तब तक निवेश न करें जब तक आप अपने द्वारा निवेश किया गया सारा पैसा खोने के लिए तैयार न हों। क्रिप्टोकरेंसी एक उच्च जोखिम वाला निवेश है जो बहुत अस्थिर हो सकता है और कुछ गलत होने पर आपको सुरक्षित होने की उम्मीद नहीं करनी चाहिए। अधिक जानने के लिए 2 मिनट का समय लें।

रणनीतिकारों के पोस्ट

ICONOMI के सामाजिक फ़ीड में आपका स्वागत है! यहां, आप अपनी पोस्ट को लाइक, कमेंट और शेयर कर सकते हैं और अभी खरीदने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ क्रिप्टो, क्रिप्टो मूल्य भविष्यवाणियों और क्रिप्टो निवेश संकेतों के बारे में बात कर सकते हैं!

समय अंतराल
1घंटे पहले

🚀 Daily Crypto Signals 🚀

Here are SYGNAL's latest, short-term trend-following signals for the top 5 cryptos:

Date: March 26, 2025

📉 $BTC : Bearish (-0.69)

📉 $ETH : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📈 $XRP : Max Bullish (1.0)

📉 $SOL : Max Bearish (-0.845)

📈 $BNB : Neutral (0.23)

Our signals are generated daily to help you make informed trading decisions.

This material by SYGNAL is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy cryptocurrencies; past performance does not guarantee future results.

एक व्यक्ति इसे लाइक करता है
1घंटे पहले

Crypto Market Pulse👀

  • High Coinbase Premium✅
  • Positive $BTC ETF flows👌
  • Fidelity filed for spot Solana ETF with CBOE🤔
  • Strategy raised $711 million to buy more $BTC 💸
  • Gamestop Board voted to add $BTC to their Treasury👀
  • At the moment, they have $4,5 billion in cash ready to invest🤑
  • SEC will host 4 more crypto roundtables in the coming months💪
  • We will finally get some regulatory clarity and guidance for the industry🙏
  • Overall, the market looks extremely bullish and ready for the next leg up as well as the start of an altseason🚀

P.S. The IBC Eureka vote has passed, meaning $ATOM will finally connect to Ethereum and other major chains. This upgrade transforms Cosmos Hub into a true coordination layer, bridging previously isolated ecosystems. Currently, $ATOM is the fifth-largest ecosystem without direct access to Ethereum, L2s, and Solana— but that’s about to change.

Once Cosmos seamlessly connects all these networks, with $ATOM at the center, the impact could be significant. We’ll closely monitor the market’s reaction, but you can expect it to be integrated into our structure in the coming days. After Solana’s run, Cosmos season may be next🚀

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8इस तरह के लोग
@TheWhiteLotusThe White Lotus
13घंटे पहले

Hey Leute, ich wollte mal kurz mit euch über die aktuelle Entwicklung der globalen M2-Geldmenge sprechen, denn das könnte spannend für unsere Altcoins in den nächsten Wochen werden! 🚀 Wie ihr im Chart seht, ist die M2-Geldmenge (das ist im Grunde die Menge an Bargeld und leicht verfügbaren Einlagen) weltweit betrachtet (Stand Ende Januar/Februar 2025) in den letzten Monaten geschrumpft – der 3-Monats-Z-Score liegt bei -0,80 für den globalen Wert. Das bedeutet, wir sind in einer Phase, in der weniger neues Geld in die Wirtschaft gepumpt wird. Besonders in den USA (-0,26), der Eurozone (-1,14) und China (-0,82) sehen wir eine deutliche Verlangsamung. Was heißt das jetzt für Altcoins? 🤔 Wenn die Geldmenge schrumpft, gibt es tendenziell weniger Liquidität, die in risikoreiche Anlagen wie Kryptos fließen kann. Das könnte den Druck auf Altcoins erhöhen, da Investoren eher vorsichtig werden und Kapital in sicherere Anlagen wie Anleihen oder Cash stecken. Aber: Sollte sich die Geldmenge wieder erholen – und es gibt erste Anzeichen, dass sie in Japan (+0,46) und global (+0,51 im Februar) leicht anzieht – könnte das ein Bullensignal sein! Mehr Geld im Umlauf bedeutet oft mehr Investitionen in spekulative Assets wie Altcoins. Mein Take: Kurzfristig könnten wir noch etwas Druck sehen, aber wenn die M2-Geldmenge in den nächsten Wochen weiter anzieht, könnte das ein gutes Zeichen für Altcoins sein. Was denkt ihr dazu? Lasst mal eure Meinung in den Kommentaren hören! 👇 #Krypto #Altcoins #M2Geldmenge #Investieren

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एक व्यक्ति इसे लाइक करता है
19घंटे पहले

Gm. Read and listen at:


TLDR: Crypto holds gains as tariff fears fade—U.S. may reverse Biden’s BTC sales, Oklahoma passes reserve act, WLFI drops stablecoin, Kraken eyes $1B debt. Tesla surges, NASDAQ jumps, Trump delays tariffs. PumpSwap flips Raydium with $1M fees—degens thrive, market’s buzzing, fam.

