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Fusion AI

Strategia kopiowania aktywów

5 901 €

Liczba kopiujących


Wyniki Strategii Fusion AI

Wyniki Strategii Fusion AI

Wyniki osiągnięte w przeszłości nie są wyznacznikiem przyszłych wyników. Fluktuacje waluty EUR (€) mogą spowodować wzrost lub spadek zwrotów. Przedstawione zwroty są przed opłatami. Zobacz ujawnianie opłat i danych Strategii, aby uzyskać więcej informacji

Słowo od Stratega

Słowo od Stratega

O tej Strategii

O tej Strategii

Strategia oparta na sztucznej inteligencji dla Bitcoina


Roczny Zwrot
Maks. wypłata
-16,12 %
-4,37 %
+1,02 %



USD Coin5,00%
Zobacz strukturę

Zmiany w strukturze

Zmiany w strukturze

Ostatnia zmiana struktury
8 mar 2025, 19:15:07
Liczba zmian struktury w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni


Fusion AI
20 wrz, 2024

Fusion AI is an innovative strategy that combines traditional trading techniques with advanced artificial intelligence to enhance returns in the highly volatile crypto market.

By offering daily actionable insights, Fusion AI represents the perfect blend of time-tested trading methods and cutting-edge AI technology. This strategy integrates the strength of classical trading approaches with sophisticated AI-driven analysis of price data, technical indicators, and investor sentiment, providing a comprehensive view of the fast-moving crypto landscape.

Grounded in scientific precision and proven market strategies, Fusion AI generates daily signals, equipping investors with foresight and practical insights to navigate market volatility.

Fusion AI's balanced reliance on machine learning and traditional quantitative analysis sets it apart from other AI trading models. Recognizing that large language models alone aren’t sufficient for reliable predictive analytics, the team designed the AI to blend sentiment analysis with classical trading strategies, such as price data analysis and technical indicators. This hybrid approach enables Fusion AI to deliver predictive insights on individual cryptocurrencies within the market.

Assets Traded: $BTC

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Fusion AI
5 mar, 2025

🚀 After a period of dormancy, our Fusion AI strategy has identified a promising opportunity and initiated a long position in Bitcoin. 

Over the past six months, Bitcoin has experienced significant volatility. It reached an all-time high of $109,350 on January 20, 2025, before declining below $90,000 in late February. This recent market correction aligns with Fusion AI's criteria for a strategic entry point. 

Fusion AI combines traditional trading methodologies with advanced artificial intelligence to optimize returns in the volatile crypto market. Analyzing price data, technical indicators, and investor sentiment provides daily actionable insights. 

🔍 Learn more about Fusion AI here.

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