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Ativos a copiar a Estratégia

€ 329.150

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Metastrategy Desempenho de Estratégia

Metastrategy Desempenho de Estratégia

O desempenho passado não é indicativo de resultados futuros. As flutuações da moeda EUR (€) podem fazer com que os retornos aumentem ou diminuam. Os retornos apresentados são antes das taxas. Vê a divulgação de taxas e dados de Estratégiapara mais detalhes.

Sobre esta Estratégia

Sobre esta Estratégia

A meta-estratégia é uma estratégia automatizada com reequilíbrio semanal que é sempre uma mistura inteligente das estratégias actuais com melhor desempenho no ICONOMI.


Retorn Anualizado
Drawdown máx.
-74,38 %
-8,15 %
+6,95 %



USD Coin5,00%
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Última mudança de estrutura
2 de mar. de 2025 01:06:52
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9 mai., 2023

Metastrategy is an automated strategy with daily rebalancing that is always an intelligent mix of the current top performing strategies. It acts like a dynamic index fund of the best ICONOMI strategies.

Metastrategy is currently the #11 most copied strategy on ICONOMI (by value). Of the 10 larger strategies, Metastrategy is outperforming 6 of them over the 1-year timeframe: Diversitas, CARUS-AR, Crush Crypto Core, Proton, Inc Growth and LongTerm Fundamentals.

Read more at https://stephenreid.net/metastrategy

Join the Telegram group at https://t.me/joinchat/CEMqfHYfnkAyY2U0

6 pessoas gostam disto

congratulations, haven't looked at this for ages, today is the first time in a while I see a green% next to my £10 investment! HOOOORRRRAAAAYYYY!

25 mar., 2023

Metastrategy is an automated strategy with daily rebalancing that is always an intelligent mix of the current top performing strategies. It acts like a dynamic index fund of the best ICONOMI strategies.

Metastrategy is currently the #12 most copied strategy on ICONOMI (by value). Of the 11 larger strategies, Metastrategy is outperforming 6 of them over the 1-year timeframe: Diversitas, Crush Crypto Core, CARUS-AR, Inc Growth, Jump Start and LongTerm Fundamentals.

Read more at https://stephenreid.net/metastrategy

Join the Telegram group at https://t.me/joinchat/CEMqfHYfnkAyY2U0

6 pessoas gostam disto
2 jan., 2023

Metastrategy is a unique automated strategy with daily rebalancing that is always an intelligent mix of the current top performing strategies. It acts like a dynamic index fund of the best ICONOMI strategies.

Metastrategy is currently the #9 most copied strategy on ICONOMI (by value). Of the 8 larger strategies, Metastrategy is outperforming all 8 of them over the 1-year timeframe: Blockchain Index, Diversitas, CARUS-AR, Crush Crypto Core, Proton, Inc Growth, Mountains and Valleys and Low Fees Top Fundamentals. If you're already copying these strategies, you're probably better off switching to Metastrategy.

Read more at https://stephenreid.net/metastrategy

Join the Telegram group at https://t.me/joinchat/CEMqfHYfnkAyY2U0

5 pessoas gostam disto

okay! thanks for sharing 👍

The number of included assets varies and was set to 1 = USDC upon concerns about DCG/Genesis. The market then moved up. The strategy will feature more assets again when there's a correction. Such caution is what led to Metastrategy being one of the top performers across the FTX implosion, patience recommended.

How can this strategy be 100% in stables?

8 nov., 2022

Top performer of the largest 20 strategies by ACS in the last 24h, and the only strategy of the largest 20 to have a positive return over the last 3 months... https://stephenreid.net/metastrategy

5 pessoas gostam disto

What's the plan now that $USDC depegged??? We cannot even withdraw....why @ICONOMI???

Just to confirm, "a major leg down this week" was the collapse of the FTX exchange? Which led to a safety lock into USDC. And now that's complete, we're switching back to the algo as of today?

3 set., 2022

Metastrategy is a unique automated strategy with daily rebalancing that is always an intelligent mix of the current top performing strategies. It acts like a dynamic index fund of the best ICONOMI strategies.

At the 1Y time frame, Metastrategy ranks in the top 15% of all strategies, and it is currently outperforming the majority of strategies across all timeframes.

Metastrategy is the #14 most copied strategy on ICONOMI (by value). Of the 13 larger strategies, Metastrategy is outperforming 9 of them: Blockchain Index, Diversitas, CARUS-AR, Crush Crypto Core, Proton, Mountains and Valleys, Inc Growth, WMX Crypto and LongTerm Fundamentals. If you're already copying these strategies, you're probably better off switching to Metastrategy.

Read more at https://stephenreid.net/metastrategy

Join the Telegram group at https://t.me/joinchat/CEMqfHYfnkAyY2U0

3 pessoas gostam disto

@BonCasin The number of assets in the strategy is currently set to 1 as I'm concerned about a major leg down this week. Normal service will be resumed shortly.

The strategy is currently at 100% USDC. That's a bit odd for an algorithmic "best of" strategy. Is this expected?