Lihat harga langsung Audius dalam EUR. Beli Audius atau tambahkan ke Strategi Kripto Anda.



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Grafik harga / kinerja AUDIO EUR

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Ikhtisar Audius (AUDIO)

Ikhtisar Audius (AUDIO)

Audius adalah protokol streaming musik terdesentralisasi yang berjalan pada blockchain Solana. AUDIO adalah token protokol yang didasarkan pada standar ERC-20. Token ini juga berfungsi sebagai token tata kelola di Audius. Pemegang dapat mempertaruhkan token AUDIO untuk membantu mengamankan jaringan, berpartisipasi dalam tata kelola Audius, dan mengakses fitur dan konten eksklusif. Mereka juga dapat menerima hadiah AUDIO dari staking. Audius adalah platform streaming musik terdesentralisasi sepenuhnya yang menghubungkan pendengar dengan artis secara langsung melalui mata uang kripto asalnya, AUDIO. Audius adalah protokol blockchain layer 2 yang awalnya dibangun di atas sidechain Ethereum - POA Network. Karena masalah penskalaan - protokol ini kemudian memigrasikan sistem manajemen kontennya ke Solana.

Cara Membeli Audius atau Menambahkannya ke Strategi Anda

Cara tercepat dan ternyaman untuk membeli Audius adalah dengan membelinya di ICONOMI. Kami memeriksa harga langsung Audius di 10+ bursa kripto dan membelinya dengan harga pasar terbaik.

Anda dapat membeli Audius dengan menambahkannya ke Strategi Kripto (portofolio kripto) pribadi Anda. Anda juga bisa menggunakan fitur pembelian berulang kami yang cenderung meratakan efek volatilitas harga mata uang kripto. Anda dapat mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasi yang lebih kecil secara berkala di artikel blog kami.

Kami menyarankan Anda untuk melakukan riset dan analisis mata uang kripto sendiri. Perdagangan kripto yang berpengalaman menggunakan analisis fundamental dan teknis untuk mengevaluasi apakah Audius merupakan pembelian/penjualan yang baik. Analisis fundamental dan teknis adalah dua jenis analisis yang paling umum digunakan dalam perdagangan aset tradisional (misalnya, saham dan obligasi).

Jika Anda tidak terbiasa menganalisis harga mata uang kripto dan ingin membeli Audius, kami sarankan Anda membaca bagian selanjutnya, karena menyalin mungkin merupakan pendekatan yang lebih baik.

Tambahkan Audius ke portofolio Anda dengan menyalin Strategi

Jika Anda tidak ahli dalam hal ini, pertimbangkan pendekatan yang berbeda untuk berinvestasi dalam mata uang kripto. Anda dapat belajar dari dan menyalin para pedagang kripto berpengalaman di ICONOMI, yang secara teratur membagikan wawasan mereka dan mengelola Strategi Kripto publik mereka. Buka halaman Strategi dan gunakan filter β€œticker” untuk mengetahui Strategi Kripto publik mana yang memiliki Audius dalam strukturnya.


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Andy Storm
15 Feb, 2025

hello again,

I must to give an response regarding my previous post.

So, my exit plan is based on the #fibonacci levels.

Why? Because the math is never wrong, right? 1+1=2 everytime without doubt!!

Between 0.618 and 0.786 fibbo I will make the first exit.

What this mean?

This money will no enter again in the strategy and will stay away prepared for the next cycle. Rotations will be for sure meantime where I will see good opportunities of course. But those levels for fibbo exit will be money secured for the next cycle!

The next levels will be between 1 - 1.618- 2.618 fibbo if the market will arrive there! If not, I will reorganize my plan!

Here's my projects with first exit plan based on each price of coin:


price now: 2.04 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 47.24 - 59.67 $


price now: 0.09 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 0.44-0.55 $


price now: 0.081 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.11-2.67 $


price now 0.0086 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 0.0741-0.9387 $


price now: 3.49 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 148.13 -187.74 $


price now: 0.051 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 1.82 - 2.30 $


price now: 0.137 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.35 - 2.96 $


price now: 0.126 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.88 - 3.64 $


price now: 0.102 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 3.12-3.94 $


price now: 0.0027 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 0.054 - 0.067 $


price now: 0.132 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.00-2.52 $

So, I don't give you random numbers/levels for take profit!

