Invester ikke, medmindre du er parat til at miste alle de penge, du investerer. Kryptovalutaer er en højrisikoinvestering, der kan være meget ustabil, og du skal ikke forvente at være beskyttet, hvis noget går galt. Brug 2 minutter på at lære mere.

Se den aktuelle Hedera Hashgraph-pris i USD. Køb Hedera Hashgraph, eller føj den til din Kryptostrategi.

Hedera Hashgraph


HBAR til USD Pris

0,2272 US$

Hedera Hashgraph Markedsværdi

9,52B US$

Se alle købs-/salgsmuligheder

HBAR USD prisdiagram / præstation

HBAR USD prisdiagram / præstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i USD ($) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer. Se oplysninger om gebyrer og aktivdata for flere detaljer.



Afkast (24t)
-18,43 %
Afkast (7D)
+15,54 %
Afkast (1M)
-16,32 %
Afkast (1å)
+99,51 %

Min investering

Min investering

Fortjeneste taget
0,00 US$
0,00 %
Du har:
0,00 US$
Urealiseret P/L
0,00 US$
0,00 %

Hedera Hashgraph(HBAR) Oversigt

Hedera Hashgraph(HBAR) Oversigt

Beskrivelse for Hedera Hashgraph er stadig under udarbejdelse ...

Sådan køber du Hedera Hashgraph eller tilføjer det til din Strategi

Den hurtigste og mest bekvemme måde at købe Hedera Hashgraph på er at købe den på ICONOMI. Vi tjekker Hedera Hashgraph live-priser på 10+ kryptobørser og køber den til den bedste markedspris.

Du kan købe Hedera Hashgraph ved at føje den til din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruge vores tilbagevendende køb-funktion, der har en tendens til at udjævne effekten af kryptovalutaprisudsving. Du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du drager fordel af mindre investeringer med jævne mellemrum i vores blogartikel.

Vi anbefaler, at du laver din egen research og analyse af kryptovaluta. Erfarne kryptotradere bruger fundamental og teknisk analyse til at vurdere, om Hedera Hashgraph er et godt køb/salg. Fundamentale og tekniske analyser er de to mest almindelige analysetyper, der bruges i handel med traditionelle aktiver (f.eks. aktier og obligationer).

Hvis du ikke er bekendt med at analysere kryptovalutapriser og ønsker at købe Hedera Hashgraph, anbefaler vi, at du læser næste afsnit, da kopiering kan være en bedre tilgang.

Tilføj Hedera Hashgraph til din portefølje ved at kopiere en Strategi

Hvis du ikke er dygtig til disse, kan du overveje en anden tilgang til at investere i kryptovalutaer. Du kan lære af og kopiere erfarne kryptohandlere på ICONOMI, som regelmæssigt deler deres indsigt og administrerer deres offentlige Kryptostrategier. Gå til strategisiden og brug filteret "ticker" til at finde ud af, hvilke offentlige Kryptostrategier der har Hedera Hashgraph i deres struktur.


Her kan du læse og kommentere alle indlæg lavet af Strateger om Hedera Hashgraph HBAR. Se alle Hedera Hashgraph USD prisforudsigelser i realtid, og få mest muligt ud af deres kryptoviden.

Mzansi Crypto
17 jan., 2025

$HBAR has been a part of our portfolio since inception last year June, it's performance has been nothing short of phenomenal!

It has appreciated over 600% in value over the past 90 days.

It has appreciated over 50% since our last rebalancing is December.

Through its growth, it has become our third largest portfolio asset and looks set to become 1 of the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies by market cap! 🚀 🚀

5 folk kan lide dette
Mzansi Crypto
6 jan., 2025

Wen next rebalancing?

It's a little over a month since our last rebalancing & restructuring, we remain satisfied with our portfolio makeup and weighting. As we continue to constantly assess market moves and developments, we'll perform the next rebalancing when the data supports it.

