तब तक निवेश न करें जब तक आप अपने द्वारा निवेश किया गया सारा पैसा खोने के लिए तैयार न हों। क्रिप्टोकरेंसी एक उच्च जोखिम वाला निवेश है जो बहुत अस्थिर हो सकता है और कुछ गलत होने पर आपको सुरक्षित होने की उम्मीद नहीं करनी चाहिए। अधिक जानने के लिए 2 मिनट का समय लें।

Mzansi Crypto

एसेट्स कॉपी करने की रणनीति


कॉपियर की संख्या


Mzansi Crypto रणनीति का प्रदर्शन

Mzansi Crypto रणनीति का प्रदर्शन

पिछला प्रदर्शनभविष्य के परिणामों का संकेत नहीं है। EUR (€) मुद्रा में उतार-चढ़ाव के कारण रिटर्न में वृद्धि या कमी हो सकती है। दिखाए गए रिटर्न शुल्क से पहले हैं। ज़्यादा जानकारी के लिए, फीस और रणनीति डेटा का खुलासा देखें।

इस रणनीति के बारे में

इस रणनीति के बारे में

निवेश रणनीति लक्ष्य: लंबी अवधि में बिटकॉइन और समग्र क्रिप्टो बाजार से बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना। उच्च पुरस्कार क्षमता के लिए उच्च अस्थिरता को प्राथमिकता देना। क्रिप्टो बाजारों और हमारे पोर्टफोलियो परिसंपत्तियों को प्रभावित करने वाले विभिन्न तकनीकी और मौलिक संकेतकों को ध्यान में रखते हुए गुणवत्ता वाले टोकन का चयन करने और एक अच्छी तरह से विविध पोर्टफोलियो चलाने के लिए कई वर्षों के पेशेवर अनुभव का लाभ उठाना। पुनर्संतुलन और पुनर्गठन डेटा इसकी गारंटी देता है। क्रिप्टो दिग्गजों के नेतृत्व में एक लाइसेंस प्राप्त CASP/VASP द्वारा प्रशासित।


वार्षिक रिटर्न
अधिकतम drawdown
-36.26 %
-2.59 %
+2.99 %



स्ट्रक्चर देखें

स्ट्रक्चर में परिवर्तन

स्ट्रक्चर में परिवर्तन

अंतिम स्ट्रक्चर परिवर्तन
24 जन॰ 2025, 4:51:20 am
पिछले 30 दिनों में स्ट्रक्चर परिवर्तन की संख्या


Mzansi Crypto
25 जन॰, 2025


Yesterday we decided to dump $RUNE for $USDT due to the risks it faced because of it's lending services which became insolvent as the price of rune greatly underperformed the assets in the lending service.

This situation created a lot of confusion on social media and led to panic selling, as people feared that we'd see another Terra Luna type of crash. With our mandate being to act swiftly on verifiable threats to protect investor funds, we cut our losses on it which were just over 3% of the total portfolio.

It's worth mentioning that we still greatly believe in the $RUNE protocol which continues to function properly (swaps, LP, deposits & withdrawals) and it continues to be 1 of the most profitable protocols in the Blockchain space. We however understand that token price action is driven by market confidence.

Once (if) the team resolves the debts from the lending services and confidence returns with them giving us a solid way forward within the 90 days they've committed to, we'll likely add it back into our portfolio.

For now, we have just under 3% of capital waiting to be deployed into another project on our next restructuring & rebalancing which should be soon.

Thank you for your continued support, we shall continue to protect this portfolio while harvesting fruitful profits for you. #MzansiCrypto

3इस तरह के लोग
Mzansi Crypto
24 जन॰, 2025


We have had to conduct an unscheduled portfolio restructuring in order to remove an asset which we believe may be facing an existential threat.

In accordance with our mandate, we are to act swiftly to protect the portfolio when we identify a verifiable threat to a project we're exposed to.

We've successfully removed the asset and acquired $USDT with those funds. We'll redeploy those funds during our next restructuring.

More details about this operation will be shared soon, we surely do hope the threat is averted and the project survives.

5इस तरह के लोग
Mzansi Crypto
23 जन॰, 2025


President Trump has signed an Executive Order to develop a “national digital asset stockpile,” per Fox News.

President Trump has also signed an Executive Order to create a “crypto working group,” per Reuters.

These are his first crypto-related Executive Orders.

And so it begins! 🍿 🍿 🚀 🚀


Post image
9इस तरह के लोग
Mzansi Crypto
21 जन॰, 2025

Is $VET ready to rip through the roof? 🚀 🚀

Whilst it's anyone's guess, we believe that the +150% surge in $VTHO today will likely bring a lot of attention to $VET as the Blockchain mothership (VeChain).

This attention could bring in new buyers as they learn about the amazing works and partnerships at VeChain.

$VET is one of our major portfolio assets we've been tracking for over 5 years now.

3इस तरह के लोग
Mzansi Crypto
21 जन॰, 2025


🇺🇸 SEC launches new crypto task force to develop "comprehensive and clear regulatory framework for crypto assets."

Finally! Great for $BTC and the overall crypto market. 🚀🚀

$AAVE continues to be our best performer and looks like it could once again dethrone $XRP to become our biggest portfolio asset.

5इस तरह के लोग

TLDR... the new framework is number go up