100% return in just 1 month 🚀🚀 The strategy has grown to over $200K in follower assets… And the altseason hasn’t even started yet. $StraightUpTrading 💰 $NEAR $SUI $RENDER
Republic Protocol
0,034874 US$
34,85M US$
Den hurtigste og mest bekvemme måde at købe Republic Protocol på er at købe den på ICONOMI. Vi tjekker Republic Protocol live-priser på 10+ kryptobørser og køber den til den bedste markedspris.
Du kan købe Republic Protocol ved at føje den til din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruge vores tilbagevendende køb-funktion, der har en tendens til at udjævne effekten af kryptovalutaprisudsving. Du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du drager fordel af mindre investeringer med jævne mellemrum i vores blogartikel.
Vi anbefaler, at du laver din egen research og analyse af kryptovaluta. Erfarne kryptotradere bruger fundamental og teknisk analyse til at vurdere, om Republic Protocol er et godt køb/salg. Fundamentale og tekniske analyser er de to mest almindelige analysetyper, der bruges i handel med traditionelle aktiver (f.eks. aktier og obligationer).
Hvis du ikke er bekendt med at analysere kryptovalutapriser og ønsker at købe Republic Protocol, anbefaler vi, at du læser næste afsnit, da kopiering kan være en bedre tilgang.
Hvis du ikke er dygtig til disse, kan du overveje en anden tilgang til at investere i kryptovalutaer. Du kan lære af og kopiere erfarne kryptohandlere på ICONOMI, som regelmæssigt deler deres indsigt og administrerer deres offentlige Kryptostrategier. Gå til strategisiden og brug filteret "ticker" til at finde ud af, hvilke offentlige Kryptostrategier der har Republic Protocol i deres struktur.
Her kan du læse og kommentere alle indlæg lavet af Strateger om Republic Protocol REN. Se alle Republic Protocol USD prisforudsigelser i realtid, og få mest muligt ud af deres kryptoviden.
100% return in just 1 month 🚀🚀 The strategy has grown to over $200K in follower assets… And the altseason hasn’t even started yet. $StraightUpTrading 💰 $NEAR $SUI $RENDER
Impressive results. Keep up the good work….
🤟 Rebalancing Info 01.12.2024 🤟
Strategy Performance November: 99,9%🚀🚀🚀
(Biggest monthly gain ever!!!)
Winner November: $XLM +447% 🚀🚀🚀
Loser November: $BNB +14% 📈
Every month I rebalance the strategy back to 4% each of the Top25 crypto coins without Stablecoins or wrapped Token.
There has been 2 changes in the Top25:
23x Rebalanced
Everything is rebalanced back to 4% each.
🤟 www.crypto-index-25.de 🤟
Ok. Is clear now.
@AndyStorm: Thanks for your comment. My index reflects the Top25 crypto assets based on market cap. Not based on my opinion. ;-) It´s 100% rule based. $CRO and $HBAR just made their way up into the Top25 and that´s why I added them. Those cases also occured in the past. --> $INJ, $SUI, $NEAR were all added after significant gains and they still continue to rise and established them in the Top25.
Hello all,
I wait at least 0.618 #fibbo for these to get a very good profit.They will not go straight away to those levels, corrections will occure for sure.
Respect the plan!!You can take a look to my strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN
I response to you already few days ago about some coins how much raise they will make if reach 0.618 fibbo.
What is the 618 fibbo and where are we now?
Hello all,
I wanna share with you a small part of my analyze and why I think my strategy will have a very nice run in this #bullmarket:
I wait at least 0.618 #fibbo for these to get a very good profit.
They will not go straight away to those levels, corrections will occure for sure. Respect the plan!!
You can take a look to my strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN
🤟 Rebalancing Info 01.11.2024 🤟
Strategy Performance October: +4%
Winner October: $DOGE +34% 🚀
Loser October: $REN -29% 📉
Every month I rebalance the strategy back to 4% each of the Top25 crypto coins without Stablecoins or wrapped Token.
This happens not very often, but there has been no change in the Top25.
Everything is rebalanced back to 4% each.
🤟 www.crypto-index-25.de 🤟