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ARB til GBP Pris

0,5975 £

Arbitrum Markedsværdi

2,52B £

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ARB GBP prisdiagram / præstation

ARB GBP prisdiagram / præstation

Tidligere resultater er ikke en indikation af fremtidige resultater. Udsving i GBP (£) -valutaen kan få afkastet til at gå op eller ned. De viste afkast er før gebyrer. Se oplysninger om gebyrer og aktivdata for flere detaljer.



Afkast (24t)
-7,26 %
Afkast (7D)
-22,90 %
Afkast (1M)
-5,42 %
Afkast (1å)
-43,24 %

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0,00 £
0,00 %
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0,00 £
0,00 %

Arbitrum(ARB) Oversigt

Arbitrum(ARB) Oversigt

Beskrivelse for Arbitrum er stadig under udarbejdelse ...

Sådan køber du Arbitrum eller tilføjer det til din Strategi

Den hurtigste og mest bekvemme måde at købe Arbitrum på er at købe den på ICONOMI. Vi tjekker Arbitrum live-priser på 10+ kryptobørser og køber den til den bedste markedspris.

Du kan købe Arbitrum ved at føje den til din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruge vores tilbagevendende køb-funktion, der har en tendens til at udjævne effekten af kryptovalutaprisudsving. Du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du drager fordel af mindre investeringer med jævne mellemrum i vores blogartikel.

Vi anbefaler, at du laver din egen research og analyse af kryptovaluta. Erfarne kryptotradere bruger fundamental og teknisk analyse til at vurdere, om Arbitrum er et godt køb/salg. Fundamentale og tekniske analyser er de to mest almindelige analysetyper, der bruges i handel med traditionelle aktiver (f.eks. aktier og obligationer).

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Blockchain Index
4 nov., 2024

On Friday, we also posted our monthly rebalance. $BTC and $ETH were returned to 40% and 30% respectively. $IMX and $INJ fell out of our parameters and were removed. $ARB and $FIL have been added in their place.

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Blockchain Index
1 okt., 2024

With that, we also submitted the monthly rebalance of BLX as per our parameters. 

We added Aave ($AAVE) with a weight of 0.28%, Immutable ($IMX) with a weight of 0.32%, and Injective Protocol ($INJ) with a weight of 0.27%. Filecoin ($FIL), Cronos ($CRO), Hedera Hashgraph ($HBAR), Maker ($MKR), Cosmos ($ATOM), and Arbitrum ($ARB) have fallen out of our parameters and have been removed from the structure. 

Among existing assets, $BTC and $ETH have been rebalanced to 40% and 30%, respectively. The biggest other change was reducing the weight of Solana ($SOL) by 1.24%.

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23 jul., 2024

Obetavne napovedi 🚀

V pričakovanju volitev v ZDA in veliki verjetnosti za zmago podpornika bitcoina, se za risk-on naložbe (kriptovalute) pričakuje zelena jesen. ✅


Pojavila so se ugibanja, da bo Trump na konferenci ta teden naznanil uvedbo strateških rezerv države v Bitcoinu ob njegovem predsedovanju. 

Optimizem v kripto svetu spodbujajo zapleti v demokratskem taboru. Biden je v nedeljo izstopil iz tekme za naslednji predsedniški stolček, pričakuje se da ga bo v kandidaturi zamenjala Kamala Harris.


  • Fear& greed index se vse bolj nagiba na ponovni pohlep vlagateljev  64/100 točk 📈📈
  • Prihajajoča Altcoin sezona (alti outperformajo Bitcoin🚀)

Prejšnji teden so spot BTC ETFs doživeli pritok v vrednosti $1,2 milijard💰💰 kar je dobra popotnica tudi za jutrišnje lansiranje ETH ETF skladov. 

Blackrock in druščina so objavili podrobnosti o prihajajočih ETH ETF skladih. Večina bo v začetni fazi imela ničelno provizijo, med njimi pa ne bo ravno Blackrocka, ki bo že v začetku uvedel provizijo.

Skrbi vzbujajo visoke provizije prihajajočega Grayscale sklada, kar se lahko ob prenizkem povpraševanju odrazi v obliki odlivov, kot pri Bitcoin ETF skladu v začetku leta.  

Ob prihajajoči altcoin sezoni in potencialnem uspešnem začetku trgovanja z spot ETH skladi se nadejamo visokih rasti. Zato smo v strategiji povečali utež $ETH in sorazmerno zmanjšali utež $BTC. V strategijo smo dodali Arbitrum $ARB kot L2 rešitev na Ethereumu ter tokenizirano zlato $PAXG, ki imata velik potencial za rast.

#ToTheMoon 🌔

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Blockchain Index
19 jul., 2024

Mt. Gox Funds Distribution

The Mt. Gox trustee recently moved significant amounts of $BTC and $BCH, leading to a slightly bearish market reaction. Kraken, one of the five exchanges selected to receive Mt. Gox funds, has confirmed receipt of these funds. Payouts to creditors' accounts are expected within 7 to 14 days. This distribution marks the end of a long wait for Mt. Gox creditors, who have endured over ten years to reclaim their funds. The distribution could influence market dynamics, potentially increasing liquidity but also adding selling pressure. The impact of these distributions will be closely watched by market participants.

Arbitrum's Undervalued Potential

Arbitrum's token $ARB has dropped 68% from its all-time high despite significant ecosystem growth. Arbitrum has become a major player in the blockchain industry, particularly in decentralised exchanges (DEXs), where it ranks third in volume. With over 665 DeFi dApps and 966,000 active addresses, Arbitrum's ecosystem is robust. Despite its achievements, ARB might be undervalued compared to other networks. Market analysts believe that if Arbitrum maintains its key support levels, it could see substantial gains. Investors view Arbitrum as a potentially lucrative investment given its strong fundamentals and market position.

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10 jun., 2024

I conducted another study using a different method to reduce potential dilution risks and extract information directly from the market.

I took a larger sample of 200 assets based on market size, excluding stablecoins, from CoinMarketCap.

I calculated the ratio of Fully Diluted Market Cap / Market Cap.

Then, I calculated the average of this ratio.

I found that more than 75% of the assets had a ratio lower than the average, which was 1.92.

This means any asset with a Fully Diluted Market Cap to Market Cap ratio higher than 1.92 could be considered as having potential dilution risks.

You should review it better.

There are a lot of outliers



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Arbitrum GBP Price FAQ

Hvad er den højeste pris for Arbitrum i GBP?

Arbitrum pris Storbritanniens historie viser den højeste værdi af 1,77 GBP . Vi registrerede denne pris på 12. januar 2024, men vi kan ikke udelukke, at der blev registreret en højere pris før 5. april 2023.

Hvad er den laveste pris for Arbitrum i GBP?
Hvordan kan jeg købe Arbitrum i Storbritannien?
Hvad er den aktuelle Arbitrum-pris i Storbritannien i GBP?
Er Arbitrum en god investering?