Nu investi decât dacă ești pregătit să pierzi toți banii pe care îi investești. Criptomonedele sunt o investiție cu risc ridicat care poate fi foarte volatilă și nu trebui să te aștepți să fii protejat dacă ceva nu merge bine. Ia-ți 2 minute pentru a afla mai multe.

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WistCap Flagship Long

Active Copiind Strategia

110.953 EUR

Nr. de copiatori


WistCap Flagship LongPerformanța Strategiei

WistCap Flagship LongPerformanța Strategiei

Performanțele trecute nu sunt un indicator al rezultatelor viitoare. Fluctuațiile monedei EUR (€) pot determina creșterea sau scăderea randamentelor. Randamentele afișate sunt înainte de comisioane.Consultă divulgarea comisioanelor și a datelor privind Strategia pentru mai multe detalii.

Un cuvânt din partea Strategului

Un cuvânt din partea Strategului

Despre această Strategie

Despre această Strategie

Strategia "Flagship" este o strategie concentrată, având în centru Bitcoin. Scopul este de a crește participația fondului în bitcoin pe termen mediu și lung, prin tranzacționarea cu monede și token-uri mai mici. Procesul nostru de selecție se bazează pe o analiză ascendentă, completată de ajutoare de sincronizare, dintre care puterea relativă este un element cheie. Investitorii ar trebui să se aștepte ca bitcoin să reprezinte între 70-100% din strategie.


Randament Anualizat
+102,08 %
Tragere max.
-36,70 %
-0,85 %
+3,46 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Vezi Structură

Modificări de structură

Modificări de structură

Ultima modificare a structurii
30 dec. 2024, 13:05:49
Numărul modificărilor de structură din ultimele 30 de zile


The Bond Market Says Tread Very Cautiously - CHAINLETTER 48

The long term story for Bitcoin gets stronger by the day, but the short term could be very choppy. Moves in the bond markets in particular spell trouble, and markets don’t like uncertainty, particularly at the most risky end of the asset spectrum.

🪙 Technical: Early year round-trip, gold gives a bullish lead

🔗 On-Chain: Transactions find a floor, a look at MVRV as a timing tool

😬 Macro: Bond market jitters, tread cautiously

⚡ Cryptoverse: Lightspark and the journey to mass usage of the Bitcoin Network

Read the full story here:

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2 persoane apreciază asta

Happy 2025 everyone. We are very excited about the year ahead, although it could remain quiet for the next couple of months. The long term picture for $BTC seems to get better and better.

CHAINLETTER 47 - "Bitcoin’s Evolution In 2025 And Beyond" is just out.

Key points of discussion:

  • 💭Ethos   Similarities between the growth of bitcoin and religion
  • 📈Technical  Peak to peak update, new trading range, ETF flows as a contrary indicator
  • ⛓️On-Chain  Weak activity, small holders trade but large holders hold
  • 🌏Macro   Hangover period, currency devaluation vs gold as a China solution?


Hold on tight, take it easy and enjoy the ride. And if you have a moment, please take a look at one of our strategies.



3 persoane apreciază asta

Hi and thanks for your questions. Yes you understand the 2 strategies correctly. The idea is to stay invested rather than time the market.

Bitcoin In A New World Order - CHAINLETTER 46


This week we discuss global polarisation, and bitcoin's future role as the financial system is forced to adjust.

This is one of the most important pieces we have produced for those wanting to understand BTC's long term outlook.

Technical Healthy corrections, BTC relative to the NASDAQ reaches all time high

On-Chain Fair value catches up, medium term holders continue to take profit

Macro The collapse of the global financial non-system, and how if might be replaced. Mounting problems in China

Cryptoverse Quantum computing update as Google announces Willow

Ethos State in retreat as Individuals demand their freedom back

2025 is going to be a transformational year. The macro will undoubtedly throw in some difficult moments, but bitcoin will continue to prove itself.

Have a great Christmas, everyone, and thank you for your amazing support.


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3 persoane apreciază asta

Volatility Is A Bitcoin Investor’s Friend - CHAINLETTER 45

Price volatility has always been a stick with which to beat bitcoin $BTC . But is it a useful tool for understanding either its risk or its value?

We argue that for those who take the time to understand bitcoin, volatility is simply the cost of compounding.

All this and more in the latest edition of CHAINLETTER.

Loving this market...

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2 persoane apreciază asta

"Have I Missed It (3)?" is the title of our latest newsletter. Again we look at the state of the $BTC market and evaluate whether there is more to play for. 📈 Technical High level consolidation, beating the S&P, cycle update, will BTC dominance continue to rise? ⛓️On-Chain Network activity boost, hash power soars, valuation update 🌎 Macro The Institutional Cycle, how big is this? UK inflation and Rachel Reeves Photo taken in Istanbul, capital of a country which knows all about currency devaluation...

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