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Alpha Finance Lab



0,032274 GBP

Alpha Finance Lab Пазарна капитализация

29,76M GBP

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Alpha Finance Lab (ALPHA) Преглед

Alpha Finance Lab (ALPHA) Преглед

Alpha Venture DAO е общност за разработване на децентрализирани приложения (dApps) в Web3. ALPHA токенът е входът към системата, като действа като пълномощник за Web3 иновации. Притежателите на ALPHA токени стават членове на Alpha Venture DAO, като получават повече възможности от това просто да получават печалби от залагане или купуване на токени. Те могат да допринасят и да притежават Web3 иновации, които се изграждат и инкубират от Alpha Venture DAO. Залагането на монетата ALPHA улавя стойността от протоколните такси и инкубираните проекти. Притежателите също така получават права за управление на проектите, които притежават, и могат да допринасят и да гласуват за управлението на DAO Alpha Venture. Използването на продукти, създадени от Alpha Venture DAO, отключва ексклузивни функции и допълнителни награди за притежателите на ALPHA.

Как Да Купите Alpha Finance Lab или Да го Добавите към Cтратегията си

Най-бързият и удобен начин да закупите Alpha Finance Lab е да го закупите от ICONOMI. Проверяваме цените на Alpha Finance Lab живо на 10+ крипто борси и го купуваме на най-добрата пазарна цена.

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Препоръчваме ви да направите собствено проучване и анализ на криптовалутите. Опитните криптотърговци използват фундаментален и технически анализ, за да преценят дали Alpha Finance Lab е добра покупка/продажба. Фундаменталният и техническият анализ са двата най-разпространени вида анализ, използвани при традингу с традиционни активи (напр. акции и облигации).

Ако не сте запознати с анализа на цените на криптовалутите и искате да купите Alpha Finance Lab, препоръчваме ви да прочетете следващия раздел, тъй като копирането може да е по-добър подход.

Добавете Alpha Finance Lab към портфолиото си, като копирате Стратегия

Ако не сте опитни в това, помислете за различен подход към инвестирането в криптовалути. Можете да се учите от и да копирате опитни крипто търговци в ICONOMI, които редовно споделят своите прозрения и управляват публичните си Крипто Стратегии. Отидете на страница със стратегии и използвайте филтъра „тикер“, за да разберете кои публични крипто стратегии иматAlpha Finance Lab в тяхната структура.


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Andy Storm
15 фев, 2025

hello again,

I must to give an response regarding my previous post.

So, my exit plan is based on the #fibonacci levels.

Why? Because the math is never wrong, right? 1+1=2 everytime without doubt!!

Between 0.618 and 0.786 fibbo I will make the first exit.

What this mean?

This money will no enter again in the strategy and will stay away prepared for the next cycle. Rotations will be for sure meantime where I will see good opportunities of course. But those levels for fibbo exit will be money secured for the next cycle!

The next levels will be between 1 - 1.618- 2.618 fibbo if the market will arrive there! If not, I will reorganize my plan!

Here's my projects with first exit plan based on each price of coin:


price now: 2.04 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 47.24 - 59.67 $


price now: 0.09 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 0.44-0.55 $


price now: 0.081 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.11-2.67 $


price now 0.0086 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 0.0741-0.9387 $


price now: 3.49 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 148.13 -187.74 $


price now: 0.051 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 1.82 - 2.30 $


price now: 0.137 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.35 - 2.96 $


price now: 0.126 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.88 - 3.64 $


price now: 0.102 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 3.12-3.94 $


price now: 0.0027 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 0.054 - 0.067 $


price now: 0.132 $

price fibbo 0.618-0786: 2.00-2.52 $

So, I don't give you random numbers/levels for take profit!

If somebody ask me ''why Fibbo?" answer: ''because of pure math''!

NO ONE can defead the math!!

Let's go!!

6 хората харесват това

For this reason I said that the exit will start from fib 0.618. Balancer had all time high aroud 75$. To start the exit from 47$ is very healthy! I don't need all time high or more. Because a good part of profit will be secured till there. Of course I will let a part for "to the moon"! But believe me, you will be very happy if our coins will reach 0.618-0.786 fibbo area.

For example Balancer was already at $42 at February 2021.

I have heard that this alt season will be a lot less than previous alt seasons because there are so many more alt coins 100,000s compared to previously only 1000s. Meaning the money is spread across more alt coins.

You fibs assume the alt season will be like the last ones. I hope so but not sure.

