$ZEC halving…
Den hurtigste og mest bekvemme måde at købe Zcash på er at købe den på ICONOMI. Vi tjekker Zcash live-priser på 10+ kryptobørser og køber den til den bedste markedspris.
Du kan købe Zcash ved at føje den til din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruge vores tilbagevendende køb-funktion, der har en tendens til at udjævne effekten af kryptovalutaprisudsving. Du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du drager fordel af mindre investeringer med jævne mellemrum i vores blogartikel.
Vi anbefaler, at du laver din egen research og analyse af kryptovaluta. Erfarne kryptotradere bruger fundamental og teknisk analyse til at vurdere, om Zcash er et godt køb/salg. Fundamentale og tekniske analyser er de to mest almindelige analysetyper, der bruges i handel med traditionelle aktiver (f.eks. aktier og obligationer).
Hvis du ikke er bekendt med at analysere kryptovalutapriser og ønsker at købe Zcash, anbefaler vi, at du læser næste afsnit, da kopiering kan være en bedre tilgang.
Hvis du ikke er dygtig til disse, kan du overveje en anden tilgang til at investere i kryptovalutaer. Du kan lære af og kopiere erfarne kryptohandlere på ICONOMI, som regelmæssigt deler deres indsigt og administrerer deres offentlige Kryptostrategier. Gå til strategisiden og brug filteret "ticker" til at finde ud af, hvilke offentlige Kryptostrategier der har Zcash i deres struktur.
Her kan du læse og kommentere alle indlæg lavet af Strateger om Zcash ZEC. Se alle Zcash GBP prisforudsigelser i realtid, og få mest muligt ud af deres kryptoviden.
Privacy or Transparency? Why Not Both?
With recent price growth and institutional backing from names like Grayscale, Zcash ($ZEC) is attracting serious interest. Predictions suggest even greater potential by 2030!
For a full overview on Zcash latest moves check our analysis 👉HERE
Doing a minor rebalance back to target, taking some profit on $DYDX, adding $FET and $ZEC. Will remain long alts for next 3 weeks, at least, and reassess at that point.
We have some nice performing coins in our portfolio! For now $RUNE, $ZEC and $FTM doing great! Let's hope others will follow! 🤞🏻
Privacy coins have been holding good lately. So i think i should clarify why we have decided to hold $XMR over $ZEC
There is just one true private crypto out there and that's Monero. ZCASH is in my opinion just dust in the eyes.
Monero is still the only crypto out there that has bounty from USA IRS on it for 2 years. Nobody is able to crack it's cryptography and it's anoymity feature.
Source: click here
Monero is still the one and only real digital cash. Bellow you can compare anonymous transaction count from both leading privacy networks.
Even famous economist Milton Friedman predicted rise of Monero in the 90ties. Many people think Bitcoin is anonymous but it's not, it's pseudonymous. Big difference.
Source: click here
The narrative for privacy coins is getting stronger i believe due to global financial restrictions to specific countries (Russia, Ukraine scenario). When CBDS go live, this will be the time when privacy coins will shine the most. This is still few years away in my opinion but narrative for privacy coins is getting stronger and stronger.
HODL it is.
you are soo WRONG! ZEC is build by the greatest cryptographic team and is limited to 21mil. XMR is inflationist. you can mine XMR but ZEC is harder to mine thus it has an intrinsic value. Monero is inflationist and sometime will arrive to billions of coins.
ZEC has visible like BTC but also privacy. Both are good but ZEC stands better as technology.