Não invistas se não estiveres preparado para perder todo o dinheiro investido. As criptomoedas são um investimento de alto risco que pode ser muito volátil e não deves esperar estar protegido se algo correr mal. Toma 2 minutos para saber mais.

Etiqueta 'Melhor a longo prazo'

sLOVEnia Crypto Strategy

Ativos a copiar a Estratégia

€ 127.159

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sLOVEnia Crypto Strategy Desempenho de Estratégia

sLOVEnia Crypto Strategy Desempenho de Estratégia

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Sobre esta Estratégia

Sobre esta Estratégia

🚀 Embarque em uma jornada lucrativa no universo criptográfico! 🚀Antecipar Movimentos: Identificar e investir em criptos antes que eles se tornem mainstream.Mitigar Riscos: Diversifique seu portfólio investindo em várias narrativas fortes.Ganhos a longo prazo: Beneficie-se do crescimento sustentado de criptos apoiado por fundamentos sólidos e histórias fortes.🔥 Principais características de nossa estratégia: 🔥Análise aprofundada: Nós mergulhamos profundamente nos fatores socioeconômicos que impulsionam as narrativas criptográficas.Junte-se a nós!


Retorn Anualizado
Drawdown máx.
-81,99 %
+9,51 %
+4,23 %



USD Coin5,00%
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Mudanças de estrutura

Última mudança de estrutura
27 de fev. de 2025 20:33:07
Número de mudanças de estrutura nos últimos 30 dias


Will we finally see a breakout to the upside?

it seems things are moving in the right direction. ETF inflows are increasing, the US election is getting closer, which has always been a good sign for crypto in the past.

At the moment, I do not intend to make major changes in the strategy, as I believe that we are well positioned.

- thorchain ecosystem is growing and developing nicely

- injective holds up perfectly

- unfortunately, fraxs shares has not yet achieved real results, but I expect ETH to outperform in the bull

I still adhere to the rule that patience is what brings the best results in the long run.

Be patient YesPeace

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I’m not sure how to talk about patience in this situation. For example, I started following this strategy in March 2024 and kept them, but now I’m down 69.60% from my initial amount—a massive loss. Are you taking any action on this, or is the money completely gone? To recover from this loss, I’d need a 300% increase from you just to break even… It’s really disappointing.

I am not ditching Rune because it will survive this they are preparing plan how to solve all of this... Thorchain is still great product, making a lot of revenue. Problem is savers and lending.

Why are you not ditching Rune?

I am not into meme, but sometimes you need to listen the market. Meme narative is really strong and currently it is ok to have few % of your portfolio in meme... But with meme we need to be really careful. In long-term I don't see any potential in it. But in short-term they can give massive gains. Today I added some Pepe, this will be short-therm move. (It is down more than 10% in last 24 Hours). Still plan stays the same, keep in portfolio mostly projects that has great potential to succeed in long-term. We just need to be patient!.

Exponential growth is coming...


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Now that Rune lending has reopened there Is a lot of interest in it. All loans have 0% interest, no liquidations, and no expiration.

We saw similar mechanism at Luna, but this at Thorchain is much more complex and in my opinion much safer that things won't go wrong.

Opening new loans creates a deflationary effect on the $RUNE asset, whereas closing loans creates an inflationary effect on $RUNE.If the value of $RUNE relative to $BTC is the same when the loan is opened and closed, there is no net inflationary effect on $RUNE (same amount burned as minted minus the swap fee). However, if the value of the collateral asset increases relative to $RUNE between the time the loan is opened and closed, there will be net inflation of $RUNE supply.

I see huge potential in Thorchain so we will keep big % of rune in our strategy!


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Have faith man, I joined this strategy a few months ago I have +50%

OK I understand... Open it changed soon

Investing is not an one day process... You need to be patient! That is the key to get good results.

In the past week INJECTIVE made a lot of gains so I am rebalancing INJ back to TIA, that didn't made any gains in the past 7 days. (-6%).

Crypto market is in great position. Deposits in ETF are huge and in my opinion all BTC in ETF are in hands of long-term holders! Also BTC halving is getting closer and closer, that is very important event for BTC and whole crypto space! Inflation of BTC will be cut in half!


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#Bitcoin today hit $50000 first time since 2021🚀📈

Post image
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