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25.056 €

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BigCoinMix Strategipræstation

BigCoinMix Strategipræstation

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Om denne Strategi

Om denne Strategi

A start strategy


Annualiseret Afkast
-25,99 %
Maks. Drawdown
-69,74 %
-25,88 %
+5,94 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Se struktur



Sidste strukturændring
2. dec. 2024 09.23.13
Antal strukturændringer inden for de sidste 30 dage


6 dec., 2024

My first post on Iconomi, but as I got copiers I feel like I have to at least say something about the strategy I am running and about the project we are investing in.

I will leave the strategy in 100% $JASMY and will not rebalance when drops arrive. Please use iconomi smart rules to take profits and limit losses along the way - the strategy fees are low so you can leave and enter. The Jasmy token just completed the cup and handle pattern and it is planned to make a big surge. There will be corrections on the way but hope the gains will remain. Some predict top at 0.1USD, some at 0.7USD, some at 1USD and some even at 17USD! All time high of Jasmy is 4.99USD from 4 years ago (according to coinmarketcap.com).

Jasmy Incorporated (Jasmy) is an IT company from Japan. Company's director is former President and COO of Sony Corporation and the company President is a former CEO of Sony Company. Jasmy aims to develop and provide an IoT platform that allows everyone to handle information and goods easily, safely, and securely.

Jasmy has been developing a system where important data generated from our daily lives is not monopolized by a limited number of companies, but rather, the true owners have sovereignty and can utilize their personal data under their own management.

Technically, Jasmy has uniquely integrated IoT-related technologies, which were not necessarily considered to be compatible, with cutting-edge Web3 technologies such as blockchain. This fusion has enabled them to build a platform that can be widely utilized across industry and sector boundaries.

Jasmy is partnering with big companies like Apple, Sony.. and because of the high security even with medical companies like Novacellum Inc.

Jasmy tokens runs on Ethereum blockchain network as an ERC-20 token.

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