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Vedi il valore di THORChain in EUR. Compra THORChain o aggiungilo alla tua Cripto-strategia.



RUNE a EUR Valore

1,30 €

THORChain Capitalizzazione di mercato

458,25M €

Vedi tutte le opzioni di acquisto/vendita

Grafico RUNE in EUR

Grafico RUNE in EUR

Le performance passate non sono indicative dei risultati futuri. Le fluttuazioni della valuta EUR (€) possono far salire o scendere i rendimenti. I rendimenti indicati sono al lordo delle commissioni.Consulta la divulgazione delle commissioni e dei dati sui beni per maggiori dettagli.



Rendimento (24H)
Rendimento (7G)
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Rendimento (1A)

Il mio investimento

Il mio investimento

Profitto ottenuto
0,00 €
0,00 €
P/L non realizzato
0,00 €

THORChain (RUNE) Sommario

THORChain (RUNE) Sommario

Il protocollo crittografico THORChain consente agli utenti di scambiare beni attraverso le reti blockchain utilizzando la liquidità decentralizzata. Supporta un ecosistema di servizi e prodotti che utilizzano l'infrastruttura cross-chain della rete crittografica THOR. Gli scambi cross-chain sono resi possibili da piattaforme come THORSwap, il primo DEX multichain che utilizza la rete THORChain'come interfaccia front-end. Gli utenti possono selezionare i due asset che vogliono scambiare utilizzando THORSwap, e il protocollo determina automaticamente i costi in base all'attività della rete.

La rete THORChain è alimentata dal gettone THORChain RUNE. Ogni asset nei pool di liquidità della piattaforma ha un token corrispondente chiamato RUNE che lo accompagna. In questo modo, RUNE contribuisce all'utilità e al valore della rete agendo come secondo token che gli utenti depositano nel pool di liquidità per effettuare transazioni. Inoltre, RUNE viene impiegato per proteggere la rete THORChain, raccogliere le commissioni e fungere da base per la governance.

Come comprare THORChain o aggiungerlo alla tua Strategia

Il modo più veloce e conveniente per comprareTHORChain è comprarlo su ICONOMI. Controlliamo il prezzi di THORChain in tempo reale su oltre 10 mercati di criptovalute e compralo al miglior prezzo di mercato.

Si può comprareTHORChain aggiungendolo al tua privata Cripto-Strategia (portafoglio crittografico). Puoi anche usare la nostra funzione di acquisto ricorrente che tende a livellare gli effetti di volatilità dei prezzi delle criptovalute. Puoi scoprire di più su come beneficiare di piccoli investimenti a intervalli regolari sul nostro articolo del blog.

Ti consigliamo di fare le tue ricerche e analisi di criptovaluta. Gli scambi di criptovalute esperti utilizzano l'analisi fondamentale e tecnica per valutare seTHORChain è un buon acquisto/vendita. L'analisi fondamentale e quella tecnica sono i due tipi di analisi più comuni utilizzati nel trading di beni tradizionali (ad esempio azioni e obbligazioni).

Se non hai familiarità con l'analisi dei prezzi delle criptovalute e desideri comprare THORChain , ti consigliamo di leggere la sezione successiva, poiché la copia potrebbe essere un approccio migliore.

Aggiungi THORChain al tuo portafoglio copiando una Strategia

Se non sei esperto in questi, considera un approccio diverso all'investimento in criptovalute. Puoi imparare da e copiare i trader di criptovalute esperti su ICONOMI che condividono regolarmente le loro intuizioni e gestiscono le loro Cripto-strategie pubbliche. Vai alla pagina delle Strategie e usa il filtro "ticker" per scoprire quali Cripto-strategie pubbliche hannoTHORChain nella loro struttura.

Notizie e messaggi

Qui puoi leggere e commentare tutti i post pubblicati dagli Strateghi riguardo THORChain RUNE. Vedi tutte le predizioni del prezzo di THORChain EUR in tempo reale e sfrutta al massimo le loro conoscenze sulle criptovalute.

7 feb, 2025

🚨 Rebalance Alert 🚨

Yesterday, $ONDO announced Ondo Chain—a new Layer 1 blockchain built specifically for institutional-grade RWAs 🤔

Its design advisors now include fresh members of the Ondo Ecosystem, such as Franklin Templeton, Wellington Management, WisdomTree, Google Cloud, ABN Amro, Aon, and McKinsey. The ecosystem already features industry heavyweights like BlackRock, PayPal, and Morgan Stanley👀

Given the strength of this news and the impressive roster backing Ondo Chain, we’ve decided to add $ONDO to our strategy as part of our RWA narrative bet, a sector we believe will be a leading driver in the future🚀

To accommodate this change, we’re removing $RUNE from our structure and slightly reducing our exposure to $NEAR so we can allocate 5% to $ONDO 👌

A 17 persone piace questo
Divine Investing
28 gen, 2025

Post 2/2

We will need huge amounts of liquidity for the alt season to properly start, multiples compared to previous bull runs, and even then it will be important where this liquidity flows. The problem in the end are the investors themselves, because they are impatient and want 100x or even 1000x returns over night instead of trying to grow their portfolios incrementally and that's why at least so far the liquidity has not flowed into major alt coins.

