Invester ikke, medmindre du er parat til at miste alle de penge, du investerer. Kryptovalutaer er en højrisikoinvestering, der kan være meget ustabil, og du skal ikke forvente at være beskyttet, hvis noget går galt. Brug 2 minutter på at lære mere.

Stable monthly pocket cents

Strategi for kopiering af aktiver

5.927 €

Antal kopierende


Stable monthly pocket cents Strategipræstation

Stable monthly pocket cents Strategipræstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i EUR (€) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer.Se oplysninger om gebyrer og Strategidata for flere detaljer.

Om denne Strategi

Om denne Strategi

Ik ga voor een gezonde cryptogroei met projecten waar ik vertrouwen in heb. Volg de quick gainers niet


Annualiseret Afkast
-73,52 %
Maks. Drawdown
-99,82 %
-24,74 %
+10,93 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Se struktur



Sidste strukturændring
6. mar. 2025 21.23.06
Antal strukturændringer inden for de sidste 30 dage


Don't forget to cash out your profits, this early in the bull run we are not taking any profits in usdt for our portfolio. We will continue to keep maximum exposure to the alt-coins. 🚀

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We're seeing a slight correction in the market. There's no need to panic—this could be the perfect moment to buy back in with the profits already taken.

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The future for alt coins looks bright again.

To be honest, I learned a hard lesson in 2021, by not taking profit on Luna, I saw both the entire profit and a large part of my investment evaporate.

From now on I will allocate some profit to bitcoin in time and for myself the rule is to take 5% profit in cash for every 15% increase in the portfolio.

Good luck to everyone in the next bull run!

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We are seeing some nice price action! stay patient and you will be rewarded! 

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We had a little hit last week but didn’t want to go in stable coin to miss out the next legg up. Looks like we are on our way up to new all-time high in the next weeks. Lets go! 🚀

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