If somebody ask me ''why Fibbo?" answer: ''because of pure math''!

NO ONE can defead the math!!

Let's go!!

6 orang suka ini

For this reason I said that the exit will start from fib 0.618. Balancer had all time high aroud 75$. To start the exit from 47$ is very healthy! I don't need all time high or more. Because a good part of profit will be secured till there. Of course I will let a part for "to the moon"! But believe me, you will be very happy if our coins will reach 0.618-0.786 fibbo area.

For example Balancer was already at $42 at February 2021.

I have heard that this alt season will be a lot less than previous alt seasons because there are so many more alt coins 100,000s compared to previously only 1000s. Meaning the money is spread across more alt coins.

You fibs assume the alt season will be like the last ones. I hope so but not sure.

Andy Storm
28 Nov, 2024

Hello all,

  1. I wanna share with you a small part of my analyze and why I think my strategy will have a very nice run in this #bullmarket:$ALPHA has a Mcap of only 88 mil $ and a FDV of 98 mil $. very nice space in front for raise
  2. $REN has a Mcap of only 40 mil $ and a FDV same 40 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  3. $MAGIC has a Mcap of only 146 mil $ and a FDV of 184 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  4. $OGN has a Mcap of 86 mil $ and a FDV of 177 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  5. $AUDIO has a Mcap of 219 mil $ with FDV also 219 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  6. $COTI has a Mcap of 244 mil $ and FDV 273 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run


I wait at least 0.618 #fibbo for these to get a very good profit.They will not go straight away to those levels, corrections will occure for sure.
Respect the plan!!You can take a look to my strategy here:

6 orang suka ini

I response to you already few days ago about some coins how much raise they will make if reach 0.618 fibbo.

What is the 618 fibbo and where are we now?

Post image
Diposting menggunakan GIPHY
28 Nov, 2024


Hello all,

I wanna share with you a small part of my analyze and why I think my strategy will have a very nice run in this #bullmarket:

  1. $ALPHA has a Mcap of only 88 mil $ and a FDV of 98 mil $. very nice space in front for raise
  2. $REN has a Mcap of only 40 mil $ and a FDV same 40 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  3. $MAGIC has a Mcap of only 146 mil $ and a FDV of 184 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  4. $OGN has a Mcap of 86 mil $ and a FDV of 177 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  5. $AUDIO has a Mcap of 219 mil $ with FDV also 219 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  6. $COTI has a Mcap of 244 mil $ and FDV 273 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run



I wait at least 0.618 #fibbo for these to get a very good profit.

They will not go straight away to those levels, corrections will occure for sure. Respect the plan!!

You can take a look to my strategy here:

4 orang suka ini
Andy Storm
26 Agu, 2024

I know that I made it before but let's make an update of the potential earning of my strategy.

As I said, the minimum what I expect is to hit the 0.618 FIB and go to 0.786 FIB where I will take a part of profit.

so, let's say to look at the potential earning if hit 0.618-0.786 FIB:

  1. $COTI - 4.5-5.5X
  2. $RSR - 10-12X
  3. $REN - 26-32X
  4. $AUDIO - 21-26X
  5. $OGN - 23-28X
  6. $ALPHA - 24-30X
  7. $ROSE - 6-7X
  8. $FET - to the moon🫑
  9. $WAVES - 33-42X
  10. $GALA - 25-33X
  11. $LINA - 22-28X
  12. $BAND - 11-14x
  13. $1INCH - 18-23x

So, if you think that my strategy deserve a try, you are welcome to join me!

My strategy here:

4 orang suka ini
14 Apr, 2024


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Audius EUR Price FAQ

Berapa Harga Tertinggi dari Audius (AUDIO) dalam EUR?

Riwayat harga Audius (AUDIO) menunjukkan nilai tertinggi dari 2,70 EUR . Kami mencatat harga ini pada 21 Agustus 2021, tetapi kami tidak dapat mengesampingkan bahwa harga yang lebih tinggi telah terdaftar sebelum 20 Agustus 2021.

Berapa Harga Terendah dari Audius (AUDIO) dalam EUR?
Bagaimana saya bisa membeli Audius (AUDIO)?
Berapa Harga Saat Ini dari Audius (AUDIO) dalam EUR?
Apakah Audius (AUDIO) merupakan investasi yang baik?