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Ethereal Strategy

Strategi for kopiering af aktiver

981.025 €

Antal kopierende


Ethereal Strategy Strategipræstation

Ethereal Strategy Strategipræstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i EUR (€) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer.Se oplysninger om gebyrer og Strategidata for flere detaljer.

Om denne Strategi

Om denne Strategi

The Ethereal Strategy focusses on blockchain infrastructure including leading L1 blockchains.


Annualiseret Afkast
+55,75 %
Maks. Drawdown
-91,69 %
-6,67 %
+1,78 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur



Sidste strukturændring
19. feb. 2025 00.41.07
Antal strukturændringer inden for de sidste 30 dage


Ethereal Strategy
19 feb., 2025

In an effort to protect capital I am rebalancing into BTC.

4 folk kan lide dette
Ethereal Strategy
30 jan., 2025

I have rebalanced into BTC and SOL. Unfortunately the ETH trade didn't work out.

8 folk kan lide dette

Don't believe so @MajestiChampagn. I did not like this play

But I guess it'll get rejected soon.

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Well done. For the mid term, it is very wise to have rebalanced into SOL. ETH might have its own time rising up in their coming months, but it is very likely that SOL will rise higher, and faster.

Ethereal Strategy
22 maj, 2024

I have decided to rebalance into Ethereum in expectation of approval of the Ethereum ETF's by the SEC.

4 folk kan lide dette

That's my question too. Are you still active?

Still active? Thoughts on the market right now? Why still in eth?

Ethereal Strategy
4 nov., 2023

I have decided to add Solana into the mix alongside Bitcoin.

18 folk kan lide dette

@BlackRabbit there's no minimum as far as I'm aware.

Hi. What’s the minimum amount to copy you strategy?

Ethereal Strategy
13 feb., 2023

I have decided to rebalance purely into Bitcoin as I view it as the safest place to be right now to ride out the storm.

19 folk kan lide dette

@FruitfuMoos when the time is right, I don't feel its right yet with everything that is still going on.

Any views on when you will diversify? strategy! GOOD JOB