N'investis pas si tu n'es pas prêt à perdre tout l'argent investi. Les crypto-monnaies sont un investissement à haut risque qui peut être très volatil et tu ne dois pas t'attendre à être protégé si quelque chose tourne mal. Prends 2 minutes pour en savoir plus.

Retour aux Crypto-monnaies

Voir la valeur de NEAR Protocol en direct au USD. Achète NEAR Protocol ou ajoute-le à ta Crypto Stratégie.

NEAR Protocol



4,61 $US

Capitalisation boursière de NEAR Protocol

5,05B $US

Voir toutes les options d'achat/vente

NEAR USD graphique de prix / performance

NEAR USD graphique de prix / performance

La performance passée n'est pas une indication des résultats futurs. Les fluctuations de la devise USD ($) peuvent faire varier les retours à la hausse ou à la baisse. Les retours indiqués sont avant frais.Consulte la divulgation des frais et des données sur les actifs pour plus de détails.



Retour (24h)
-2,94 %
Retour (7D)
-11,28 %
Retour (1M)
-30,22 %
Retour (1 an)
+245,42 %

Mon Investissement

Mon Investissement

Profit Réalisé
0,00 $US
0,00 %
Tu as:
0,00 $US
P/L non réalisé
0,00 $US
0,00 %

NEAR Protocol NEAR Aperçu

NEAR Protocol NEAR Aperçu

Le protocole NEAR est une blockchain open-source Proof of Stake (PoS) bien positionnée pour l'économie dApp. Le logiciel incite un réseau d'ordinateurs à exploiter une plateforme permettant aux développeurs de créer et de lancer des applications décentralisées. Le protocole NEAR comprend une application appelée Rainbow Bridge qui permet à quiconque de transférer facilement des jetons Ethereum dans les deux sens entre Ethereum et NEAR. Aurora est une solution de mise à l'échelle de niveau 2 construite sur le protocole NEAR qui permet aux développeurs de lancer des applications décentralisées Ethereum sur le réseau NEAR. Ils peuvent utiliser le jeton NEAR pour miser, payer les transactions et les frais de stockage des données et voter pour les propositions de gouvernance. Le jeton NEAR est déployé sur le réseau Ethereum.

Comment Acheter NEAR Protocol ou l'Ajouter à ta Stratégie

La façon la plus rapide et la plus pratique d'acheter NEAR Protocol est de l'acheter sur ICONOMI. Nous vérifions les prix en direct de NEAR Protocol sur plus de 10 bourses de crypto-monnaies et les achetons au meilleur prix du marché.

Tu peux acheter NEAR Protocol en les ajoutant à ta Crypto Stratégie privée (portefeuille de crypto-monnaies). Tu peux aussi utiliser notre fonction d'achat récurrent qui tend à atténuer les effets de la volatilité du prix des crypto-monnaies. Pour en savoir plus sur la manière de tirer parti d'investissements plus modestes à intervalles réguliers, consulte notre article de blog.

Nous te recommandons de faire tes propres recherches et analyses sur les crypto-monnaies. Les traders de crypto-monnaies expérimentés utilisent l'analyse fondamentale et technique pour évaluer si NEAR Protocol est un bon achat/vente. Les analyses fondamentales et techniques sont les deux types d'analyse les plus courants utilisés dans le trading d'actifs traditionnels (par exemple, les actions et les obligations).

Si tu n'es pas familier avec l'analyse des prix des crypto-monnaies et que tu veux acheter NEAR Protocol, nous te recommandons de lire la section suivante, car la copie pourrait être une meilleure approche.

Ajoute NEAR Protocol à ton portefeuille en copiant une Stratégie

Si tu n'es pas compétent dans ces domaines, envisage une approche différente de l'investissement dans les crypto-monnaies. Sur ICONOMI, tu peux apprendre et copier des traders de crypto-monnaies chevronnés qui partagent régulièrement leurs idées et gèrent leurs Crypto Stratégies publiques. Rends-toi sur la page Stratégies et utilise le filtre "ticker" pour découvrir les Crypto Stratégies publiques qui ont NEAR Protocol dans leur structure.


Ici, tu peux lire et commenter tous les messages publiés par les Stratèges sur NEAR Protocol NEAR. Vois toutes les prédictions de prix NEAR Protocol en temps réel et fais le meilleur usage de leurs connaissances en crypto.

This is a tough moment for the crypto market. $BTC has dropped through obvious trendlines. We can argue over the reasons why - Government and Mt Gox sell-downs, regulatory choke, global liquidity air-pocket - but it doesn't much matter.

We are where we are. And as the chart shows, we have returned to the mid-point of a long term, structural uptrend.

More important is to step back, take a deep breath, look at the bigger picture and remind ourselves why we're here.

  1. We own $BTC as a debasement-proof option on the continued mismanagement of public finances. With no major government calling for any sort of fiscal retrenchment, That Hasn't Changed.
  2. We own other cryptocurrencies like $ETH , $SOL , $NEAR, $UNI , $PENDLE to gain exposure to a revolution in value transfer on the global internet. That Hasn't Changed.

