Nu investi decât dacă ești pregătit să pierzi toți banii pe care îi investești. Criptomonedele sunt o investiție cu risc ridicat care poate fi foarte volatilă și nu trebui să te aștepți să fii protejat dacă ceva nu merge bine. Ia-ți 2 minute pentru a afla mai multe.


Active Copiind Strategia

4.485 EUR

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CRYPTONICSPerformanța Strategiei

CRYPTONICSPerformanța Strategiei

Performanțele trecute nu sunt un indicator al rezultatelor viitoare. Fluctuațiile monedei EUR (€) pot determina creșterea sau scăderea randamentelor. Randamentele afișate sunt înainte de comisioane.Consultă divulgarea comisioanelor și a datelor privind Strategia pentru mai multe detalii.

Despre această Strategie

Despre această Strategie

Cryptonics este o strategie gestionată în mod activ și utilizează analiza tehnică și indicatori proprii personalizați pentru a tranzacționa în mod activ cu reguli de automatizare, luând în considerare în același timp știrile importante de pe piața cripto și bursieră.


Randament Anualizat
-2,60 %
Tragere max.
-75,84 %
-17,99 %
+4,45 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Vezi Structură

Modificări de structură

Modificări de structură

Ultima modificare a structurii
9 ian. 2025, 15:49:33
Numărul modificărilor de structură din ultimele 30 de zile


21 apr., 2024

Let’s take a look at the correlation between the $BTC logarithmic opening price at the halving dates and the $BTC Halving Power Law… 👀 Crazy accurate, don’t you think ?! 🤩 If we extrapolate out the Power Law equation until 2140, we should have a possible glimpse of the future… 🚀🚀🚀 The X-axis is the halving number and the Y-axis is the ln(price at opening).

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5 persoane apreciază asta
11 nov., 2023

If Fidelity Investments is posting $BTC price projections like this, then bullish it is… 🚀

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8 nov., 2023

Interesting theoretical $BTC price model… 👌🏻Let’s see in 2025 if it was spot on… 🤞🏻 Bitcoin has never found a solid price model that factors in diminishing returns, until now. BitX, which explains why Bitcoin was not able to reach 100k last cycle, and why it should this cycle. Using the Halving Cycles Theory, we can determine strict time frames to abide by. The Theory says that cycles operate in a 4-part, 4-year cycle centered around the date of November 28th. At inception, price was much easier to move. Bitcoin moved at a first-cycle pace of 100x from 10 cents to 10 dollars which took a quarter cycle (1 year). BitX says that all moves will increase in time to achieve, by a factor of 2. The second move also increased by 100x, to $1000. This took a half cycle (2 Years) After the first cycle, where price could create more outstanding leaps and bounds, the increase factor diminished to 10x, where we are now. It then took 1 full cycle to reach $10,000, the 10x multiple of the previous tier. The reason last cycle was not able to achieve 100k, was that it now takes 2 cycles from the previous to reach 100k. You can see that most cycles slightly overshoot their targets. We can then even determine the time it would take to reach 1,000,000 which would be 4 cycles, or by late 2041. Diminished returns are now accounted for based on history, 100k (and above) should finally be next. Scheduled to come +/- 21 days from Nov 28th 2025 according to the Halving Cycles Theory.

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2 nov., 2023

The BEAM ("Bitcoin Economics Adaptive Multiple") indicator gives you a great high level overview when to buy (🟩zone) and sell (🟥zone). Notice 👀the bullruns 🚀after the $BTC halvings... Check our free live indicator here:

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6 persoane apreciază asta
8 oct., 2023

Always fun to see what these cycle projections have in petto for the future… 😉 Reportedly W.D. Gann constructed his legendary Financial Time Table on August 8th, 1908, without an ephemeris. Gann himself has been quoted as saying that this was his greatest market discovery. It is entirely based on the moon’s north node, which completes a full cycle every 18.6-years. This is the same cycle that Louise McWhirter used to predict the stock market as well. To mimic the Lunar Declination Cycle Gann simply alternated a sequence of +19, +18, +19, +18 etc.-years across the top to get an average length of 18.6-years. However, he finally noted that an adjustment would finally be due for Dec 25th, 1989. The above table adjusted the pattern to the ephemeris. The Financial Time Table predicts years of recessions, depressions, high stock prices, panics, low stock prices, speculative times, stock market crashes, labor strikes and so on. The legend at the right of the table reads as follows: A - Extreme low stock prices, strikes, repression, despair, and beginning of new business generation for 18-3/5 years. 4 years of rising stock prices and improving business, markets bare of goods. Young men becoming prominent. B - High stock prices. C - Panic D - Low stock prices. E - High stock prices. F - Panic G - Low stock prices. H - Very high stock prices most prosperous year, waste over extravagance, most money in circulation, much speculation. J - Major Panic-CRASH! 4-years of falling prices, business stagnated, breadlines, soup kitchens, despair, and unemployment. K - Same as A plus strikes, unemployment, many prominent deaths. W.D. Gann also observed what he came to call the “decade cycle”. In his many commodity and stock market courses, he described the decade cycle this way: By studying the yearly high and low chart and going back over a long period of time, you will see the years in which bull markets culminate and the years in which bear markets begin and end. Each decade, or 10-year cycle, which is one-tenth of 100 years, marks an important campaign… In referring to these numbers and these years, we mean the calendar years. To understand this, study 1891 to 1900, 1901 to 1910, 1911 to 1920, 1921 to 1930 and 1931 to 1939. The ten year cycle continues to repeat over and over, but the greatest advances and declines occur at the end of the 20-year and 30year cycles, and again at the end of the 50-year and 60-year cycles, which are stronger than the others.

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