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Strategi för kopiering av tillgångar

8,86M €

Antal kopierare


Diversitas Strategins resultat

Diversitas Strategins resultat

Tidigare resultat är inte ett tecken på framtida resultat. EUR(€) Valutafluktuationer kan leda till att avkastningen går upp eller ner. Avkastningar som visas är före avgifter. Se detaljer om avgifter och Strategidata för mer information.

Ett ord från Strategen

Ett ord från Strategen

Om denna strategi

Om denna strategi

Diversitas strävar efter att uppnå konsekvent, långsiktig tillväxt genom att förankra minst 30% i BTC och investera i flera lovande altcoins (var och en begränsad till 20%) för att fånga överdriven avkastning. Men om marknadsförhållandena motiverar en mer defensiv hållning kan strategin svänga helt in i stablecoins för riskhantering. Genom detta disciplinerade tillvägagångssätt diversifierar vi exponeringen samtidigt som vi minskar koncentrationsriskerna.


Annualiserad Avkastning
+104,51 %
Max. Drawdown
−74,49 %
−4,86 %
+2,37 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur



Senaste strukturändringen
7 feb. 2025 12:30:33
Antal strukturändringar under de senaste 30 dagarna


20h sedan

Crypto Market Pulse👀

  • We printed a confirmed reversal on a daily chart
  • We are starting to see high Coinbase Premium💪
  • China is printing money like there is no tomorrow👀
  • Weekly $BTC RSI brakeout is in progress🔥
  • It looks like 90 days of consolidation is coming to an end🤔
  • Altcoins are outperforming on the way up👌
  • Bitcoin dominance is starting to come down🙏
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17 personer gillar detta
20 feb., 2025

Crypto Market Pulse👀

  • Coinbase Premium remains positive🤝
  • We continue to see large stablecoin deposits to exchanges
  • $BTC is trying to break out of the structure shown yesterday👌
  • Weekly RSI brakeout is also trying to confirm💪
  • $ETH ETF flows were small but positive for the past 2 days🤔
  • Strategy to raise $2 billion to purchase more Bitcoin💸
  • SEC acknowledges 21Shares' proposal to permit staking on $ETH ETF🔥

We are also starting to see state-level adoption in the US. Montana becomes the 4th state to pass SBR (strategic bitcoin reserve) out of committee. Utah, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Montana🤑 Hopefully we can end the downtrend, push up, and finally transition to a new algorithm, over the coming days!

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20 personer gillar detta
19 feb., 2025

Crypto Market Pulse👀

Lately, the selling pressure has been relentless but today's daily close will likely set the stage for weeks to come. Something to watch today👀 Very interesting setup with volatility squeeze starting to print on a daily chart🤔

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14 personer gillar detta
18 feb., 2025

Crypto Market Pulse👀

  • Metaplanet buys another ¥4 billion worth of Bitcoin🇯🇵
  • Goldman Sachs started pushing for $BTC swaps and options🤔
  • Stock market was closed so there were no ETF inflows/outflows😴
  • State Street and Citi will start to custody $BTC as well as $ETH 👀
  • JP Morgan included Bitcoin in their widely-read Quarterly Guide to ETFs😆

More importantly, at the current levels, the number of sellers willing to sell at a loss has dropped to a minimum. Overall, there’s nothing to do at these levels - it’s time to move on/up📈

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16 personer gillar detta
17 feb., 2025

Since we continue to experience technical difficulties when trying to post our update on ICONOMI, we decided to post it on X instead. Below is the link👇

11 personer gillar detta

@SturdInscriptio Most likely not as the issue has not yet been resolved.