Invester ikke, medmindre du er parat til at miste alle de penge, du investerer. Kryptovalutaer er en højrisikoinvestering, der kan være meget ustabil, og du skal ikke forvente at være beskyttet, hvis noget går galt. Brug 2 minutter på at lære mere.

Ploutos index

Strategi for kopiering af aktiver

6.924 €

Antal kopierende


Ploutos index Strategipræstation

Ploutos index Strategipræstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i EUR (€) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer.Se oplysninger om gebyrer og Strategidata for flere detaljer.

Om denne Strategi

Om denne Strategi

We analyze the market, adjust and ensure maximizing the strategy performance. We invest long term.


Annualiseret Afkast
+37,68 %
Maks. Drawdown
-62,99 %
-11,10 %
+3,97 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur



Sidste strukturændring
2. mar. 2025 17.34.56
Antal strukturændringer inden for de sidste 30 dage


Ploutos index
12 maj, 2022

We are surfing into the current market. $LUNA 's situation is unique and opens a unique opportunity to invest. We believe that $UST peg is needed for the ecosystem in general.

We will keep investing while having a laser focus on the situation hour to hour.

Several rules are activated to reduce the risk of market fall.

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Ploutos index
11 feb., 2023

We are still monitoring the market our rules are set and we expect more fun for the next few weeks. Keep holding.

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Ploutos index
24 okt., 2022

We will stay out of the market for the next few days. We expect some dump by end of next week before Fed meeting. Hold tight !

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Ploutos index
7 jun., 2022

The SEC is investigating #BNB this might lead us to another bearish closing week. 

The market is still in better shape compared to May. We expect more movement between July and October when Q3 earnings are live.

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Ploutos index
14 maj, 2022

Weekend started and the market fluctuations, we will keep 25% $BTC increase or reduce if needed.

$XMR is promising and undervalued the position will be kept all the weekend.

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