I expect for more push up for $FET, $RSR, $OGN and $ALPHA from my strategy!
My strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN
Alpha Finance Lab
0,088252 €
79,07M €
Den hurtigste og mest bekvemme måde at købe Alpha Finance Lab på er at købe den på ICONOMI. Vi tjekker Alpha Finance Lab live-priser på 10+ kryptobørser og køber den til den bedste markedspris.
Du kan købe Alpha Finance Lab ved at føje den til din private Kryptostrategi (kryptoportefølje). Du kan også bruge vores tilbagevendende køb-funktion, der har en tendens til at udjævne effekten af kryptovalutaprisudsving. Du kan finde ud af mere om, hvordan du drager fordel af mindre investeringer med jævne mellemrum i vores blogartikel.
Vi anbefaler, at du laver din egen research og analyse af kryptovaluta. Erfarne kryptotradere bruger fundamental og teknisk analyse til at vurdere, om Alpha Finance Lab er et godt køb/salg. Fundamentale og tekniske analyser er de to mest almindelige analysetyper, der bruges i handel med traditionelle aktiver (f.eks. aktier og obligationer).
Hvis du ikke er bekendt med at analysere kryptovalutapriser og ønsker at købe Alpha Finance Lab, anbefaler vi, at du læser næste afsnit, da kopiering kan være en bedre tilgang.
Hvis du ikke er dygtig til disse, kan du overveje en anden tilgang til at investere i kryptovalutaer. Du kan lære af og kopiere erfarne kryptohandlere på ICONOMI, som regelmæssigt deler deres indsigt og administrerer deres offentlige Kryptostrategier. Gå til strategisiden og brug filteret "ticker" til at finde ud af, hvilke offentlige Kryptostrategier der har Alpha Finance Lab i deres struktur.
Her kan du læse og kommentere på alle opslag fra strateger om Alpha Finance Lab ALPHA. Se alle Alpha Finance Lab prisforudsigelser i realtid, og få mest muligt ud af deres kryptoviden.
I expect for more push up for $FET, $RSR, $OGN and $ALPHA from my strategy!
My strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN
AltcoinWave AI is a cutting-edge quantitative trading system designed to outperform Bitcoin by managing a curated portfolio of promising altcoins. The system strategically navigates the crypto money cycle using proprietary AI technology to maximize returns.
Precision of a hedge fund
AltcoinWave AI utilizes custom-built AI developed in-house, drawing on years of expertise to analyze market sentiment and key macro factors. This enables effective market timing, allowing the system to capture over 75% of bull market gains while avoiding 50% of bear market losses. As a result, AltcoinWave AI outperforms traditional buy-and-hold approaches by up to four times.
Investing in top-performing Altcoins
During bullish market cycles, AltcoinWave AI invests directly in altcoins with solid momentum, aiming for higher returns than Bitcoin. The system starts with Bitcoin and shifts towards altcoins as market conditions evolve.
Built-in risk management
AltcoinWave AI incorporates robust risk management strategies, applying internal stop-loss mechanisms and rebalancing the portfolio weekly to maximize returns while controlling risk. In adverse market conditions, the system moves to USDT for capital preservation.
Why choose this strategy?
AltcoinWave AI has been rigorously tested for performance and reliability, making it a strong option for those seeking high-potential investments with integrated risk controls. The system's developers personally invested in it, so users can trust in the strategy's design and return potential.
Assets Traded in past bull runs
Learn more at sygnal.ai or follow us on Telegram!
I know that I made it before but let's make an update of the potential earning of my strategy.
As I said, the minimum what I expect is to hit the 0.618 FIB and go to 0.786 FIB where I will take a part of profit.
so, let's say to look at the potential earning if hit 0.618-0.786 FIB:
So, if you think that my strategy deserve a try, you are welcome to join me!
My strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN
Rebalans naše strategije ⚖️
Pravkar smo zaključili rebalans portfelja Iconomi Titanium Skyhigh. Ta strateška prilagoditev je vključevala zmanjšanje alokacij nekaterih tokenov in povečanje alokacij drugih.
Po strateškem pregledu so bili iz portfelja odstranjeni naslednji tokeni: Siacoin ($SC), Filecoin ($FIL), Alpha Finance ($ALPHA), Reef ($REEF), NEM ($XEM), Sushi Swap ($SUSHI), Band ($BAND) in Balancer ($BAL). Ta sprememba daje prednost inovativnim projektom z močnimi razvojnimi načrti in se osredotoča na nastajajoča področja na področju kriptovalut.
Pri Jasmy ($JASMY) smo ohranili trdno prepričanje o potencialu tokena Jasmy (JASMY), zato alokacija ostaja 12,04-odstotna. Strateško smo dodali token Thorchain ($RUNE) zaradi inovativnih rešitev DeFi in družbo Ocean Protocol ($OCEAN) zaradi vloge v podatkovnem gospodarstvu in posledic umetne inteligence. S tem smo povečali razpršenost in se pripravili na prihodnjo rast. $OCEAN in $RUNE ter ostalih 10 preostalih tokenov imajo zdaj vsak po 7,33-odstotno alokacijo v portfelju.
Z enakomernejšo porazdelitvijo teže portfelja želimo zmanjšati koncentracijo tveganja, s čimer želimo ublažiti vpliv uspešnosti posameznega žetona na celoten portfelj.
I added the last asset on my strategy: $REN! On this #altseason I bet on the next coins: $BAL, $BAND, $1INCH, $RSR, $REEF, $COTI, $FIL, $GALA, $ALPHA, and $OGN. As I said already, for these I expect a win between 7x and 20x if they will reach at least 0.618 #fibbo! If they will reach more than that then I will consider a bonus. My strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN