Lihat harga Harmony langsung di Inggris. Beli Harmony di Inggris atau tambahkan ke Strategi Kripto Anda.



Harga ONE ke GBP


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Grafik harga / kinerja ONE GBP

Grafik harga / kinerja ONE GBP

Kinerja masa lalutidak menunjukkan hasil di masa depan. Fluktuasi mata uang GBP (£) dapat menyebabkan pengembalian naik atau turun. Pengembalian yang ditampilkan adalah sebelum biaya.Lihat pengungkapan biayadandata asetuntuk informasi lebih lanjut.



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Ikhtisar Harmony (ONE)

Ikhtisar Harmony (ONE)

Harmony adalah blockchain terdesentralisasi yang aman yang menangani dua komponen: skalabilitas dan desentralisasi. Ia bekerja sebagai protokol blockchain berbasis sharding generasi berikutnya yang dibangun untuk memungkinkan pembuatan dan penggunaan aplikasi DeFi. Koin Harmony ONE adalah bahan bakar blockchain Harmony. Koin Harmony ONE adalah BEP2 dan token ERC-20 sebelum bermigrasi ke rantainya sendiri (HRC-20) sebagai bagian dari tata kelola on-chain dan staking. Rantai Harmony menggunakan versi mekanisme Proof of Stake yang disebut mekanisme konsensus Proof of Stake yang efektif. Harmony ONE dapat dibeli di bursa kripto terkemuka seperti Binance, Kraken, dan Huobi.

Cara Membeli Harmony atau Menambahkannya ke Strategi Anda

Cara tercepat dan ternyaman untuk membeli Harmony adalah dengan membelinya di ICONOMI. Kami memeriksa harga langsung Harmony di 10+ bursa kripto dan membelinya dengan harga pasar terbaik.

Anda dapat membeli Harmony dengan menambahkannya ke Strategi Kripto (portofolio kripto) pribadi Anda. Anda juga bisa menggunakan fitur pembelian berulang kami yang cenderung meratakan efek volatilitas harga mata uang kripto. Anda dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasi yang lebih kecil secara berkala di artikel blog kami.

Kami menyarankan Anda untuk melakukan riset dan analisis mata uang kripto sendiri. Perdagangan kripto yang berpengalaman menggunakan analisis fundamental dan teknis untuk mengevaluasi apakah Harmony merupakan pembelian/penjualan yang baik. Analisis fundamental dan teknis adalah dua jenis analisis yang paling umum digunakan dalam perdagangan aset tradisional (misalnya, saham dan obligasi).

Jika Anda tidak terbiasa menganalisis harga mata uang kripto dan ingin membeli Harmony, kami sarankan Anda membaca bagian selanjutnya, karena menyalin mungkin merupakan pendekatan yang lebih baik.

Tambahkan Harmony ke portofolio Anda dengan menyalin Strategi

Jika Anda tidak ahli dalam hal ini, pertimbangkan pendekatan yang berbeda untuk berinvestasi dalam mata uang kripto. Anda dapat belajar dari dan menyalin para pedagang kripto berpengalaman di ICONOMI, yang secara teratur membagikan wawasan mereka dan mengelola Strategi Kripto publik mereka. Buka halaman Strategi dan gunakan filter “ticker” untuk mengetahui Strategi Kripto publik mana yang memiliki Harmony dalam strukturnya.


Here you can read and comment on all posts made by Strategists about Harmony ONE. See all Harmony GBP price predictions in real time and make the best use of their crypto knowledge.

AltcoinWave AI
20 Sep, 2024

AltcoinWave AI is a cutting-edge quantitative trading system designed to outperform Bitcoin by managing a curated portfolio of promising altcoins. The system strategically navigates the crypto money cycle using proprietary AI technology to maximize returns. 

Precision of a hedge fund

AltcoinWave AI utilizes custom-built AI developed in-house, drawing on years of expertise to analyze market sentiment and key macro factors. This enables effective market timing, allowing the system to capture over 75% of bull market gains while avoiding 50% of bear market losses. As a result, AltcoinWave AI outperforms traditional buy-and-hold approaches by up to four times.

Investing in top-performing Altcoins

During bullish market cycles, AltcoinWave AI invests directly in altcoins with solid momentum, aiming for higher returns than Bitcoin. The system starts with Bitcoin and shifts towards altcoins as market conditions evolve.

Built-in risk management

AltcoinWave AI incorporates robust risk management strategies, applying internal stop-loss mechanisms and rebalancing the portfolio weekly to maximize returns while controlling risk. In adverse market conditions, the system moves to USDT for capital preservation.