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एक व्यक्ति इसे लाइक करता है
23घंटे पहले

It's a little bit weird that nowhere on the website, when logged on, an ownership of ICNS shares is shown. Anybody comment on that or say I'm wrong?

What shares? There are tokens if you need shares you have to go to stock market

23घंटे पहले

hoe kan ik de actuele prestaties zien van de diversity strategy?

Where can I follow live whatts happening?

एक व्यक्ति इसे लाइक करता है

Gewoon op de naam klikken en dan ziet u alle details van de strategie. Dan kan u de grafieken bekijken vab de laatste 24u, 7 dagen enz

25 मार्च, 2025

Crypto Market Pulse👀

  • High Coinbase Premium
  • Another day of positive ETF flows💪
  • Strategy has acquired 6,911 BTC for ~$584.1 million💰
  • Open interest is up but the funding remains negative🤔
  • A big short squeeze is very likely to drive the next leg up📈
  • Michael Saylor tells Robinhood founder to “Buy Bitcoin” 👀
  • Hong Kong ETF issuer confirms China is actively preparing a shift into crypto🚀
  • Abu Dhabi's global Market partners with $LINK to develop a tokenization framework🔥
  • We are hearing a lot of chatter that another corporation of scale will announce a Bitcoin strategy in Q2😱
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GIPHY का इस्तेमाल करके पोस्ट किया
15इस तरह के लोग
25 मार्च, 2025

🚀 Daily Crypto Signals 🚀

Here are SYGNAL's latest, short-term trend-following signals for the top 5 cryptos:

Date: March 25, 2025

📉 $BTC : Bearish (-0.69)

📉 $ETH : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📈 $XRP : Max Bullish (1.0)

📉 $SOL : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📈 $BNB : Neutral (0.23)

Our signals are generated daily to help you make informed trading decisions.

This material by SYGNAL is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy cryptocurrencies; past performance does not guarantee future results.

एक व्यक्ति इसे लाइक करता है
24 मार्च, 2025

🚀 Daily Crypto Signals 🚀

Here are SYGNAL's latest, short-term trend-following signals for the top 5 cryptos:

Date: March 24, 2025

📉 $BTC : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📉 $ETH : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📈 $XRP : Max Bullish (1.0)

📉 $SOL : Max Bearish (-1.0)

📉 $BNB : Neutral (-0.08)

Our signals are generated daily to help you make informed trading decisions.

This material by SYGNAL is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to buy cryptocurrencies; past performance does not guarantee future results.

एक व्यक्ति इसे लाइक करता है
24 मार्च, 2025

1. Market Overview

This past week has been a mix of renewed investor confidence and lingering macro uncertainty. After weeks of outflows, U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs saw a significant rebound, recording their largest daily net inflows in six weeks. BlackRock’s IBIT led the surge, adding 2,660 BTC, a clear sign that institutional demand remains strong💪

Bitcoin’s price reflected this shifting sentiment, briefly spiking to a two-week high of $87,500 before stabilizing around $83,000-$84,000. To end the week, we again spiked toward $87,000 and printed a bullish weekly close👌

Despite some volatility, long-term holders have been accumulating aggressively—167,000 BTC added over the past month—pointing to growing conviction in the market’s next move.

On the regulatory front, the SEC clarified that Proof-of-Work mining rewards are not securities, a decision that removes uncertainty for Bitcoin miners and reinforces the legitimacy of PoW-based cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, President Trump doubled down on his pro-crypto stance, calling for the U.S. to become the “crypto capital of the world” during a speech at Blockwork's digital asset summit. Speculation over upcoming U.S. policy changes briefly fueled Bitcoin’s rally, but broader macro concerns—geopolitical tensions, tariff worries, and the Fed’s steady stance on rates—kept the market in check.

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GIPHY का इस्तेमाल करके पोस्ट किया
15इस तरह के लोग