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Tag 'Indice de Stratégie'

2100news Blue Chip Index

Actifs Copiant la Stratégie

44 505 €

Nombre de copieurs


2100news Blue Chip IndexPerformance de la Stratégie

2100news Blue Chip IndexPerformance de la Stratégie

La performance passée n'est pas une indication des résultats futurs. Les fluctuations de la devise EUR (€) peuvent faire varier les retours à la hausse ou à la baisse. Les retours indiqués sont avant frais.Consulte la divulgation des frais et des données de la Stratégie pour plus de détails.

À propos de cette Stratégie

À propos de cette Stratégie

La stratégie NWSBCT est gérée passivement et suit l'indice 2100NEWS Digital Assets Blue Chip Tradable Index (NWSBCT). https://indices.2100news.com/nwsbct


Retour Annualisé
+5,87 %
Max. Prélèvement
-77,66 %
+4,65 %
+2,56 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Voir la structure

Changements de structure

Changements de structure

Dernier changement de structure
15 mars 2025, 00:17:34
Nombre de changements de structure au cours des 30 derniers jours


To keep up with the latest crypto industry news, read the October 25th edition of the 2100NEWS WEEKLY CRYPTO REPORT.


2 personnes aiment ça

The NWST1100 is approaching the pivot point labeled as “S2.”, which is expected to act as a potential platform for a market recovery. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the crypto industry by visiting 2100news.com and reading the August 11th edition of the 2100NEWS WEEKLY CRYPTO


Une personne aime ça

The previous report accurately predicted that the cryptocurrency market would trend within a range. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the crypto industry by visiting 2100news.com and reading the August 4th edition of the 2100NEWS WEEKLY CRYPTO


Une personne aime ça

In the previous report, the recent movement in the cryptocurrency market was predicted. To keep informed about the latest developments in the crypto industry, visit 2100news.com and read the June 21st edition of the 2100NEWS WEEKLY CRYPTO REPORT.


Une personne aime ça

The recent movement in the cryptocurrency market was forecasted in the previous report. Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the crypto industry by checking out 2100news.com and reading the June 16th edition of the 2100NEWS WEEKLY CRYPTO REPORT.


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