63.049 €
The Coinbest I Crypto Strategy will become the reference point for the most conservative crypto market investors. We will build our portfolio with the highest liquidity and lowest volatility, making us the "safe haven Crypto Strategy." The Crypto Strategy applies a value investing philosophy: undervalued cryptocurrencies with strong fundamentals, with sustainable competitive advantages over time, led by quality management teams, and with an intrinsic value not reflected in their market capitalization. The Crypto Strategy aims to take advantage of short-term market irrationality, using volatility as an opportunity, with the conviction that in the long term the market will recognize the value of the underlying cryptocurrencies.
Coinbest I is an Expert-driven Crypto Strategy strongly linked to the high-conviction approach of its Experts. The Coinbest I Crypto Strategy will follow a conservative strategy, with a high percentage of our portfolio invested in the most liquid and highest capitalization cryptocurrencies. Regular rebalancing will be performed monthly, and additional rebalancing will be triggered if the sum of BTC and ETH (prevailing "blue chips") falls from 50% weight.
The invested amount of a particular asset should not exceed its daily trade volume, avoiding the volatility derived from low liquidity. The maximum number of included assets in the Crypto Strategy is fifteen, because we consider it necessary for the Crypto Strategy to be constantly monitored by our analysts. Cryptocurrencies will be added based only on fundamental analysis and long-term potential.