Why choose this strategy?

AltcoinWave AI has been rigorously tested for performance and reliability, making it a strong option for those seeking high-potential investments with integrated risk controls. The system's developers personally invested in it, so users can trust in the strategy's design and return potential.

Assets Traded in past bull runs


Learn more at or follow us on Telegram!

2 orang suka ini
16 Agu, 2022

JUST IN: Harmony Protocol $ONE has just announced it has successfully completed building a bridge between COSMOS and Harmony protocol on the local testnet.


What is $ONE ? Harmony protocol is trying to become an interoperable Layer 2 solution for Ethereum. Interesting that more and more blockchain projects are embracing $ATOM IBC protocol solution for interoperability standard.

First $DYDX, 2nd $SUSHI, now $ONE... simply said all roads lead to COSMOS

Is a big migration from Ethereum happening in front of our eyes and are projects starting to migrate to Cosmos? Is appchain the future?Short answer: YES!

We've predicted this 1 year ago this will start happening and now adoption of $ATOM has never been bigger than today.

Why are projects embracing Cosmos interoperability solution? Short answer is because it is the only battle tested interoperability solution that was never frozen, hacked or had any issues. Every month billions of $ flow through IBC protocol on $ATOM.

DeFI & Global financial infrastructure lacks interoperability solutions. This is also a reason why CBDC's aren't developed yet.

Could an answer to this lie in $ATOM's IBC protocol solution? Maybe

Bellow I have attached a picture that summarises how many funds were lost due to bad interoperability practices aka bad bridges. As you can see more than 1,3B$ were lost in bridge hacks just this year (2022).


4 orang suka ini
16 Agu, 2022

JUST IN: Harmony Protocol $ONE has just announced it has successfully completed building a bridge between COSMOS and Harmony protocol on the local testnet.


What is $ONE? Harmony protocol is trying to become an interoperable Layer 2 solution for Ethereum. Interesting that more and more blockchain projects are embracing $ATOM IBC protocol solution for interoperability standard.

First $DYDX, 2nd $SUSHI, now $ONE... simply said all roads lead to COSMOS

Is a big migration from Ethereum happening in front of our eyes and are projects starting to migrate to Cosmos? Is appchain the future?

Short answer: YES!

We've predicted this 1 year ago this will start happening and now adoption of $ATOM has never been bigger than today.

Why are projects embracing Cosmos interoperability solution? Short answer is because it is the only battle tested interoperability solution that was never frozen, hacked or had any issues. Every month billions of $ flow through IBC protocol on $ATOM.

DeFI & Global financial infrastructure lacks interoperability solutions. This is also a reason why CBDC's aren't developed yet.

Could an answer to this lie in $ATOM's IBC protocol solution? Maybe

Bellow I have attached a picture that summarises how many funds were lost due to bad interoperability practices aka bad bridges. As you can see more than 1,3B$ were lost in bridge hacks just this year (2022).


2 orang suka ini

Monthly Rebalancing:


Out: $ONE

All assets rebalanced to 4%

Strategy now fully open to public:

Long-Term-InvestBased on assumption of general growth of crypto market capitalisationInvest in Top 25 Crypto Currencies based on Market CapMonthly equal weight rebalancingAttractive Following with minimum feesPerfect also for Saving Plans

Also check out "25 Top Market Cap Equal Weight" Strategy

3 orang suka ini

Monthly Rebalancing:



All assets rebalanced to 4%

Strategy now fully open to public:

Long-Term-InvestBased on assumption of general growth of crypto market capitalisationInvest in Top 25 Crypto Currencies based on Market CapMonthly equal weight rebalancingAttractive Following with minimum feesPerfect also for Saving Plans

Also check out "25 Top Market Cap Equal Weight" Strategy

2 orang suka ini

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Harmony GBP Price FAQ

Berapa Harga Tertinggi dari Harmony dalam GBP?

Riwayat harga Harmony Inggris menunjukkan nilai tertinggi dari 0,26 GBP . Kami mencatat harga ini pada 15 Januari 2022, tetapi kami tidak dapat mengesampingkan bahwa harga yang lebih tinggi telah terdaftar sebelum 20 Agustus 2021.

Berapa Harga Terendah dari Harmony dalam GBP?
Bagaimana cara membeli Harmony di Inggris?
Berapa Harga Harmony Inggris Saat Ini dalam GBP?
Apakah Harmony merupakan investasi yang baik?