Top performers:

Since the previous rebalancing, $AAVE is strongly leading the pack with over 60% gains, this resulted in the asset becoming our biggest portfolio asset, surpassing $XRP.

Second best performer is $HBAR, up over 27%, then we have $COMP in 3rd place with over 10% gains.

Our portfolio is less than a year old and in that short time, we've outperformed $BTC, $ETH, and the top 10 most copied strategies here on @ICONOMI 🚀 🚀

7 folk kan lide dette
Crypto Index 25
1 jan., 2025

🤟 Rebalancing Info 01.01.2025 🤟 

Strategy Performance December: -9,8%

Winner December: $HBAR +28 🚀

Loser December: $APT -36% 📉

Every month I rebalance the strategy back to 4% each of the Top25 crypto coins without Stablecoins or wrapped Token. 

There has been 1 change in the Top25:

1x Out: $ETC

24x Rebalanced

1x New: $AAVE

Everything is rebalanced back to 4% each.

🤟 🤟

2 folk kan lide dette
30 dec., 2024

Crypto Snapshot: Latest News and Trends  


📈 Market News:  

  • Bitcoin ($BTC) surged past the $100,000 mark earlier this month, marking a historic milestone. However, it has since retreated to $93,350, reflecting a 4% decline for December 2024. (CNBC)
  • Ethereum ($ETH) witnessed a 43% price increase over the year 2024, adding $118 billion to its market cap, now valued at $418 billion. (Forbes)
  • SUI ($SUI) and Dogecoin ($DOGE) were the top-performing altcoins of 2024, with SUI gaining 509% and Dogecoin climbing 333%, the latter reaching its highest levels since the pandemic. (Forbes)
  • Since the U.S. Election Day on November 5, 2024, the global crypto market value has surged by over $1 trillion, hitting a new high of $3.6 trillion. (Forbes)

📜 Regulatory News:  

  • Montenegro has approved the extradition of Terraform Labs' founder Do Kwon to the U.S. The move underscores increasing scrutiny on stablecoins and regulatory accountability. (Barron's)

🌐 Adoption and Usage:

  • Following their approval in January 2024, Bitcoin ETFs have been instrumental in driving institutional adoption, with BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust now managing $60 billion in assets. (Forbes)

💸 Money Flow:  

  • Over the course of 2024, the crypto market saw a dramatic increase in capital, attributed to the launch of Bitcoin ETFs and heightened institutional interest. The market's aggregate value rose significantly, culminating in a historic high of $3.6 trillion in December. (Forbes)

🗣️ Crypto Influencers:  

  • Mike Alfred forecasted a major Bitcoin ($BTC) price movement in the coming weeks, pointing to the largest-ever Bitcoin options expiry and market makers' exposure as key factors. (Forbes)   

🌟 Other Highlights:  

  • Over 2024, altcoins like Stellar ($XLM), Toncoin ($TON), and the Hedera Network token ($HBAR) outperformed Bitcoin, with gains of 233%, 155%, and 248%, respectively. (Forbes)
  • Dogecoin ($DOGE) saw a remarkable resurgence in 2024, climbing 333% and reaching its highest value since the pandemic. (Forbes)
2 folk kan lide dette
Mzansi Crypto
24 dec., 2024

Our strategy continues to outperform $BTC, which is our main goal.

Looks like $HBAR has its eyes set on entering the top 10 biggest cryptos by market cap.

Meanwhile $AAVE continues to increase its lead in our portfolio, up over 80% since our last restructuring on 2nd December 🚀 🚀

Will we get a Christmas rally or we saving those fireworks for New year's?

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Hedera Hashgraph USD Pris FAQ

Hvad er den højeste pris for Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) i USD?

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) prishistorik viser den højeste værdi på 0,51 USD . Vi registrerede denne pris på 16. september 2021, men vi kan ikke udelukke, at der blev registreret en højere pris før 12. august 2020.

Hvad er den laveste pris for Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) i USD?
Hvordan kan jeg købe Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)?
Hvad er den aktuelle pris på Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) i USD?
Er Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) en god investering?