas EW

Kinerja Strategi Diversitas EW

Kinerja masa lalutidak menunjukkan hasil di masa depan. Fluktuasi mata uang EUR (€) dapat menyebabkan pengembalian naik atau turun. Pengembalian yang ditampilkan adalah sebelum biaya.Lihat pengungkapan biayadandata Strategiuntuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Sepatah kata dari Ahli Strategi

Sepatah kata dari Ahli Strategi

Tentang Strategi ini

Tentang Strategi ini

Diversitas EW adalah strategi berbobot sama dengan eksposur altcoin yang tinggi.


Pengembalian Tahunan
Maks. Drawdown
-58,97 %
-17,27 %
+3,77 %



Lihat struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur

Perubahan struktur terakhir
16 Des 2024 09.29.33
Jumlah perubahan struktur dalam 30 hari terakhir


Diversitas EW
16 Des, 2024

🚨Rebalance Alert🚨

In the next hour, we’ll carry out our regular weekly rebalance ✅ $BTC is pushing higher and altcoins will likely follow. Rebalancing the strategy to original weights ahead of the new week!

7 orang suka ini

Please start including TA as too much track was lost recently compared to top performers. Thx

Diversitas EW
9 Des, 2024

🚨Rebalance Alert🚨

In the next hour, we’ll carry out our regular weekly rebalance✅ It’s been a strong week across the board, with $LINK leading the way with an impressive 30% return. We’re rebalancing the strategy back to its original weights!

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7 orang suka ini
Diversitas EW
2 Des, 2024

Over the next hour, we will perform a regular weekly rebalance✅ rebalancing the strategy to original weights ahead of the new week🚀

5 orang suka ini
Diversitas EW
25 Nov, 2024

A solid performance this week with $LINK and $AVAX leading the charge. We're now rebalancing the strategy back to its original weights to lock in gains ✅

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Satu orang menyukai ini


We understand your perspective on $ALGO and agree that it's an interesting project, especially given its focus on decentralization through its innovative approach to mining rewards. However, with only 10 holdings in our portfolio, we have to make tough decisions and prioritize projects we believe fit our strategy most effectively.

Nonetheless happy to follow you as always

I was surprised you did not put $ALGO in the basket. Not for its recent surge I say this but for the dichotomy of achieving good decentralisation either via the chain with highest Hashrate ($BTC) or with the chain with random allocation of mining rewards.

Diversitas EW
18 Nov, 2024

Another green week with the green frog $PEPE taking the spotlight (+80%)👀 Rebalancing the strategy to original weights👌

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5 orang suka ini