Andy Storm
28 ное, 2024

Hello all,

  1. I wanna share with you a small part of my analyze and why I think my strategy will have a very nice run in this #bullmarket:$ALPHA has a Mcap of only 88 mil $ and a FDV of 98 mil $. very nice space in front for raise
  2. $REN has a Mcap of only 40 mil $ and a FDV same 40 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  3. $MAGIC has a Mcap of only 146 mil $ and a FDV of 184 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  4. $OGN has a Mcap of 86 mil $ and a FDV of 177 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  5. $AUDIO has a Mcap of 219 mil $ with FDV also 219 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  6. $COTI has a Mcap of 244 mil $ and FDV 273 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run


I wait at least 0.618 #fibbo for these to get a very good profit.They will not go straight away to those levels, corrections will occure for sure.
Respect the plan!!You can take a look to my strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN

6 хората харесват това

I response to you already few days ago about some coins how much raise they will make if reach 0.618 fibbo.

What is the 618 fibbo and where are we now?

Post image
Публикувано с помощта на GIPHY
28 ное, 2024


Hello all,

I wanna share with you a small part of my analyze and why I think my strategy will have a very nice run in this #bullmarket:

  1. $ALPHA has a Mcap of only 88 mil $ and a FDV of 98 mil $. very nice space in front for raise
  2. $REN has a Mcap of only 40 mil $ and a FDV same 40 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  3. $MAGIC has a Mcap of only 146 mil $ and a FDV of 184 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  4. $OGN has a Mcap of 86 mil $ and a FDV of 177 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  5. $AUDIO has a Mcap of 219 mil $ with FDV also 219 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run
  6. $COTI has a Mcap of 244 mil $ and FDV 273 mil $. also very nice space in front for a nice run



I wait at least 0.618 #fibbo for these to get a very good profit.

They will not go straight away to those levels, corrections will occure for sure. Respect the plan!!

You can take a look to my strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN

4 хората харесват това
Andy Storm
23 ное, 2024

I expect for more push up for $FET, $RSR, $OGN and $ALPHA from my strategy!

My strategy here: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/CRYPTOALLIEN

5 хората харесват това

@CloudeSonat give trust and respect the plan. the reward will worth it for sure!

and let's take some exemples about the gain when these coins will reach 0.618 fibbo : $LRC will have 10x, $ENJ 11x,$RSR 9x, $OGN 19x, $ALPHA 16x etc. I think will be great to take some profit at these levels, right? @CloudeSonat

AltcoinWave AI
20 сеп, 2024

AltcoinWave AI is a cutting-edge quantitative trading system designed to outperform Bitcoin by managing a curated portfolio of promising altcoins. The system strategically navigates the crypto money cycle using proprietary AI technology to maximize returns. 

Precision of a hedge fund

AltcoinWave AI utilizes custom-built AI developed in-house, drawing on years of expertise to analyze market sentiment and key macro factors. This enables effective market timing, allowing the system to capture over 75% of bull market gains while avoiding 50% of bear market losses. As a result, AltcoinWave AI outperforms traditional buy-and-hold approaches by up to four times.

Investing in top-performing Altcoins

During bullish market cycles, AltcoinWave AI invests directly in altcoins with solid momentum, aiming for higher returns than Bitcoin. The system starts with Bitcoin and shifts towards altcoins as market conditions evolve.

Built-in risk management

AltcoinWave AI incorporates robust risk management strategies, applying internal stop-loss mechanisms and rebalancing the portfolio weekly to maximize returns while controlling risk. In adverse market conditions, the system moves to USDT for capital preservation.

Why choose this strategy?

AltcoinWave AI has been rigorously tested for performance and reliability, making it a strong option for those seeking high-potential investments with integrated risk controls. The system's developers personally invested in it, so users can trust in the strategy's design and return potential.

Assets Traded in past bull runs


Learn more at sygnal.ai or follow us on Telegram!

2 хората харесват това

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Alpha Finance Lab GBP Често задавани въпроси за цената

Каква е Най-високата Цена на Alpha Finance Lab в GBP?

Alpha Finance Lab историята на цените в Обединеното кралство показва най-високата стойност на 1,90 GBP . Регистрирахме тази цена на 6 февруари 2021 г., но не можем да изключим, че преди 3 февруари 2021 г. е регистрирана по-висока цена.

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Как мога да купя Alpha Finance Lab в Обединеното кралство?
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