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Happy Life

Active Copiind Strategia

6.434 EUR

Nr. de copiatori


Happy LifePerformanța Strategiei

Happy LifePerformanța Strategiei

Performanțele trecute nu sunt un indicator al rezultatelor viitoare. Fluctuațiile monedei EUR (€) pot determina creșterea sau scăderea randamentelor. Randamentele afișate sunt înainte de comisioane.Consultă divulgarea comisioanelor și a datelor privind Strategia pentru mai multe detalii.

Despre această Strategie

Despre această Strategie

Defi, Blockchains (L2: s) și jocuri


Randament Anualizat
+41,23 %
Tragere max.
-67,38 %
-2,00 %
+2,80 %



Bitcoin5,00 %
Ripple5,00 %
Ethereum5,00 %
USD Coin5,00 %
Vezi Structură

Modificări de structură

Modificări de structură

Ultima modificare a structurii
4 dec. 2024, 10:49:14
Numărul modificărilor de structură din ultimele 30 de zile


Happy Life
16 mar., 2024

Went into stables before this Nuke. Preserving capital is the most important thing in Investing.

Will shift back into BTC + majors as soon as the dust settles. This bull run has just started 😍

2 persoane apreciază asta
Happy Life
25 apr., 2023

Oh well, bear market clearly not over. I suspect more choppiness and traps and will stay in stables until more clarity.

5 persoane apreciază asta

Hey, thanks for your work ! what are your views and plan for the future of this strategy and the current market conditions ?

Happy Life
18 apr., 2023

$BTC consolidating and ALTS gaining strength is a new shift. Previously when BTC lost steam ALTS went down hard. I'm not saying it but we could have entered some kind of alt season. I've changed accordingly and added $MANA $SAND (for GameFi exposure) $DYDX $CVX (for DeFi exposure) and $AVAX (been a laggard up til now but should catch up).

Ready to shift back to either full $BTC (or worst case stables) if my bet turns out to be wrong.

Also welcome to all new copiers! 😘

7 persoane apreciază asta
Happy Life
6 mar., 2023

BTC range bound, could go up short-term but expecting more downside action so all in USDC for a while

4 persoane apreciază asta
Happy Life
15 feb., 2023

Fund back in alts, feels like sentiment slowly changing into bullish mode. $UMA has been a laggard but I think it will move soon. Lots of upcoming news. $FET for exposure to the AI narrative (has only started imo).

Prepared to go into stables if sudden macro changes. 👍

3 persoane apreciază asta