Due to the market loss in the last 2 days our stop loss has been actitvated. We'll go back to the market with a closer stop loss level.
50 018 €
Sustainable Crypto Selection to zdywersyfikowana strategia kryptograficzna, która składa się z krypto-aktywów reprezentujących różne obszary gospodarki opartej na blockchain.
Due to the market loss in the last 2 days our stop loss has been actitvated. We'll go back to the market with a closer stop loss level.
New strategie is in place due to the new level of BTC, XRP and the new President...🚀
We are back on the 70'000 level with Bitcoin. Is this the start for a new record? We are still high balanced in Bitcoin next to our other selection.
If you like also to invest in hot-coins, follow us with our Global Blockchain AG agressive strategy.
due to the USDC uncertainty over the weekend, our USDC stop loss has been activated and we've swichted from USDC to Tether.
🚀After positive signals from the market, we are going back and invest gradually in our crypto selection. We are monitoring the market trend and working with 2 stop loss rules.🚀