If anyone tells you at this point that they know where the market will go they are either lying on purpose or are overconfident in their truth. We can just try to predict, we cannot know, but in our view we have a few months left for the alt season to play out, before the period of low summer liquidity kicks in. If there will be an alt season we think it either happens in Q1/start of Q2 or towards the end of the year in late Q3/Q4. A lot depends on Jerome Powell’s speeches (one is happening tomorrow) and how traditional markets will react, we do not see a scenario where traditional markets go down and crypto markets go up.

There has been a lot of different talks, from pro-crypto administration in the US to the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, ETF for $ETH staking and so on. The big picture has been the same when we zoom out, the global liquidity is still increasing and will continue to at least for the next few months, after that it is a bit more blurry, because the FED has already started reducing their balance sheet, but liquidity is coming from other sources.

As stated multiple times, we still believe in alt season, that is why we have not rebalanced our portfolio a lot, we still believe in $INJ the most, but only time will tell where we will end up. We will be switching $RUNE to $LDO, because Thorchain’s future is somewhat unclear at this moment and if $ETH staking ETF will happen then $LDO should perform well in theory.

We are keeping track on what is going on in the market on a daily basis, but as stated in the posts from the past, until our thesis changes we will not be making any major changes to the portfolio and are staying hopeful for the potential alt season.

A 7 persone piace questo
Mzansi Crypto
25 gen, 2025


Yesterday we decided to dump $RUNE for $USDT due to the risks it faced because of it's lending services which became insolvent as the price of rune greatly underperformed the assets in the lending service.

This situation created a lot of confusion on social media and led to panic selling, as people feared that we'd see another Terra Luna type of crash. With our mandate being to act swiftly on verifiable threats to protect investor funds, we cut our losses on it which were just over 3% of the total portfolio.

It's worth mentioning that we still greatly believe in the $RUNE protocol which continues to function properly (swaps, LP, deposits & withdrawals) and it continues to be 1 of the most profitable protocols in the Blockchain space. We however understand that token price action is driven by market confidence.

Once (if) the team resolves the debts from the lending services and confidence returns with them giving us a solid way forward within the 90 days they've committed to, we'll likely add it back into our portfolio.

For now, we have just under 3% of capital waiting to be deployed into another project on our next restructuring & rebalancing which should be soon.

Thank you for your continued support, we shall continue to protect this portfolio while harvesting fruitful profits for you. #MzansiCrypto

A 3 persone piace questo

First of all, we are big believers of $RUNE. It is a great project.

Nevertheless we decided to liquidate our position on this bounce.

It lost trust and when we invest in altcoins, we need to pick alts with a strong relative performance.

Projects like $AAVE and $XRP didn't perform very well in the 2021 bull but they are clear outperformers right now.

$RUNE and $INJ were the cryptostars of 2021 but now they look weaker. The same is true for $ETH , but we consider it a long term buy and hold.

We added the proceeds to $BONK, $ETH , $LINK, $INJ and $SOL.

A 3 persone piace questo
24 gen, 2025

🚨 Rebalance Alert 🚨

Yesterday, we slightly reduced our $RUNE exposure amid concerns over its leverage position. Now that the price has dropped by 30%, we’re taking the opportunity to slightly increase our allocation.

The $RUNE protocol is currently among the top five fee-generating protocols in crypto, boasting proven product-market fit and notable integrations (Trust Wallet, Coinbase, etc.). With the leverage issue resolved, we anticipate a likely bounce. Additionally, they’re purchasing $RUNE with collected fees, which could further boost the recovery.

A 13 persone piace questo

🙏much appreciated, thank you!

@Marquito One of the main issues is that there is a lot off confusion on social media suggesting the protocol itself has failed or become insolvent. That’s not the case. The core decentralized cross-chain protocol is fully functional, generates significant fees, and can’t go insolvent.

The issues stem from an add-on feature—savings and lending—which isn’t part of the protocol’s fundamental design. This feature contained a flaw in its structure, and unfortunately, it was exploited, leaving savers and lenders unable to recover funds. The amount involved is under $75 million.

As a result, the team will likely remove or overhaul this feature to make affected users whole, allowing the main protocol to continue doing what it does best: facilitating native, cross-chain swaps.

Could you explain a bit the problems they’re (were?) having? And their consequences/risks? Too me it sounded pretty serious, but i am not an expert at all. Thank you very much!

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Altre Principali Criptovalute

Domande frequenti sul Prezzi del THORChain EUR

Qual è il valore THORChain RUNE più alto in EUR?

THORChain (RUNE) la cronologia dei prezzi mostra il valore più alto di 16,59 EUR. Abbiamo registrato questo prezzo il 19 maggio 2021, ma non possiamo escludere che in precedenza sia stato registrato un prezzo più elevato 19 agosto 2020.

Qual è il valore THORChain RUNE più basso in EUR?
Come posso comprare THORChain (RUNE )?
Qual è il valore THORChain RUNE attuale in EUR?
ÈTHORChain (RUNE) un buon investimento?