Non investite a meno che non siate pronti a perdere tutti i soldi che investite. Le criptovalute sono un investimento ad alto rischio che può essere molto volatile e non dovresti aspettarti di essere protetto se qualcosa va storto. Dedica 2 minuti per saperne di più.


Assets Copying Strategy (ACS)

92.027 €

Numero di copiatori


LongTradingStrategy performance

LongTradingStrategy performance

Le performance passate non sono indicative dei risultati futuri. Le fluttuazioni della valuta EUR (€) possono far salire o scendere i rendimenti. I rendimenti indicati sono al lordo delle commissioni.Consulta la divulgazione delle commissioni e dei dati sulla Strategia per maggiori dettagli.

Informazioni su questa Strategia

Informazioni su questa Strategia

Alertă Crypro... Acum este momentul să invesesc în strategia mea, suntem o strategie pe termen lung de cel puțin 10 ani. Acum este momentul să fac DCA în strategia mea. Mulțumesc!


Ritorno Annualizzato
Max. Drawdown
-72,32 %
-7,70 %
+5,47 %



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Modifiche alla struttura

Ultima modifica della struttura
28 feb 2024, 21:45:33
Numero di modifiche alla struttura negli ultimi 30 giorni

Notizie e messaggi

I think now is the right time to copy my strategy, Fetch. AI have reached a local Bottom... Thank you Ich denke, jetzt ist der richtige Zeitpunkt, meine Strategie zu kopieren, Fetch. Sie haben einen lokalen Tiefpunkt erreicht ... Vielen Dank

A 6 persone piace questo

Genau...Risikos gibt's immer,aber wir brauchen patience...ich muss positiv denken

Eine Maß Bier und alles o.k.

Ich bin Gut...Keine Sorge...-20%in Bull Market ist Normal

Let's Go RLC(iExec)Power AI-CONFIDENTIAL, Web3, Depin, DeCC, TEE!

A 2 persone piace questo

#RLC #RLCFUSDT #iExec | #Altcoins ✴️ iExec (RLCUSDT) Full Bull-Market Cycle —1,550% Left ($48 Target)

As promised, here I have the long-term chart for RLCUSDT (iExec) with full bull-market cycle targets.

These are now considered "conservative targets," meaning, the end of the bull-market bull-run phase can end up reaching much higher prices. This is because the market is many times stronger than expected.

When we first started to project new ATH targets for 2025, the SEC and banks were still attacking and causing much pain, harm and suffering to humble and innocent people participating in the Cryptocurrency-space. Now that the tyrants have been utterly defeated, the market is looking great and potential for growth looks much better than what it looked like just a year ago. This is normal.

I used to say, "If Crypto can grow this much with unfavorable regulations, how good can it get when things turn positive?" And this is what we are seeing now. Everything is changing for the better, for us and for the Cryptocurrency-space, and for the world.

All those that were against lost the fight and are starting to adapt. They are realizing that this the internet 2.0, and there is no going back. Crypto is the future of finance, money, technology and the whole world.

It is a new form of money...

➖ RLCUSDT can grow nicely in the coming months. It already grew strong but there is more. The targets can be seen on the chart.

A standard bull-market would push prices toward $30 and $48. If we get the Trump effect long-term, we will see something that the chart cannot reveal, but it will be great.

Prepare for the best possible scenario ever. It is already here, it is happening and it is awesome.

It is great to be in Crypto right now.

Enjoy the profits.

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A 2 persone piace questo

RLC partnerships with Microsoft, Microsoft are investing in Bitcoin.
iExec is a decentralized cloud computing platform that leverages blockchain technology to offer a distributed infrastructure for cloud resources, such as computing power, storage, and applications. It's designed to make it easier for businesses to access cloud computing services in a decentralized, more cost-efficient manner. The platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain and is known for its decentralized cloud marketplace.

As for Microsoft, it has been expanding its presence in blockchain and decentralized technologies, primarily through Azure, its cloud computing platform. Microsoft has partnered with various blockchain-based platforms and projects, including iExec, to provide innovative solutions that blend traditional cloud services with blockchain.

Here are some key points about Microsoft’s involvement with iExec:

1. Azure Blockchain Service: Microsoft’s Azure platform has supported blockchain-based services, and iExec has leveraged Azure to build and enhance its decentralized cloud infrastructure.

2. iExec on Azure: iExec has integrated its cloud computing services on Azure, allowing users to run decentralized applications (dApps) and access cloud resources in a more flexible and distributed way.

3. Collaboration for Cloud Solutions: Microsoft and iExec likely collaborate in areas like cloud computing, smart contracts, and decentralized services, exploring new ways to deliver compute power and data storage through blockchain.

This partnership allows iExec to utilize Microsoft's extensive cloud infrastructure while promoting the decentralized model of cloud computing that iExec advocates.

If you need more detailed insights on their collaboration, let me know!

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A 4 persone piace questo

RLC, to the Moon! AI-CONFIDENTIAL, Depin, Web3, DeCC...partnerships with Nvidia and Intel

A 3 persone piace questo