Was a good day to go public.
6.156 €
Cercare di utilizzare monete alt ad alto potenziale per ottenere il massimo profitto
Just completed my first month of my new strategy totally funded with my own funds with a 73% profit , hopefully going public soon
Although still private as new , I am still to top for the second week Crytodriver @Arjuss €4,683 +44.48%
StraightUpTrading €111,806 +33.78% OXAAA Triple Alpha Index €88,312 +31.83%
Divine Investing €116,191 +30.09%
GRAZZPT™ Al Index €62,473 +28.75%
Exit Plan €21,004 +27.41%
Launched a new strategy less than a week ago. Looked to see how I was doing today