Nu investi decât dacă ești pregătit să pierzi toți banii pe care îi investești. Criptomonedele sunt o investiție cu risc ridicat care poate fi foarte volatilă și nu trebui să te aștepți să fii protejat dacă ceva nu merge bine. Ia-ți 2 minute pentru a afla mai multe.

Înapoi la Strategii
Etichetă 'Risc/Recompensă'Etichetă 'Piele în joc'



Active Copiind Strategia

5.137 EUR

Nr. de copiatori


GoldenFibsPerformanța Strategiei

GoldenFibsPerformanța Strategiei

Performanțele trecute nu sunt un indicator al rezultatelor viitoare. Fluctuațiile monedei EUR (€) pot determina creșterea sau scăderea randamentelor. Randamentele afișate sunt înainte de comisioane.Consultă divulgarea comisioanelor și a datelor privind Strategia pentru mai multe detalii.

Despre această Strategie

Despre această Strategie

Abordarea Fibonacci și momentum a piețelor.


Randament Anualizat
-2,71 %
Tragere max.
-49,91 %
-14,44 %
+5,29 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
Tether5,00 %
Vezi Structură

Modificări de structură

Modificări de structură

Ultima modificare a structurii
2 iul. 2024, 01:15:16
Numărul modificărilor de structură din ultimele 30 de zile


12 mai, 2024

Welcome to GoldenFibs.

This fund uses Fibonacci and momentum approaches to gauge levels of risk and opportunities.

We remain in the market as it can pump anytime with all the added institutional activity. This is not the time to be scared. Things happen fast and we are in this for the long run.

We hope some of you enjoy the ride with us.

Do not expect daily updates as a given because we do not flip our approach daily.

Do know however that we monitor the markets each day and inform you here of our outlook when we feel a significant level lost/reached or a move has been made.

May your timelines and expectations be lengthy and may your patience be strong. Your candles be daily and weekly rather than 5mins.

See you soon.

6 iul., 2024


2 iul., 2024

Imagine...a possible SEC Chair in a Trump administration…

Dan Gallagher, Chief Legal Officer at Robinhood.

Former SEC Commissioner.

Soundsike a joke but number go up and Memes fly.

2 persoane apreciază asta
2 iul., 2024


2 persoane apreciază asta
1 iul., 2024

You could think of crypto like when you get on the bus or you're at work...there are always idiots being loud and aggressive or showing off, but those odd times you overheard a nice or interesting chat or even struck up an amazing conversation with the quiet-looking ones on that journey are the ones that stick with you.

It's your job to filter, not the bus company and not always your place of work.

Same with crypto.

Inflows, outflows, whales, unlocks, elliot waves, fibs, fair value gaps, you will get overwhelmed. Filter and focus on where you are going. . Iconomi is restrictive in a good way, there's no shorting, which means most funds sound like geniuses in a bull market as all go up together.

The only way to look like one after all is said and done is in when selling. And staying out.

That will especially be the time to filter best

4 persoane apreciază asta