Our belief in a high level consolidation before an autumn break-out have been dashed, but that doesn't mean that from here to year end we should be despondent. Far from it. There are likely to be upside catalysts once this storm abates. The markets always give you a chance.

Good luck, invest carefully and in a size that enables you to stomach the volatility. In other words, a small, manageable part of your overall financial portfolio.

Our latest newsletter, out yesterday, can be found here.


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2 personnes aiment ça
30 juin, 2024

$ROSE team has announced in previous week that big partnership and new big update might be comming soon.

$ROSE is again #1 in terms of development activity 🔥

$ROSE is one of the best performing projects in crypto in past few weeks, making no new lows. Onchain data shows massive institutions have accumulated over 50M$ of $ROSE.

This project will stay big part of our portfolio as I think it will run to atleast 1$ until end of the year. Based on fundamentals and partnerships with Google & META I think 2$ range might also be an option.

At 1$ price per $ROSE token this would be roughly 7B$ market cap. At 2$ this will be just 14B$ project 😮

AI & WEB 3 need optional privacy and they've been building solution for big data & AI for past 3 years. Finaly big tech corps are starting to embrace their tech.

Dawn Song is also one of the most respected computer scientist professors in USA & has many connection with tech giants.

I do believe this project might be the best runner of 2024 in 2nd half of this year 😉

Stacking $ROSE bellow 0,10$ is a gift most are not realising 🎁

I predicted in the past $RUNE , $NEAR, $AR, while I did sell too early I think what's comming for $ROSE will be the biggest pump I've ever predicted 🚀

I might be wrong but onchain data, fundamentals, team track record all make sense. Even big tech titans are embracing it. Chart is looking incredibly bullish.

New highs are on horizon so stack while you can 😉

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2 personnes aiment ça
30 juin, 2024

$ROSE team has announced in previous week that big partnership and new big update might be comming soon.

$ROSE is again #1 in terms of development activity 🔥

This week they're also attending an event in Belgium where big updates might be revealed 🤔

$ROSE is one of the best performing projects in crypto in past few weeks, making no new lows. Onchain data shows massive institutions have accumulated over 50M$ of $ROSE.

This project will stay big part of our portfolio as I think it will run to atleast 1$ until end of the year. Based on fundamentals and partnerships with Google & META I think 2$ range might also be an option.

At 1$ price per $ROSE token this would be roughly 7B$ market cap. At 2$ this will be just 14B$ project 😮

AI & WEB 3 need optional privacy and they've been building solution for big data & AI for past 3 years. Finaly big tech corps are starting to embrace their tech.

Dawn Song is also one of the most respected computer scientist professors in USA & has many connection with tech giants.

I do believe this project might be the best runner of 2024 in 2nd half of this year 😉

Stacking $ROSE bellow 0,10$ is a gift most are not realising 🎁

I predicted in the past $RUNE , $NEAR, $AR, while I did sell too early I think what's comming for $ROSE will be the biggest pump I've ever predicted 🚀

I might be wrong but onchain data, fundamentals, team track record all make sense. Even big tech titans are embracing it. Chart is looking incredibly bullish.

New highs are on horizon so stack while you can 😉

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2 personnes aiment ça
Blockchain Index
21 juin, 2024

Understanding the Latest Market Dynamics 

The recent movements in the cryptocurrency market have spotlighted several key players, including $NEAR Protocol, $ETH, and $SOL. These developments highlight the intricate dynamics that drive the value and perception of digital assets. Let's delve into the specifics to understand what's shaping their trajectories.

NEAR Protocol: Riding the AI Wave

NEAR Protocol $NEAR has seen a notable price surge, trading at $5.40 and eyeing a potential rise to $7. This rally is significantly influenced by the booming AI industry. Nvidia's recent achievement, becoming the world's most valuable company with a market cap of $3.33 trillion, has propelled AI-related tokens like NEAR. Additionally, Panthera Capital's announcement of a $1 billion investment in AI-related blockchains, with 15% to 20% allocated to NEAR, further boosts its prospects. The increasing development activity on NEAR, as indicated by rising contributions to its GitHub repositories, and the volume uptick to $308.09 million, underscore a bullish sentiment. However, investors should watch for potential sell-offs and development activity declines that could trigger a price drop to $5.06.

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4 personnes aiment ça

Another edition of CHAINLETTER hits the planet's inboxes. Entitled "Bitcoin Is Poised To Break Out Again" we tackle the most critical technical, on-chain, macro and crypto specific issues of the fortnight.


Enjoy it and sign up on our website to receive it directly.

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Autres Principales Crypto-monnaies

NEAR Protocol FAQ sur les Prix

Quelle est la plus haute valeur du NEAR Protocol NEAR en USD ?

L'historique du prix du NEAR Protocol (NEAR) montre une valeur maximale de 20,16 USD. Nous avons enregistré ce prix le 15 janvier 2022, mais nous ne pouvons pas exclure qu'un prix plus élevé ait été enregistré avant le 14 octobre 2020 .

Quelle est la plus basse valeur du NEAR Protocol NEAR en USD ?
Comment puis-je acheter NEAR Protocol (NEAR) ?
Quel est le Prix Actuel de NEAR Protocol (NEAR) en USD ?
Le NEAR Protocol (NEAR) est-il un bon investissement ?