Non investite a meno che non siate pronti a perdere tutti i soldi che investite. Le criptovalute sono un investimento ad alto rischio che può essere molto volatile e non dovresti aspettarti di essere protetto se qualcosa va storto. Dedica 2 minuti per saperne di più.

Torna a Strategie

Digital Revolution

Assets Copying Strategy (ACS)

34.647 €

Numero di copiatori


Digital Revolution performance

Digital Revolution performance

Le performance passate non sono indicative dei risultati futuri. Le fluttuazioni della valuta EUR (€) possono far salire o scendere i rendimenti. I rendimenti indicati sono al lordo delle commissioni.Consulta la divulgazione delle commissioni e dei dati sulla Strategia per maggiori dettagli.

Informazioni su questa Strategia

Informazioni su questa Strategia

Puoi pensare a questa strategia più come a un indice delle migliori opzioni. Stiamo facendo rotta sul mercato, sei tu a decidere quando trarne profitto o cambiare nave. Benvenuto a bordo!


Ritorno Annualizzato
Max. Drawdown
-79,53 %
-15,53 %
+3,44 %



Vedi struttura

Modifiche alla struttura

Modifiche alla struttura

Ultima modifica della struttura
22 nov 2024, 10:49:57
Numero di modifiche alla struttura negli ultimi 30 giorni

Notizie e messaggi

Today BTC and ETH together represent 57.35+13.44=70.79% of the total Crypto market. Is it healthy for a market to be dominated only by 2 projects? I asked my AI friend and this is the answer I've got: "📊 The distribution of market capitalization in cryptocurrency can vary and having a dominant coin like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) together holding a large percentage, such as 70%, is not inherently unhealthy. This concentration can reflect the market's confidence in these established cryptocurrencies. However, diversity in the market is essential for innovation and resilience. A healthy crypto market should encourage the growth of various projects, promoting competition and fostering new technologies.". I agree! If you also agree and want to diversify your investment into a wider range of top ALTS, have a look at Digital Revolution structure and come on board. We welcome diversity, environmental friendly and compliant projects that together try to change the world for the better. ⚡

A una persona piace questo

The Digital Revolution like any other historical technical progress doesn't happen overnight. It takes time to build the new more efficient infrastructure and we believe the protocols we have invested in our strategy will help solve real world problems and are aligned with the trends our society is moving towards into the future. You can think of Digital Revolution strategy more like an index of top alts, where the true innovation happens. We are cruising with the market and not interested in changing the structure often or doing rebalancing for short term profits. You are welcome aboard and you decide when to take profit or change ship depending on your destination. Prepare for a long voyage into the new digital world. This can be an adventure of a lifetime! Come aboard! Low fees.

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The Digital Revolution is all about a sustainable and inclusive future for everyone and so all the projects we are invested in here contribute to this common goal on the long term. Come join our strategy and invest in the Web3 protocols that will enable this greener future.

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